I wrote this a few years ago. Quite long but It lends itself to being read out by a partner...or record into a tape...I would read it to people after they had received an aromatherapy treatment from me........:)
Father Sky and Eagle Meditation
Imagine yourself in the countryside, alone, safe and secure and resting now on top of a hill.
Feel that you are sitting on a large earthy brown cushion, softly contoured to your shape,
You can be at ease.
The earth is firm, the grass is green and easily supports you
The sun is rising in the East, and bathes you in glowing warmth.
The crystal clear river below is pure and flows gently.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Can you feel and hear the long grass rustling in the breeze.
In your mind’s eye, look to the East at the rising Sun, you will see a majestic bird in flight.
A Golden Eagle who flies higher than any other bird, is coming towards you.
Be welcoming, and as he lands beside you, be thankful.
Like him you are fearless and can see far and wide, and if you climb on his back he will take you on a journey.
It is so easy for you to be light and balanced.
Feel the air against your skin, and the movements of his wings, as he glides he is lighter than air and free to soar. As he takes you higher and higher you gain a better perspective, your concerns are shrinking and moving away like the landscape below.
What thoughts come into your mind?
How can you lighten your load and fly as light and free as the eagle?
A cloud drifts towards you, and you can feel the magnetic pull as it gathers all your tensions, pains, mental chatter, old habits and frustrations. What darkens your thoughts and feelings?
What do you want to leave behind that will make you feel as light as air?
How can you lighten your load? Can you feel any turbulence, or resistance as you let it go? Take a deep breath in and blow colour into the cloud, feel the tension float away.
Keep breathing slowly and deeply...............pause.
Eagle carries you through a shower of rainbow bubbles, which has just appeared.
Sparks of light soak into your whole being, refreshing calming and soothing, can you feel it?
Keep breathing deeply your totally relaxed now.............pause.
Eagle makes a soft landing on top of the mountain. If you look into the sky you can see the dark cloud you left behind disappear into the turquoise sky. A female Eagle is waiting on the nest for you and she allows you to take the Golden Egg lying there...it’s a gift especially for you,
and when you are ready your Eagle ally makes the return journey.
Every breath you take vibrates with the rhythm of his wings, long slow and strong.
Eagle gently lands back on top of the hill and as you return to your earthly seat,
You know you have just had a magical experience.
He flies back towards the Eastern Sun, and will return whenever you ask.
Somehow, the sun makes your skin glow with comfort
Somehow, the air you breathe is more pure than you have ever known, and you feel peace in your heart.
Somehow you see clearly and feel optimistic for the future.
Now...open the Golden Egg, what gift have you brought back?
Is it hatching a new beginning, a new perspective, a solution?
Open your eyes
Contemplate the gift from your unconscious.
Lovely meditation fleur
I assume this is for the more seasoned clients, and have you written one for each of the cardinal directions.....I would like to read them ?
A lot of visitors to our drum circle are quite nervous when they first join and haven't got a clue about power animals or spirit guides and the like.....so, we gently ease them in....
WOW....... amazing meditation Fleur, thank you for sharing your beautiful words.
R x
By Seasoned clients I suppose you mean those that are familiar with power animals Oakey. I hadn't thought of that TBH, although I know it wouldnt resonate with everyone. It was just a med to help release any burdens really. It as lots of symbolism for me and anyone with an understanding of shamanics may get it...
The brown earth for grounding
Eagle for Great Spirit, the highest aspirations.
Air, the thoughts.
male and female eagle for balance.
and if we journey, it makes a nice change to be carried by the wings of an eagle..he takes you there and returns safely
The clouds can colour into anything, for anyone into colour therapy.
and then the rainbow sprinkles can be so cleansing
and the East direction is Spirit direction
I have no others specifically for the cardinal directions.......yet......but you have sown a seed , I can feel my pencil being sharpened :dft012:
That was nice reading it and getting all calm and dreamy!
That was nice reading it and getting all calm and dreamy!
Golden Eagle can take you to allsorts of nice places..
you only have to ask 😉
I love the meditation Fleur and I will record it and use it over the holiday before the New Year begins. Thank you for posting it.
Love Binah
I hadn't thought about it for the new Year...
I suppose it could be a useful New Year... new beginning med. 🙂
your meditation is quite apt for the New year Fleur.....but we might have to include the little Jenny Wren.....You say the Eagle is the highest flying bird....
In folklore this statment is disputed by the Breton Druids who named the Jenny Wren as the bird who could fly the highest....Drui-en, The Cunning One . The story is;
The Druid was commonly known as the..' Cunning Man '..A man of deception and with the ability to become invisible, just like the wren;
In an assembly of all the birds of the air, it was decided that the soverenty of the feathered tribe would be given to the bird who could fly the highest.The favorite, of course was the Eagle, who immediatly began his flight towards the Sun......fully confident that his ability would win him the crown of King of all birds. When he found himself soaring high above all his competitors......He proclaimed in a booming and mighty voice his monarchy over all creatures that had wings........But suddenly, from under the Eagle feathers out popped the wren who flew a few inches higher and chirped out loudly....... " Birds, look up and behold your king !"
The moral of the story is Soar like an Eagle, but be as cunning as the Wren.
In folklore, on the Isle of Man, there is a story that is told of a mermaid that lured youths into the sea.One of these young men threw a spear at her and to avoid it she turned herself into a wren....but....she was obliged to assume her own shape each New Years Day.
On that day she was at the mercy of the hunters who tried their very best to kill her. This day was New Years day until the Christians moved it to 26th December and it is traditionally known as St Stephens Day or Boxing day.With this tradition the tiny little bird became a God to the masses, and the bird was hunted for its ability to bestow immense power onto its executioner.
On this day the apprentice Druid ( neophyte )would go out by himself into the countryside and seek out this inner wisdom, in the same way the native Americans did with their Vision Quest.If he found a Wren he would take that as a sign that he would be blessed with inner wisdom and knowledge in the coming year.
At some point between Paganism and Christianity that divinity once found within our countryside and was hunted and killed, somehow became mixed with the story of Jesus who was also killed on the coming of the New Year....
Looking forward to your next visualisation .....:cool:
There seems to be a lot of folk lore about Jenny Wren - can anyone enlighten me about the purpose in Eire of catching a wren around Christmas time - I was told a tale one but have forgotten it all.
Hi Binah....
Here's a link that explains a little about the Winter solstice and the battle between the Holly king ( wren ) and the Oak king ( robin )..
The reason they were killed by the church was because they were thought sacred by the Druids......
Hi Oakapple
It was a very interesting read so thanks for the link.
The wrens and robins are such beautiful and welcome visitors in my garden.
love Binah