"If you think you can or think you can't you are probably right.” – Henry Ford
The way you think so do you manifest. Thoughts are powerful. If you want to change your life, change the way you think about yourself. At times, we find ourselves trapped in the never-ending cycle of negative thoughts. We often let ourselves down. We do not trust, understand, and realise our own self.
One of the simple ways to overcome this is by continuously feeding our mind with positive thoughts. I have used this myself, and it is highly rewarding.
As soon as you finish reading this article, please use the positive affirmations given below. Repeat them as many times as you can during the day. If you forget sometimes do not worry just take it easy. You can also write them on small stickers and put them all around your house, this has a massive impact on your subconscious mind.
When you practise and use them regularly, they will become established in your awareness. And, in a short period of time, the benefits will start flowing towards you like a mighty river.
Positive Affirmations:
(1) I am a strong and worthy person.
(2) I have unlimited power.
(3) I am a positive person.
(4) I am creative and I am a wonderful human being.
(5) I believe in myself.
(6) This is a beautiful world.
(7) I love myself.
EDITED:Title and signature, and reduced font size.
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
No they don't!
Does that one count?
Well obviously to you the answer is yes...
And what exactly is 'destiny' - that implies some kind of pre-determination...
What ever happened to the fact that we now have 'science'.
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
The following isquotedfrom 'The Gospel of Mary.' One of the Gnostic gospels found in a cave at Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt in 1945.
These were hidden after the burning of the Alexandrian Library in AD 391.
These Gospels were written at a time when there was no division or conflictbetween The Spiritual Mysteries and Science. The personal link to 'God'or 'That which is greater than ourselves'(however you wish to describe it), wasdeemed asa matter of fact and avaliable to all. The Gospelswere hidden because the up and coming Roman Church wanted the route to 'God' to be kept to the few, ie; the priests, only they were to be used as the 'go between' and what they said was the only 'truth.' Everything else was heretical.
From the Gospel of Mary.
"Blessed are you, that do not waver at the sight of me. For the where the mind is, is the treasure."
I said to him, "Lord, now does he who sees the vision see it through the soul or through the spirit?"
He answered and said, "He does not see through the soul nor, through the spirit, but the mind which is between the two."
It takes strength to turn around to positive thinking; our ego, or self-belief, wants to stay where it is, feeding itself with non-positivity as itfinds it 'easier' to stay where it is ( been there & got the T-shirt!). However, itcan be done andas Debojitc said ' the benefits will start flowing towards you like a mighty river.' And it does, might be a slow trickle atfirst, but then WOW!
Watch 'The Secret.' Boy! Does it work....if you want it to.
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
Magna, you have given me this fantastic information. God bless you. Yes, I totally agree all our problems come from our ego. And, it does take time but you can win by practise.
Joss, I respect your views and feelings. I write what my heart says, you might agree or you might completely dis-agree.
God bless everyone.
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
Hello debojitc. Welcome to HP and the Life Coaching forum 🙂
Yes, that's a famous quote by Henry Ford, and there's much truth in it. I think people very often don't realise how negative their thoughts really ARE, and how these manifest in what they say, how they express themselves, how they give away their power. Do you agree with that?
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
Henry Ford had a point i do believe our thoughts do affect our dreams and aspirations
Also being around negative people (or positive people) can affect you too.
But we can't control others thoughts alas.
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
the people you surround yourself with are very important in my opinion! If you are constantly
surrounded by negative people, you will eventually become negative as well!
That's why i think we should chose carefully who our friends are as it will affect yourself
in many ways!
Why would you like to control others people thoughts? I wish i could first control all
my thought 😉
RE: Your thoughts decide your destiny
Ya its truly said one can be judged by his/her company, also i have read somewhere that "Tobecome successful, Be with successful".
And ofcourse keep a determined thought that you want in your life.