1st Experience
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1st Experience

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I have just had my first go at guided meditation and something wierd happened (well, wierd to me!).

A few minutes into the meditation I had to visualize a golden ball of light, whilst doing this my eyes started to twitch uncontrollably. In fact it got so bad I had to stop the whole thing for 5 minutes then start again.

I would be interested to hear what people make of this or if anyone has had a similar experience.


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I have just had my first go at guided meditation and something wierd happened (well, wierd to me!).

A few minutes into the meditation I had to visualize a golden ball of light, whilst doing this my eyes started to twitch uncontrollably. In fact it got so bad I had to stop the whole thing for 5 minutes then start again.

I would be interested to hear what people make of this or if anyone has had a similar experience.


Hi there,

I can't say that your experience has ever happened to me or I've ever heart of such this specific experience happening to others but all sort of things can happen.

Things can happen as a result of meditation because we are affecting our neurophysiology and nerves control muscles. In general these effects are likely to be good signs. Meditation should be stopped or given a break if effects are cause for concern.

Shaking can definitely happen. This happened to my son and he gave meditation a rest for a while and then things settled down. Nervous connections change and things can get a bit unstable at times. Some people would describe such things as effects of releases of energy or increased flow of energy through the body. One thing for sure is that its not usually something to worry about.

Have fun!


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When the eylid flickers it is often a sign that you are moving into a deeper brain wave state. You must have got really into the meditation straight away. It is nothing to worrry about. When you first start meditation it is best to make sure you feel comfortable. Perhaps just try a gentle relaxation exercise a few times until you are more comfortable before you start working with balls of light.

With love and blessings

Jill Miller

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I have just had my first go at guided meditation and something wierd happened (well, wierd to me!).

A few minutes into the meditation I had to visualize a golden ball of light, whilst doing this my eyes started to twitch uncontrollably. In fact it got so bad I had to stop the whole thing for 5 minutes then start again.

I would be interested to hear what people make of this or if anyone has had a similar experience.


Hi MerLin9,
Thanks for sharing your experience, I hope it was a good, not a bad, 'weird'!:)

I have actually had something that sounds similiar to this years ago, it wasn't with my first ever meditation but a couple of months into it. It was accompanied by a tingling feeling in my third eye centre and I soon came to realise that it was this energy centre beginning to open up. I used to feel quite dizzy and as if I was spinning as well.
It took me a while to realize I wasn't grounded and this in combination with the style of meditation I was being taught, which had me focussing at the third eye area, was causing it. What helped me at the time was to move my attention to the heart centre during meditation, or lower, and actually to meditate with my eyes slightly open.
I'm just wondering what the guided meditation was, when you say you had to visualize a ball of light I'm wondering whether doing this stimulated your third eye centre. I agree with the other responses too, about moving into different levels and states during meditation!
This is only my own experience though, but something resonated with me when you mentioned the ball of light and the eye thing! 🙂

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I have had 'twitching' eyes before in Yoga meditations. I just take it as a release, either my nerves and muscles releasing tension thats builtup there or just 'energy' being released, generally I think it is a good sign. JM is right too, it indicates a change in brain-waves (I read about this in books on lucid dreaming).

Meditation is such a great thing to learn, it has so many benefits in other areas of life.

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Hi Merlin9,

Experiences in meditation aren't anything to worry about at all and you shouldn't dwell on them unnecessarily - all kinds of different physical and mental sensations can come and go,but there's no need to get attached to them.
Its important to relax... maybe you could do some gentle breathing exercises lying on your back, before you start your visualisation. You could try this : Inhale through your nostils and then pause slightly, exhale through your mouth and pause slightly,(counting to one mentally on the exhalation- e.g. in and out = 1) and continue for 10 times ,or twice as long if you're quite tense to begin with.
Doing an exercise like this focusing on one's breathing is quite useful when tension occurs in everyday situations too. In a tense everyday situation one can also think: "Letting go" on the outbreath as an alternative to the counting.

