floating in the mid...
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floating in the middle of a circle of people

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Hi I was meditating and I was in a big room, there was a circle of people seated, and I was in the middle of the circle floating about 5/6 foot from the ground, in a standing position, but I was blue, a sky blue colour, I starting spining round at a steady pace with my arms down by my sides, pointed out wards towards the people, and energy was coming out of my hands streams of energy, and as I was spining everyone recieved some energy, it was wonderful to see I felt very emotional afterwards.

Sky blue is a healing colour for me.

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LOL, Ok you got me... I obviously felt the need to convince (not show you that you talked out of your bum), but luckily for us, this need is something you don't suffer from? 😉


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...just more frustration will fry your mind.

Dear Quantrum,

May I ask what your motive was for writing the above quoted from your last post you addressed to conspiritualist?


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LOL, Ok you got me... I obviously felt the need to convince (not show you that you talked out of your bum), but luckily for us, this need is something you don't suffer from? 😉


you proved my point ? again ? it is like giving a toy to a puppy and then taking it away, just as you are about to have fun with it.

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Dear Quantrum,

May I ask what your motive was for writing the above quoted from your last post you addressed to conspiritualist?


Well my friend it is funny watching people argue with themselves, it can confuse their minds even more.

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Pass the popcorn, Cirrus! 😀


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* With Moderator's hat on*

To all members,

Before this thread becomes any more heated, may i remind members of the guidelines regarding use of language :

Any foul or hostile language used will not be tolerated. This includes any derogatory statements and profanity. Direct or indirect personal attacks are strictly not permitted. Insults and negative attitudes are not allowed. Saying you don't agree & why, can be done in a good humoured and polite way without causing offence.

and respecting others' beliefs and opinions:

Our members represent a wide variety of religious and spiritual beliefs, when joining in discussions on our forums, expect to come across persons whose ideas, opinions and beliefs may be different from yours. Please approach such encounters with tolerance and an acceptance of others faiths and beliefs.

Let's keep things nice and friendly from this point onwards please :). Any posts which do not adhere to the above will be deleted without warning or explanation.

On behalf of the Moderating Team,

calla lily

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Well my friend it is funny watching people argue with themselves, it can confuse their minds even more.

Dear Quantrum,

May I ask: Is this a good motive?

Is this a motive that is consistent with the motives of a Guru?


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I see the word


...at the start of the last post by Norbus.

Sometimes someone being kind can mean more than absolutely anything.

It is just this....
someone could say a thousand words
but if they are simply kind to someone
in their hour of need
it can be worth more than a thousand spoken words
and a thousand written threads.

More than anything I wouldn't tell anyone they have to be kind, they don't, no one has to be anything, but when I see kindness and I know it and I recognise it, I always try to say thank you.
Even just making someone a cup of tea and listening can just mean so so much.

I know and remember the times when people have been kind to me and for me kindness ( particularly in the living ) matters, a lot. I am just so so thankful for the kindness I have experienced.

Norbu just thank you for putting the word Kindness in this thread, just thank you so much.

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I'm with you one hundred per cent there, Flit. I'm into kindness too, although sometimes I forget. When I'm not kind, it makes me feel bad. If people aren't kind to me, I try not to mind. And I try to be kind back. But this trying is still a work in progress, unfortunately!


Edit to add my thanks to Norbu to yours. It's a good word to throw into the conversation. Let's be kind.

Amelia Jane
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I'm with you both:D...I tottally agree with you Sunanda, if someones unkind to me I can brush it off, I do try to show kindness to others but I do and have forgotten (only recently infact:() & do something for all the wrong reasons and then feel awful afterwards...ooo sometimes being human is so damn hard:o:cool::rolleyes:;)


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It really does sadden me to see the apparent lack of respect & major attempts to belittle people on this board by Quantrum.I have loved reading all sorts of discussions this forum before, but I think I will sign off here now, and I will not return until Quantrum either apologies or miraculously levitates elsewhere.
In the past I have read discussions with differing opinions, but it has been done respectfully.
Not by this particular poster.

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It really does sadden me to see the apparent lack of respect & major attempts to belittle people on this board by Quantrum.I have loved reading all sorts of discussions this forum before, but I think I will sign off here now, and I will not return until Quantrum either apologies or miraculously levitates elsewhere.
In the past I have read discussions with differing opinions, but it has been done respectfully.
Not by this particular poster.

Jay, this happens on HP from time to time. Please don't allow yourself to become depressed or saddened by it: it's all part of the cosmic comedy. It really doesn't mean anything. Don't let it get to you. Sometimes the Zen stick is wielded and that too can be a kindness. Please, please don't worry...all is well.;)


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Insofar as the thread starter has himself now posted numerously off-topic, the thread appears to be open-house on what it is to be spiritual (or not), what a good spiritual teacher is like (or not), and the focus upon kindness has turned the thread around from negativity into, at last, positive qualities which have been missing just about from the off.

So what about continuing along these positive lines, about what true spiritual qualites are, what kind of spiritual teacher we each do find acceptable, and our inner aspirations?

I'd type my own ideas right now, but have a sore, plastered-up hand today. (An aid to type less, meditate more? :p)

I liked Norbu's (Tantrum insists on calling him Norbut :p) 'take' on the effective skills of an actual teacher, for a start:

May I be so bold as to suggest that we all are ready for the next step along our path to awakening. To some, one idea is helpful, to others another idea is helpful and conversely some words and ideas are not helpful.

A teacher in any subject must be able to present the correct lesson in a format and context that the student will be able to assimilate. If a teacher fails to deliver a lesson in a way that the student can understand, this is a failure of the teacher, not of the student.

The trouble with a teacher that then tells a student that it is their failure which is the cause of their lack of understanding is that the student will do one or more of the following things:Form a negative impression of the student; reject outright what the teacher is saying; become depressed because they still believe the teacher is correct in his/her analysis.

A teacher who acts like this is at the very least a poor teacher irrespective of the knowledge that teacher has gained. A teacher whose motive is to benefit the student (you have agreed in another string that adopting the title of Guru, you do this for the benefit of others) must examine their their teaching practice to improve it. If a teacher isn't able to do this they are either accepting that they are a poor teacher or they are demonstrating that their motive for teaching is not for the benefit of those to whom the teaching is addressed.

I do hope this message helps you to improve your skill as a teacher Quantrum. Authority my friend, in matters of truth and love, is recognised, it can never be asserted. The authority who asserts itself where that authority has not been willingly given to the teacher, can neither be loving nor truthful.

The teacher must teach by example. The example of asserting authority where it is not given willingly is the law of the jungle and is not one that should be emulated unless you wish to create a society that follows the laws of such a jungle.

The thread doesn't have to be a dialogue between one person and everyone else, but all of us talking together. :p


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Do stick around, Jay. :p

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edited, wouldn't want to be party to rubbishing such a wonderful thread.:rolleyes:

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well, Quantrum, you certainly get people talkng and typing, one way or another..;)

Amelia Jane
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:rolleyes:Well:confused:.. there's going off topic & there's...well...going :offtopic:

As a reader I don't mind a thread going in another direction so long as it's relevent;)

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I quite agree, Amy. Please see my comments at end of post.

Insofar as the thread starter has himself now posted numerously off-topic, the thread appears to be open-house on what it is to be spiritual (or not), what a good spiritual teacher is like (or not), and the focus upon kindness has turned the thread around from negativity into, at last, positive qualities which have been missing just about from the off.

So what about continuing along these positive lines, about what true spiritual qualites are, what kind of spiritual teacher we each do find acceptable, and our inner aspirations?

I'd type my own ideas right now, but have a sore, plastered-up hand today. (An aid to type less, meditate more? :p)

I liked Norbu's (Tantrum insists on calling him Norbut :p) 'take' on the effective skills of an actual teacher, for a start:

Originally Posted by norbu [url][/url]

May I be so bold as to suggest that we all are ready for the next step along our path to awakening. To some, one idea is helpful, to others another idea is helpful and conversely some words and ideas are not helpful.

A teacher in any subject must be able to present the correct lesson in a format and context that the student will be able to assimilate. If a teacher fails to deliver a lesson in a way that the student can understand, this is a failure of the teacher, not of the student.

The trouble with a teacher that then tells a student that it is their failure which is the cause of their lack of understanding is that the student will do one or more of the following things:Form a negative impression of the student; reject outright what the teacher is saying; become depressed because they still believe the teacher is correct in his/her analysis.

A teacher who acts like this is at the very least a poor teacher irrespective of the knowledge that teacher has gained. A teacher whose motive is to benefit the student (you have agreed in another string that adopting the title of Guru, you do this for the benefit of others) must examine their their teaching practice to improve it. If a teacher isn't able to do this they are either accepting that they are a poor teacher or they are demonstrating that their motive for teaching is not for the benefit of those to whom the teaching is addressed.

I do hope this message helps you to improve your skill as a teacher Quantrum. Authority my friend, in matters of truth and love, is recognised, it can never be asserted. The authority who asserts itself where that authority has not been willingly given to the teacher, can neither be loving nor truthful.

The teacher must teach by example. The example of asserting authority where it is not given willingly is the law of the jungle and is not one that should be emulated unless you wish to create a society that follows the laws of such a jungle.

The thread doesn't have to be a dialogue between one person and everyone else, but all of us talking together. :p


A well thought and beautifully phrased post, V. Let's hope others will take you up on it, and give some RELEVANT views here 😉

Yes, why not widen it out along the lines you suggest. Thank you.


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V's suggestion

I thought Venetian's suggestion merited a new string.


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:021: still here!
You lot do make me laugh & smile!

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:021: still here!
You lot do make me laugh & smile!

- Its Love via attrition jay 🙂


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Thank you

Dear Quantrum,

Thank you for your contribution to this forum. I can honestly say that you have given me a precious opportunity to learn from the reaction I had to your posts.

Why don't you contribute to the string I have started, following up on Venetian's suggestion, on Teachers, spiritual qualities and aspirations? I'm sure you can tell us what you think are spiritual qualities that we can aspire to and look for in our Teachers, Gurus, Lamas, Sheiks, Prophets, Shamen, Sadhus, Sanyasins, Magi, Healers, Priests, Saints, Buddhas, Avatars, Masters?


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I must say that I'm finding this thread extremely entertaining. Thanks Conspiritualist and Quantrum :045:

Levitation, the only way to truly levitate, the body has to be in the best condition ever, firmly toned with muscle,

I am interested to know why anyone would want to levitate.

Looking forward to more,

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I must say that I'm finding this thread extremely entertaining. Thanks Conspiritualist and Quantrum :045:
I am interested to know why anyone would want to levitate.

Looking forward to more,

Trance Levitation ? but it is to much for you to understand at this stage of your journey, maybe in about 20 years or so when you have succeeded the principals, and learnt how to control the mind, instead of letting others guide you on the earth plane.

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A request

Trance Levitation ? but it is to much for you to understand at this stage of your journey, maybe in about 20 years or so when you have succeeded the principals, and learnt how to control the mind, instead of letting others guide you on the earth plane.

Dear Quantrum,

Please could you explain what the benefit of levitation is?


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Barafundle doesn't want to levitate so it won't matter to him that he's not ready to do it. He wants to know why anyone (you?) wants to levitate.


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Dear Quantrum,

Please could you explain what the benefit of levitation is?


He has already replied - that it is "to much" (his misspelling "guides" mean "too much") for you to understand. :p

Classically, of course, levitation is (huge yawn) a siddhi, or trap and distraction from the actual spiritual path. The dear may have had a simple OOBE, as so many ordinary people do.


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Oh, now I understand. quantum was saying that Barafundle won't be able to understand why anyone would want to levitate. Uh, that's a wee bit patronising, Quant! Barafundle is a pretty clever guy. And most of us are of fair to middling intelligence, I think. Come on, babe. Communicate!


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He has already replied - that it is "to much" (his misspelling "guides" mean "too much") for you to understand. :p

Hi V,

I just thought Quantrum might just make a special effort to explain the benefits of levitation if I asked him politlely. If I am not yet wise enough to understand then nothing is lost by my trying to understand, is there? I'm only asking Quantrum to just give me a chance.

You see, I wasn't asking Quantrum how to levitate, I sure that would be too much for me to understand but, I thought, just maybe I could understand why anyone would want to understand how to levitate.

And as you know V, you and I don't always agree; at least not all of the time. So who knows, maybe if I could just find out what the answer to this question is, then I could see if I share your opinion in this matter, still.


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