Hi Guys
Was looking through the threads, and came across this one.
Found it very interesting and decided to bring it up again - hope you dont mind.
Heres mine:
Eat and sleep
Don't remember much more
Go to school
Made friends went on trips
Moved area - felt strange
Go to middle school
Still growing up
Made friends
Happy life!
Grandparents visit for first time from canada
I change - keeping secret to myself (now 12)
Feeling lonely - Losing friends - feeling of Isolation
Go to secondary school
Try to fit in - Ran away alot - Bad education
Learning to survive on my own
Hurt myself
Brother taken away
Still growing up
Getting in trouble (not what u think)
Leave home (now 17)
Finding jobs - never sticking to them
Finding myself - so much love inside me to give but dont know how anymore
Move back home
Grandparents due a visit (now 18)
Leave home
Longing for love - Finding boyfriend/husband
Fall pregnant (absolute joy) - Get married (now 19)
Still have secret
First major medical problem - Ruining my life (now 23)
Mum and Dad emmigrate - heartbroken, Secret comes out
Had 3 more kids (absolute joy)
Second major medical problem - Had surgery
Found occasional work - never lasted more than 2 months
Surgery (First medical problem)
Feel useless - relying on family
Depression kicks in worse
Decide to deal with trama's - Nearly split with husband
Third medical problem (recent one)
Found HP
Changing my life! - learning to cope better and gaining more confidence etc
RE: One of Purpose's old posts
I feel honoured that you found this simple thing so helpful. Thanks for bringing it up again. Enjoy!