Hi there,
I am new to the meditation forum and quite new to meditation.
I had a meditation last night which i saw my guide taking a blue cloak type thing and putting it over my head and down through my body. I felt this was for healing at the time but having looked on a few posts people have said a blue cloak is for protection? Im confused could it have been for healing or was it for protection? Anyones thoughts on this would be great...
How did you feel with the blue cloak around you?
The colour blue is a healing colour - it is also the colour of the Archangel Michael's cloak which can be worn for protection. Next time you can ask your guide - it's good to get a dialogue going with your guide as this strengthens the contact.
Love Binah
the blue cloak you were given is a coat of protection which is usually associated with Arch Angel Michael.
The reason we use the blue cloak is to help us to only allow pure and loving energy into our space and your guide will have been making sure of this - you have a very good guide!;)
Hope this helps you.
The cloak wasnt placed over me as a cloak it was sort of washed over me and through my body from head to foot. I felt like it was cleansing me and also quite safe - maybe it was doing both!
Thank you so much for your replies...i had never heard of the protecting blue cloak before now.
Its great to hear from people who are experienced in meditation! I will be working on more dialogue with my guide...im finding it quite difficult to see them or have full dialogue with them...im sure it will come. 🙂