What is coaching?
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What is coaching?

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What is coaching?
Coaching is an interactive process where the coach guides and facilitates the client's progress towards defined goals. These may concern relationships, career, self-confidence, financial matters or, a more general uneasy feeling that life has "drifted off course".

Coaching is a one-to-one relationship between a client and their coach. Regular sessions are held either face-to-face or over the telephone with action taken by the client between each session.

A coach helps their client to identify what they want to achieve, whether it's in their personal, professional or public life. Once identified, the coach supports their client throughout their quest to achieve their goals, helping to keep the client focused and on track and to overcome any challenges and obstacles on the way to their goal.

Who would use a coach?
Anyone who is experiencing lack of progress with a goal or someone who feels dissatisfied with the direction an aspect of their life is going in.

Does Coaching really benefit?
Ask anyone who has experienced coaching for themselves and they will tell you that it has changed their life, that it has brought them personal satisfaction and success, a deep sense of achievement and that they feel energised to move forward in a positive and purposeful way.

How long would someone see a coach for?
Usually a coaching relationship lasts between 4 & 12 sessions, but clients will realise the benefits right from the first session. The coaching relationship can of course last as long as the client wants it to.

Isn't coaching just like any other therapy?
Coaching shares some similarities with other therapies and counselling. It is focused on helping clients, being non-judgemental and non-prescriptive. There are, however, a number of fundamental differences between coaching and other forms of therapy.

Coaching is Goal-Centric
Often a goal will emerge during therapy or counselling. Coaching doesn't begin until a goal has been identified. Although a coach may understand how your past has created your current situation, the coaching session is focused on where you are now and where you want to get to in the future. A coach doesn't offer any solutions for the client. Coaches believe that clients possess all the necessary resources to do, be and have anything they want in life. A coach's job is enabling the client to uncover all their hidden abilities and motivations so they are empowered to take positive actions towards achieving their goals.

How does coaching differ from mentoring?
A mentor will generally guide and teach someone in a specific task or job. The mentor will draw significantly on their own experience, will pass on short cuts and tricks of the trade to guide their student to a specified result. The mentor will be expected to know the answers to a task related situation. A coach works with you so that you discover the questions and the answers for yourself, not just for a particular task, but also for all your life situations.

What are the qualities of a great coach?
A great coach believes in the amazing abilities that people have and seeks to draw those out of their clients. A great coach is a supporter and enabler of people's dreams. A great coach knows how to listen and ask just the right questions, when to challenge and when to support. A great coach puts aside all judgements and lets their clients start with a fresh sheet of paper to design their life.

For who ever is interested
Extract from the introduction to coaching posted on the Coaching Academy's website. For further info please go to

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Coaching Books

As a coach who has been working with clients for a couple of years now I came across the following resource a short while ago.

I have downloaded the free report that were on offer, and have tailored them to suit my needs. In fact, I now use them to attract clients and also to give away as interesting information to clients. I don't know an awful lot about the company that is producing these reports, all I can say is I have found them very interesting and helpful indeed.

To access them just go to .

Happy reading 🙂


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Coaching refers to the activity of a coach in developing the abilities of coachees or clients. Coaching tends to focus on the achievement by coachees of a goal or specific skill.
Today, coaching is a recognized discipline used by many professionals engaged in human development focused on achieving results. However, as a distinct profession, it is relatively new (since 1990) and self-regulating (except for international professional associations)

[url]Life Coach Training[/url]
[url]Business Coach Training[/url]

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Coaching is a creative process that inspires people or clients to maximize their personal and professional potential.

A coach should:

  • Encourage client self-discovery;
  • Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve;
  • Hold the client responsible and accountable.
  • Encourage client self-discover.
  • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategie.


[url]career coaches[/url] | [url]business coaches[/url] | [url]health coaches[/url]

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Thanks for this great article. I am a life coach in Singapore, My clients are professionals who have identified areas for improvement in either their professional or personal spheres and who are ready and motivated to discover their full potential. In our case, coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

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I feel lucky when I get a Life COaching service on
Their services are good and neat.

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Life Coaching is a profession that helps you reach a goal or make a change in your life read more about...[url] life coaching training[/url]

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Well, according to me, life coaching comes as a larger and a successful form of the talking therapy. This coaching is for the individuals who tend to bring a profound change in their lives. And a [url]life coaching training[/url] provider is someone that looks forward to empower other by helping them to meet their goals in both professional and personal lives.
