did you know theres is a global meditation at 14h03 (I think it might be daily)
see the link on the left
does anybody else know of any others?
Good heavens, I read this thread, got onto Barefoot's website and discovered (I think) that 1403 GMT is 1503 BST (which I think is UK time now) which was exactly the time I logged on! How's that for synchronicity? So I stuck a cushion on the floor, took my place and have just enjoyed a lovely little 10 minute meditation. Auspicious or what?
nice one sunanda! 🙂 I love it.
and YES, thanks for pointing out the BST thing. I did it at 14.03. silly me.
I have found another one:
hello I'm new here today, I do love these virtual group meditations! i will keep my eyes peeled here for future ones! Sorry to be a bit slow, is these one everyday at 3 pm?
I'm in a group who have a virtual meditation every week and I love the sense of togetherness.
I was wondering, does this forum have a virtual meditation group?:-)
Hi and welcome,
nope, there is no virtual group, though I guess this group could be used for that purpose.
and yes, 3pm...until the clocks change