Hi Everyone,
Whatever you're doing this weekend ... have a good one!!!
I nearly called this "That Was The Week That Was" after the TV programme from long ago, but that might have been telling, mightn't it? 😉
Looking back on my week, I'm giving myself Brownie points for everything I've achieved - clutter clearing, me time, boundaries, more me time, confidence building, compromising, still more me time ..... and I'm not beating myself up over things that had to get left undone. I'm sure the new moon had as much to do with this as the ways in which other people, especially in this forum, have enriched my life. Thank you all. [sm=grouphug.gif]
And since it's monthly drumming group get-together on Sunday ...
Yessir, Iza goin' drummin' !!!
And NO GUILT - V I P that, no guilt. 🙂
I'd have posted a pic of my drum, but she who shall be nameless has not yet got back to me with the "how to" :D:D:D
Love to all,
RE: Whatever you're doing this weekend ...
ORIGINAL: Holistic
Hi Everyone,
Whatever you're doing this weekend ... have a good one!!!
Polish kids b'day party, that means Voddie:D:D:D
Looking back on my week, I'm giving myself Brownie points for everything I've achieved - clutter clearing, me time, boundaries, more me time, confidence building, compromising, still more me time ..... and I'm not beating myself up over things that had to get left undone. I'm sure the new moon had as much to do with this as the ways in which other people, especially in this forum, have enriched my life. Thank you all. [sm=grouphug.gif]
Does that mean you get extra chocs????
And since it's monthly drumming group get-together on Sunday ...
Yessir, Iza goin' drummin' !!!
And NO GUILT - V I P that, no guilt. 🙂
What is guilt???????????????
I'd have posted a pic of my drum, but she who shall be nameless has not yet got back to me with the "how to" :D:D:D
Can't get the staff can you nowadays:D:D:D
RE: Whatever you're doing this weekend ...
Extra chocs? Nah!
An extra glass of Chard., now you're talking! :D:D:D
Hey, at this rate we're going to get big smacks and sent to bed early without any supper, never mind the vino/voddie. Shades of "just wait till your father gets home". [&o]
Has anyone noticed the general disintegration to playground level on this forum on a Friday afternoon? Last week it was something to do with a [sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif] as I recall. Eeh, but it does you good to have a laff!
RE: Whatever you're doing this weekend ...
Don't tell any one but I have my stash under the bed[sm=wave.gif]
Friday afternoon is designated for general regression as we prepare for the PUB!!!!![sm=nuts.gif][sm=nuts.gif][sm=nuts.gif]
RE: Whatever you're doing this weekend ...
I think you need to be in Mind Therapies for regression. 😀
RE: Whatever you're doing this weekend ...
well, it's Sunday morning already but in answer to your topical question...
I spent part of yesterday sending out my latest newsltter (always welcomed to subscribe if anyone wants to) and then just preparing a few plans for my Summer holiday in Greece as well as dealing with many emails and things.
Today... well... apart from spending a bit of time on HP.... another great barbecue time with family and just relaxing before monday morning come back again, though I love my weekly job anyhow (I am one of the lucky ones, eh?)
Love to all and ... enjoy the sun!