The sages of 2500 years ago in China, the Plum Sages, would meet at the time of the winter solstice (December 21-23) to do a three-day plum wine fast, taking a small shot of wine every four hours with a litre of water and no food.
And as they observed this discipline, they would tap on their dining room tables for seventy-two hours non-stop.
[url]Etruscan Tapping Meditation[/url]
I have painted some of the Etruscan symbols on my shamanic drum....also the very first horse brass symbol ever enable the journey to the lower realms.
It is believed that the Celtic Druids spoke Greek and used the drumbeat for the underworld healing journey, not dissimilar to the native American Indians.
I think you'll find most shamans had similar methods for initiating the healing drum.
The sages of 2500 years ago in China, the Plum Sages, would meet at the time of the winter solstice (December 21-23) to do a three-day plum wine fast, taking a small shot of wine every four hours with a litre of water and no food.
And as they observed this discipline, they would tap on their dining room tables for seventy-two hours non-stop.[url]Etruscan Tapping Meditation[/url]
This sounds very similar to some of my days as a student!!:005: