Awakening Kundalini
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Awakening Kundalini

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dip into healing
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Hello All :038:

I have recently been thinking lots of awakening kundalini thoughts and been 'happening' across information and meditation techniques for this, and would like to know more....
Please can anyone share their experiences with this. I read somewhere that this practice should be done with proper yogic guidance. Otherwise it can be dangerous??? How can it be dangerous??? What will happen?! :022:

Is there anyone local to me (Gloucestershire) who has qualified experience with this and is willing to do a meditation share?!

It's intrigued me! But scared me a bit too!!:hidesbehindsofa:

Love and Light,
Dipti xx

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I'm certainly no expert on the matter and these are just my own personal ramblings, no offence or antagonism meant to those who differ...
....I have had a few experiences of late which I would describe as 'K' like, I have read quite a lot, and had some useful info from HP but to be honest am none the wiser - personally I think that anything that comes from inside 'yourself' cannot be inherently harmful, but your reaction to it can be either negative or positive.
You cannot control the event, but you can control how it affects you.

I expect I go against the grain here but I'm very skeptical about the whole 'master' thing when associated with anything spiritual/mystical - sure, many techniques benefit from a sympathetic teacher/helper but as far as meditation/spirituality is concerned, for me a 'master' type figure would be just a joke......

....I would hope that anyone of so elevated spirituality that they could offer me any significant guidance would be sufficiently humble and grounded by their experiences and wisdom that they would deny the label of 'master' and simply offer their help on a one to one basis.

This (the 'master' thing) is what I find unacceptable about many organised belief systems, especially those based on meditation - we are all unrealised beings until something stirs in our souls/minds/hearts/spirits, then we embark upon the journey of self realisation and empowerment and, if we are blessed, find some inner peace and understanding.

If you are happy with yourself and confident that your inner being(s) mean you no harm then experiment as much as you dare - master schmaster !!


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Hi Dipti,
I experienced a full-blown awakening of the Kundalini Shakti more than a decade ago. It was something I had, perhaps like yourself, stumbled across, and subsequently plunged myself into without due regard. The physical, to say nothing of mental shock, was very nearly disaterous. There is really very little reliable information out there in any modern language. Consequently, I decided the only thing to do was to learn Sanskrit, to read the texts on Kundalini in the original. This truly did save me.
The decision to awaken the Kundalini Shakti is, possibly, one of the greatest decisions you can ever take. But it is not something to be entered into lightly.
There is, I believe, good reason why traditionally, the aspiring yogi(ni) would spend years first purifying the body and mind before setting about trying to deliberately stir such energies.
With love,

dip into healing
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Hi Shankara108, (Good number btw!)

Thank you so much for posting.... I have sooo many questions :010:, but before I start the cross-examination :005:, I would like to know that you are willing to share your experience?!
I am very intrigued in hearing more about your experience... please, if you feel able to, would you be so kind as to elaborate? If you don't feel like posting on the forum, you could PM me?! However, I totally understand if you feel it is too private :033:!

Great to hear from you!

:043: &:048: Dipti xx

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Kundalini is called by many many traditions.But in the Celtic tradition it is best known as 'The Rising Light '.....

It's a transformative initiatory system of raising the Earths energy and passing it through ones body.This light within the Earth will awaken and transform your own energies.

Try reading a book called ...Earth R. J. Stewart.

His books are an inspiration......and they put into perspective all the myths and folkore that are our heritage.

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Hello All :038:

I have recently been thinking lots of awakening kundalini thoughts and been 'happening' across information and meditation techniques for this, and would like to know more....
Please can anyone share their experiences with this. I read somewhere that this practice should be done with proper yogic guidance. Otherwise it can be dangerous??? How can it be dangerous??? What will happen?! :022:

Is there anyone local to me (Gloucestershire) who has qualified experience with this and is willing to do a meditation share?!

It's intrigued me! But scared me a bit too!!:hidesbehindsofa:

Love and Light,
Dipti xx

Hi dip into.

There have been quite a number of HP threads on this - even quite recently. So why not learn to do a search on HP, rather than us having to reinvent the wheel in reply? :p Or maybe someone on HP could help out with some past links.

The first question in my mind on this would be: Why? I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but check your motives. 😉


dip into healing
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Venetian my love, I did do a search, but I wanted to know WHY it was considered dangerous.... and that wasn't as far as I could see been addressed.....

Sorry for getting your goat up tho mate 😉

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Nah - sorry - misunderstanding - you didn't get my goat up at all. Will get back to you.


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This thread dips into and out of kundalini. While all the phenomena described may not be called kundalini, I'd say most are.

There's a link in that thread that's definitely about how difficult k experiences can be:

The author later came along and joined us on the thread, though it got a bit mixed up as he was invited as an equal to discuss, but (understandably?) thought he was being invited to teach.

Many people whose k rises find it happens spontaneously. A key book on that - and pretty scary! - is the first book from the 1970s of Gopi Krishna, if you want to look that up.

Classically, in raja yoga, it is said not to attempt to raise kundalini without a guide or teacher, but that's often because their methods are so complex and in-house. (K rising can burn you up, burn through chakras which are not prepared for it.) However, how good are teachers in this, especially in the West? IMHO not very good, and probably after your dosh with courses, etc. So I'd go it alone and have done.

It's just that it can be a real roller-coaster ride. See the second link above, by Rick, to get an idea why. I myself had to get help to turn k off again at one point, as I was losing control and could not hold down a job at the same time.

Just one other example would be if you got hold of "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" who also could not do any practical things for years, and was like an invalid, as it were, during some key changes. But you come through them. However, how many in the West can afford, like Ramakrishna and Rick, to be unable to function in the physical world for months or years?

There's a difference between forcing kundalini to rise (IMHO not advisable) and just to let it rise naturally through devotion. For example, even the Catholic rosary actually has the effect of raising k naturally and with no ill-effect. By "forcing" I mean meditations specifically designed to visualise and 'force' k to rise.

The point is that as k rises, it enormously amplifies the power of each chakra, so it's best to purify them (and one's consciousness) first - otherwise, forced kundalini can just empower the qualities latent in impure chakras, such as an overwhelming sexual drive becoming obsessive, or great ego, and so forth. Any teacher or book that doesn't mention this fact isn't, IMHO, worth paying attention to.


dip into healing
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Wow!! Lots of bedtime reading then!! Thanks V... thanks for your time in locating all of this for me - U R A Gem 🙂

I may have to re-convene if I have questions!! Hugs xx

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Wow!! Lots of bedtime reading then!! Thanks V... thanks for your time in locating all of this for me - U R A Gem 🙂

I may have to re-convene if I have questions!! Hugs xx

I was especially struck by the article by Rick, which I link to in my post - 'Personal Transformation'. He not only went through that without meaning to, but also without any guide or teacher. What I really like about his article is that he is very precise in detailing what happened to him. Note again the fact that he not only had to stop work - by no means always the case, mind you! - but also sadly had to lay off his entire staff. Yet he got through it.

However, again, I would tend to let K rise naturally, as it's then a gentle process of awakening. Rick's kind of case can happen though, where he wasn't even looking for it, but it was spontaneous. My own first experience of K was also spontaneous, and happened on a "staff" tube train in London, going to work at 5 am after just waking up. (I used to be an Underground Station Master.) It was quite out of the blue! - though I figured out the reasons for it later. That particular one was very 'pleasant' - I had the very easy work-job then of just walking around an above-ground station in early summer, so I just enjoyed the new insights into sunlight, bird-song, and my heart's love. That wasn't a permanent change, and faded after three days. Three days of utter bliss TBH.


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Kundalini Awakening and Practices

Hi All,

I'm new to Healthypages. I wanted to add that I decided to practice Kundalini yoga and meditation since last November. I was hooked viewing Sky TV's Body in Balance's Kundalini teachings by Maya Fiennes (as taught by Yogi Bhajan.) I have found the warm ups, Kriyas and meditation techniques truly liberating, strengthening and inspirational compared to other yoga styles I have participated in over the years. I've always found anything of an holistic nature including yoga and meditation an absolute fascination since a young kid and have hoards of books on the subject.

The reason why I decided to practice this method of yoga is because I lost my father to cancer a few years ago and 4 other family members since then and simply knew I had to implement Kundalini into my daily life in order to help me on my path to more self awareness and healing.

Since practicing Kundalini, I've felt far more grounded and at peace and cope far better in situations I would have normally found stressful. Recently, I noticed after meditation, that I had tingling sensations around my third eye and wondered whether this has anything to do with raising my Kundalini energy? I've also experienced a wave of warmth spring up from my stomach area to my chest at certain times out of the blue. Has anyone else experienced any of these sensations and feelings?

With warmth and blessings,


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Hi Belle21,
From my experience, such sensations as tingling (especially around the crown region where the Kundalini Shakti exits the body, but also elsewhere) or waves of warmth in the body are to be considered perfectly normal manifestations of the Shakti energy. You needn't worry. As more energy is released, and your system begins to adjust to the changed levels of Kundalini, you may notice all sorts of unusual physical or psychic occurrences. Here, a truly qualified teacher becomes invaluable. But you can also trust in the innate wisdom of Mother Kundalini. She knows ultimately what is best for you.
With love,

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With all meditation, I'd just add, or any spiritual practice, it may of little use in the long run if not balanced by altruism and an active service in the practical world unto others. I'm not directing this at any individual here, but as a general comment: there's little if any lasting spiritual progression with the inner work on self, without the balance of outer work on behalf of the world or other individuals. Not to get too wrapped up in inner work on self, to the exclusion of helping the hungry or needful people around in the practical world.

Actually, I realise that what I'm really thinking is to ensure to always have an equal part of genuine Love as part of one's path, along with 'technique'. Technique without deeds is almost worthless. And we only know if we truly embody Love if it's being expressed and demonstrated in practice. Then that along with techniques are beautifully complementary.


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Thank you for your words. I agree with you totally!



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I am in agreeance with your comments.

Funnily enough, I am at them "familiar crossroads" right now in my life in terms of career choices and I've made steps already in trying to secure a role within the health/care sector locally. I am very optimistic and positive about this and feel that I will be getting on the right track not only for my own personal gains but in making a much needed contribution towards the old and needy.

Best wishes,


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I am new to this site - your article sounds interesting. Could you tell me more.


