help[ with meditati...
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help[ with meditation

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hi all ,i have been trying to meditate ,and when i try i get twitches in my leg ,cant explain the feeling i get in my legs and i feel like scratching my arm or leg then i lose concentration.i cant seem to concentrate any help appreciated thx

5 Replies
The Vortex
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If you have to concentrate to get in to a meditated state (alpha state) this may not work easily, is hard work,
When I sit quite and try to quieten my mind I find like you I feel my mind wanders and feel things over my body

I listen to music and not so called meditation music but music I love “heavy rock”
Some do it running, and makes them move in to alpha states

This may not make sense but its hard to make or concentrate to get in to alpha but more move in to alpha this takes experience like riding a bike then you can move in alpha when ever, work or walk in meditated states
A powerful state to walk or work in, the mind is not full of clutter and focuses on the task at hand, some time called getting in to the zone, artist do it a lot.

Hope that helps

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I think the problem is concentrating - meditation is not about concentrating but about focusing. There are so many ways to go about this and it is different for different people.

Some people find it easy to relax and clear there minds, others find it easier to listen to music (absolutely no hard rock for me an nothing with words or singing!!! but that is only my preference!) and to focus on that, holding a crystal and focusing on that or an image or staring at a candle flame or symbol in your mind also works.

To me it is about stilling the mind and focusing on one thing - when you get the hang of that you will know where to go next or how to continue. The biggest thing is not to become negative and upset because this only leads to distracting you further. If your legs start doing funny things - take your awareness to them and say something like ' now is my time and I don't want my body to distract me' - then go back to your focusing. When I first started meditating I also felt that it was as if my body didn't want me to do this as there was always an itch or a twitch or something - I have no come to the conclusion that it was only because I was still and relaxed that I had more awareness of what was going in on my body as we are usually to busy rushing around to be aware of these things.

Something else, don't feel that you have to do an hour mediation right away. Just say I will do 2 or 5 minutes once or twice a day, make it realistic and stick to having that little time to still your mind and relax. As you get the hang of it you will automaticly make more and more time as you will enjoy the 'me' time and the benefits it brings.

Have fun....

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Hi leogirl,

Just adding to the great advice already given.
First, something practical, you could think about the position you are in for meditation.
Make sure you are comfortable, some people find sitting cross legged can be a bit of a strain which I'm sure doesn't help with the legs. Meditation can be done sitting upright in a chair, feet flat on floor, or on a meditation cushion or stool, you can even lay down, as long as your back is straight.

Maybe that's a bit of an obvious one, just thought it worth mentioning.

Next, the way I practice is to observe whatever arises, without trying to push it away or becoming absorbed by it, be that thoughts, sounds, feelings, bodily sensations.
So just noticing the thought, or the feeling and letting it come and letting it go. Not being 'in' it, so if you feel irritation, just noticing 'ah irritation' or if you notice your leg twitching, just allowing it to be there not struggling with pushing it away or trying to control it, just allowing and letting it move on naturally.

I find this very liberating because it's a relief to finally allow and accept all that comes up, whilst all the time remaining in the background field of your still awareness, as if it were the blue sky behind the clouds of these thoughts, feelings, sensations as they drift by.:)

Not sure if this will work for you, it's different for everybody. I hope it helps!

Love and peace:)

The Vortex
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Awesomely put everyone

Just to add you will find you move in to meditated states now with out knowing
Even hypnotic trance states
Like day dreamers will find it easy to move in to meditated states just cut out the wish full thinking and I bet you will be talking to spirit in no time
For unbelievers the subconscious mind until other things happen you cant explain in that label

But take that state and then focuses on an action or task and you will get it done with out the mind bull**** along the way

Its different for every person its like trying to teach some one to weld, be an artist, ride a bike, it’s a skill that comes in time and practice

You cant study for it, you got to do it and you do it all the time naturally just a matter of harnessing to work the way you want

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thx for the replies
