Hi I was meditating and I was in a big room, there was a circle of people seated, and I was in the middle of the circle floating about 5/6 foot from the ground, in a standing position, but I was blue, a sky blue colour, I starting spining round at a steady pace with my arms down by my sides, pointed out wards towards the people, and energy was coming out of my hands streams of energy, and as I was spining everyone recieved some energy, it was wonderful to see I felt very emotional afterwards.
Sky blue is a healing colour for me.
Wow. That's truly amazing.
Wow. That's truly amazing.
Incredible, actually.
In these parts, Sky Blue is potentially a healing colour; but normally leads to frustration, and disappointment in life. They're doing OK in the table so far, but 'sky blue' is normally a sign of hoped-for 'new beginnings' (each year at this time), but usually ending in tears. 🙁
Incredible, actually.
In these parts, Sky Blue is potentially a healing colour; but normally leads to frustration, and disappointment in life. They're doing OK in the table so far, but 'sky blue' is normally a sign of hoped-for 'new beginnings' (each year at this time), but usually ending in tears. 🙁
Aw, Vinny, you're such a jester!:nature-smiley-008:
Aw, Vinny, you're such a jester!:nature-smiley-008:
I was picking up in your footsteps!
Well, personally I think Sky Blue is a wonderful colour and I know that Badger agrees with me too. Come to think of it Lord Krishna is usually blue and Lord Siva's throat turned blue when he drank the poison and saved the universe. Blue has always been my favourite colour.
Well, personally I think Sky Blue is a wonderful colour and I know that Badger agrees with me too. Come to think of it Lord Krishna is usually blue and Lord Siva's throat turned blue when he drank the poison and saved the universe. Blue has always been my favourite colour.
and you look a bit blue in the face there too Sunanda 🙂
I'd never thought of that, Fleur. But yes, in my present incarnation I am indeed a tad blue (metaphysically speaking) and not averse to the odd drop of blood, come to that. Yum.
Well thank you for your wisdom, what I did not say was I saw Jesus in the same state of spiritual body, doing the same thing.
kind regards
Guru of Life
'Guru of Life' now, Quantum? You seem to be progressing by leaps and bounds. Golly.
Well thank you for your wisdom, what I did not say was I saw Jesus in the same state of spiritual body, doing the same thing.
kind regards
Guru of Life
Jesus gets about doesn't he?
He presented Himself to me in a cloud formation the other week Quantom, and to think there was probably only me in all the whole wide world saw him at that very moment;)
It wasn't a blue cloud though, blue sky but not blue cloud, wonder if it really was the same as yours 😎
Fleur, you never told us about that! Hiding your light under a bushel, that's what I call it. Well, I've never seen Jesus but I saw the Goddess Kali in the top of a palm tree, surrounded by a ring of fire. (Actually, I did - honest!):cool:
Hi Quantum
Was the colour something similar to this as per Barbara Brennans site
as blue is given as a colour of the Etheric Template.
my friend the colour blue I saw was like that electric sky blue, well I call it sky blue.
Guru is my title my friend, and I am progressing at a very quick rate, I meditate daily, sometimes I am in a meditation state for hours at a time.
I do not learn from books, or by listening to other peoples experiences, or by even being taught by another human being.
I am given knowledge directly from my guide, my Angels, and the Ascended Masters, I am guided and my progress is evaluated by the high priests.
I have struggled with the low energy of this world all my life, and it has taken some adjustments to figure out how people function, at such a primative level.
We as human beings should have progressed a lot more than we have done, but attitudes, ego's, greed and jealousy slow progression down unfortunately.
I fast for 7 days at a time to purify the mind, I exercise daily excessively, to harness the power of the human body for months at a time,
I recieved a message from the high priests to build a house with walls 2 foot thick for strength, in mountain terrain for what is coming, I need a house to with stand the destruction of what is coming, to this world.
Believe me you can change with the universe or be swollowed up in the termoil, other words mend your ways.
Ask yourself why does it rain more than there is sunshine, why is there storms instead of glorious weather like in heaven, well forget all about the ozone because the universal energy of this planet is for to advanced for the little ozone problem.
Negative energy creates adverse weather patterns, but we can think yeh right just because anger is negative for example that will never cause this to happen,
Well you would be wrong to have this attitute, we are in the final days, and remember the information I share with you.
Good luck on your journey and please share with me what true enlightenment means to you ? :033:
Good luck on your journey and please share with me what true enlightenment means to you ?
Sorry, quantum, you've got your threads in a twist. This is the religion thread, not the enlightenment thread. Whilst not totally mutually exclusive, I would deem it less confusing for now to keep these threads apart. After all, the people here on HP are on a very low level and probably have no idea what we're talking about. It's so hard being in the body, don't you find? (Sorry, I forgot that you exercise your body excessively. Now to me, excessive means too much so please take care not to overdo things. Otherwise kundalini will just burn you up, babe!)
I recieved a message from the high priests to build a house with walls 2 foot thick for strength, in mountain terrain for what is coming, I need a house to with stand the destruction of what is coming, to this world.
That sounds like my "Bear Cave" 🙂
Ask yourself why does it rain more than there is sunshine
From this I take it that you're located in UK, Q. Because you know there are places where it doesn't rain at all. Ever. Like the Atacama desert in Chile.
Sorry, quantum, you've got your threads in a twist. This is the religion thread, not the enlightenment thread. Whilst not totally mutually exclusive, I would deem it less confusing for now to keep these threads apart. After all, the people here on HP are on a very low level and probably have no idea what we're talking about. It's so hard being in the body, don't you find? (Sorry, I forgot that you exercise your body excessively. Now to me, excessive means too much so please take care not to overdo things. Otherwise kundalini will just burn you up, babe!)
All Kundalini does is slow you down when you need to ease off, I do agree with you though being in the body is wearing at times, I excercise for a few months to prepare for a burst in energy, I eat organic home made foods, there is no pre-made meals as the chemicals they put in food causes deseases, and health problems.
Ask any respectable experienced healer if what they put into there bodies is important to there craft.
I recieved a message from the high priests to build a house with walls 2 foot thick for strength, in mountain terrain for what is coming, I need a house to with stand the destruction of what is coming, to this world.
Pheeeewww! I'm totally knackered!
I've been busy laying the foundations for my little building to that must have walls that are two foot thick for strength... and I just popped back to ask you Quantus err is there anything specific they should be built with?
You know..., I mean will breeze block do with an outer layer of brick? Or does it have to be something special like Aztec cut granite?
And is it regular cement? Coz I'm tellin ya, if it has to be silly... err like say motar mixed with the dried salty tears of sad or fallen angels.... or something like that, well then I dunno how to get it see?
Jeez, buying land on mountain terrain was hard enough I can tell ya.
Now what was that about power rangering up my body... do I have to exclaim summink... you know like "Mystic Power Force!" maybe? 😉
Well well you were bullied at school, and you still feel bullied today, let go of the past, it is hard for you I know, but the negative anger is eating you up my friend.
You are clearly in need of releasing the pain you hold inside, your father punished you something terrible, I see the scars he has left you.
Healing is the way forward for you, take one day at a time, and try not to over do things, as a relaspe could send you straight back for more treatment.
my thoughts are with you, and I pray you shall be free, from this pain, please be gentle to your family around you also, they are finding it hard to deal with all your emotional stress.
I feel they may walk away from you and leave you to live a happy life free from negative energy.
I wish you luck on your road, but you need strength, as strength is lacking, you allow others to guide you, you need to start and use your own mind ?
Well well you were bullied at school, and you still feel bullied today, let go of the past, it is hard for you I know, but the negative anger is eating you up my friend.
You are clearly in need of releasing the pain you hold inside, your father punished you something terrible, I see the scars he has left you.
Healing is the way forward for you, take one day at a time, and try not to over do things, as a relaspe could send you straight back for more treatment.
my thoughts are with you, and I pray you shall be free, from this pain, please be gentle to your family around you also, they are finding it hard to deal with all your emotional stress.
I feel they may walk away from you and leave you to live a happy life free from negative energy.I wish you luck on your road, but you need strength, as strength is lacking, you allow others to guide you, you need to start and use your own mind ?
Wow! Let me be the first to commend you, that post is so brave and honest of you dear heart,
I presume it's knowledge acquired via your guides and angels... right?...
Such a heavy message too, blimey you really must have an open heart to post here for us all to see; I genuinely admire that. But I am a little intrigued as to why you felt we needed to see it (in terms of the context of this thread)?
And, tell me, just how did it make you feel when you were given this message? As it's certainly not how my guides show you...
But while we're doing this (as it's your thread) they channeled to me wisdom (well I call it wisdom, but ya know :rolleyes:) that showed you with a difficult and frustrated lonely childhood moving into a sexually repressed adolescence that went un-satiated ultimately garnering a delusional and narcissistic soul that craves theosophical adulation.
They say to tell you "perhaps it actually is time to listen to other people, take stock angel-heart and most importantly - get over yourself". I hope that has been some comfort...
So anyways Quantrum, tell us more about your vision during your meditation where you were floating off the ground and was slowly turning while surrounded by a circle of people that you were pointing and spurting streams of your stuff at.... hmmm?
I'm listening honey
Quote So anyways Quantrum, tell us more about your vision during your meditation where you were floating off the ground and was slowly turning while surrounded by a circle of people that you were pointing and spurting streams of your stuff at.... hmmm?
I'm listening honey
Lots of troubled souls such as yours show signs of stress, when confronted with the truth, then they feel the need to change the subject, and guide the attention away from themselves as you right now.
Immature cummunication within you is a cause of stress, and the fact that you were guided as a child from parents who were suffering with their own stress, bless them I send them the strength of our Lord, and that strength will travel to the spirit world also where needed.
Your inner child is screaming for help I can hear it in your soul, its like you have 2 minds a adult mind, and the inner child mind that never developed correctly, when the 2 mind try and control your body at the same time it get all to confusing for you, and then depression and sadness steps in with dark thoughts ?.
There is a way to heal, all you need to do is simply cleanse yourself, pray for help, and deal with the trapped emotional stress that is eating you up my friend.
There are many healers around who will offer their services to you, but please find a healer who can rid you, and your soul of this pain, darkness is within your soul, you need to let go and rid yourself of this entity that consumes you.
Good luck and I wish you well, please be kind to yourself, and I felt you shaking when you typed that, wow you have a strong energy there, it will serve you well if healed and harnessed correctly.
may help fly to your aid and comfort the child of the Lord within you.
:033: pray I shall pray with you
Oooo, it’s like being at the cinema and watching a dual of wands in a Harry Potter film, init!
Someone pass me the popcorn.:D
If I may just say regarding the last few posts...
The beautiful gift of spiritual guidance is not to be imposed no those who do not seek it, or to be used as a weapon. I could actually think of nothing further from the true expression of the archangels or ascended masters, or from the highest vibration of love.
Quantrum, your experiences would be met with more openness if you presented them more humbly. True enlightenment is not about being omnipotent and having the authority to tell other people where they are on their own journey.:)
I am interested in your floating meditation experience, are you saying that you physically levitated or that you were out of body?
Munch, munch, munch...........
Round and round we go!:rolleyes:
Love, compassion and understanding are wonderful positive tools.
If I may just say regarding the last few posts...
The beautiful gift of spiritual guidance is not to be imposed no those who do not seek it, or to be used as a weapon. I could actually think of nothing further from the true expression of the archangels or ascended masters, or from the highest vibration of love.Quantrum, your experiences would be met with more openness if you presented them more humbly. True enlightenment is not about being omnipotent and having the authority to tell other people where they are on their own journey.:)
I am interested in your floating meditation experience, are you saying that you physically levitated or that you were out of body?
True enlightenment is not about being omnipotent and having the authority to tell other people where they are on their own journey.:)
It is also about you not having the authority to tell me how or what I can and cannot say, or is your authority different from mine ? context ?
Levitation, the only way to truly levitate, the body has to be in the best condition ever, firmly toned with muscle, then we must have the ability to let go of the mind, and let a trusted spiritual peer control everything.
The reason the body has to be toned to such a level, is the pressure of energy lifting the body would crush the structure of the body as it pushs against the body, the mind has to be controlled, because most human minds believe it is not possible to levitate, so how can we achieve anything if we do not believe.
I also do not use spiritual guidance for others, or use it as a weapon, I use my own knowledge and wisdom to simply see what is in front of me, spiritual guidance or messages from people in the "spirit world" are different.
In simple terms, people who conduct themselves in a way that shows negativity, or stress, by what they write says everything about them, like childish behaviour shows how immature they are, but then read on and you will discover what caused it etc, it does not take a genius to read body languages or between the lines.
hope this answers your question, oh by the way advice and knowledge is only taken in a way that is not suitable, when people are not ready to hear there traits or behaviour patterns, especially when it is given freely as a guiding tool.
The law of the jungle.
hope this answers your question, oh by the way advice and knowledge is only taken in a way that is not suitable, when people are not ready to hear there traits or behaviour patterns, especially when it is given freely as a guiding tool.
Dear Quantrum,
May I be so bold as to suggest that we all are ready for the next step along our path to awakening. To some, one idea is helpful, to others another idea is helpful and conversely some words and ideas are not helpful.
A teacher in any subject must be able to present the correct lesson in a format and context that the student will be able to assimilate. If a teacher fails to deliver a lesson in a way that the student can understand, this is a failure of the teacher, not of the student.
The trouble with a teacher that then tells a student that it is their failure which is the cause of their lack of understanding is that the student will do one or more of the following things:Form a negative impression of the student; reject outright what the teacher is saying; become depressed because they still believe the teacher is correct in his/her analysis.
A teacher who acts like this is at the very least a poor teacher irrespective of the knowledge that teacher has gained. A teacher whose motive is to benefit the student (you have agreed in another string that adopting the title of Guru, you do this for the benefit of others) must examine their their teaching practice to improve it. If a teacher isn't able to do this they are either accepting that they are a poor teacher or they are demonstrating that their motive for teaching is not for the benefit of those to whom the teaching is addressed.
I do hope this message helps you to improve your skill as a teacher Quantrum. Authority my friend, in matters of truth and love, is recognised, it can never be asserted. The authority who asserts itself where that authority has not been willingly given to the teacher, can neither be loving nor truthful.
The teacher must teach by example. The example of asserting authority where it is not given willingly is the law of the jungle and is not one that should be emulated unless you wish to create a society that follows the laws of such a jungle.
A teacher in any subject must be able to present the correct lesson in a format and context that the student will be able to assimilate. If a teacher fails to deliver a lesson in a way that the student can understand, this is a failure of the teacher, not of the student.
Norbut my dear friend you make logic dear fellow, well done, any lesson must indeed be presented in the correct format and context that the student will be able to follow and understand.
As every student is unique, and learning at there own rate, then every lesson has to be adapted to the student.
the only thing with your reply is when you help/teach any person on their spiritual path, you guide not teach, you listen, you do not say if they are right or wrong.
There is no wrong, only learning, and once we all learn the lesson presented to us in the form of a life experience, then we move to the next lesson and progress, but some people choose to learn the same thing over and over again because they did not grasp it, you follow.
I felt you shaking when you typed that, wow you have a strong energy there, it will serve you well if healed and harnessed correctly.
may help fly to your aid and comfort the child of the Lord within you.
:033: pray I shall pray with you
Shaking... lol, perhaps you tuned in while I was chuckling at your 'revelation' dude...
You truly are a guru of the highest order and are clearly operating at the highest spiritual realms...derr!
So anyway, let's examine your comic book psychology/guided message eh?
First off nearly all my past is here on HP and is an open book – Ergo being bullied for about 4 years as a youth is easily found for any that care to look within these pages ... What do they call you ...Sherlock?
Now to the meat of your talented insight and info that not someone who has only just grasped the simple art of being able to read can garner: -
I had two fathers (here on earth in this life anyway) and not one – wrong!
Neither of them punished me "something terrible" and left “scars”– wrong!
My family don't suffer because of me (unfortunately for you) they claim they adore me – wrong!
I have more humans (in three generations) that directly carry my DNA (i.e. family) than most people my age do and contrary to your post I can't seem to get rid of 'em – my house is always full and frankly I wish they would all bugger off sometimes – so again you are wrong!
I'm always fending off other parts of my family that constantly ring and ask if they can come and stay for while too - & yet again you are wrong!
Far be it from to point this out - but it seems your 'mighty powers' oh Guru are failing you Quantas, unless you were just retaliating – which seems to be a quite negative, child-like and petulant act (given all the stuff you say you are about) – Rainman once said “Quantus never crash” - seems you're about to break that truth too eh?
Please FFS do not pray with or for me -I don't want to have to explain my association with you to the 'old man' when I get there OK
Lighten up buddy and recognise that there millions of souls far more advanced than you on that ever increasingly slippery ladder to the source! Oh, & by the way, the child of the lord within me filps the bird and sends your inner child a wedgie 😉
Shaking... lol, perhaps you tuned in while I was chuckling at your 'revelation' dude...
You truly are a guru of the highest order and are clearly operating at the highest spiritual realms...derr!So anyway, let's examine your comic book psychology/guided message eh?
First off nearly all my past is here on HP and is an open book – Ergo being bullied for about 4 years as a youth is easily found for any that care to look within these pages ... What do they call you ...Sherlock?Now to the meat of your talented insight and info that not someone who has only just grasped the simple art of being able to read can garner: -
I had two fathers (here on earth in this life anyway) and not one – wrong!
Neither of them punished me "something terrible" and left “scars”– wrong!
My family don't suffer because of me (unfortunately for you) they claim they adore me – wrong!
I have more humans (in three generations) that directly carry my DNA (i.e. family) than most people my age do and contrary to your post I can't seem to get rid of 'em – my house is always full and frankly I wish they would all bugger off sometimes – so again you are wrong!
I'm always fending off other parts of my family that constantly ring and ask if they can come and stay for while too - & yet again you are wrong!
Far be it from to point this out - but it seems your 'mighty powers' oh Guru are failing you Quantas, unless you were just retaliating – which seems to be a quite negative, child-like and petulant act (given all the stuff you say you are about) – Rainman once said “Quantus never crash” - seems you're about to break that truth too eh?
Please FFS do not pray with or for me -I don't want to have to explain my association with you to the 'old man' when I get there OK
Lighten up buddy and recognise that there millions of souls far more advanced than you on that ever increasingly slippery ladder to the source! Oh, & by the way, the child of the lord within me filps the bird and sends your inner child a wedgie 😉
There you go again, you felt the need to try and convince me that your family adore you, need, need, need, what about what they need ?
inner child keep letting it out I am here for you my friend, let it out I feel you are holding back, let the real you out, I will shine even brighter in Gods armour, its like firing a granade launcher, but with balloons full of deep emotional breathe, that does not make it out of your house, the energy is racing around in your mind grasping but it is just out of reach, confusing I know, but why try, nothing can be achieved from your point of view, just more frustration will fry your mind.
good luck my friend and I wish you a speedy recovery.