The Moderating Team have noticed that a number of coaches have posted in this forum offering free life coaching, some being coaches-in-training needing coachees, and some qualified and experienced coaches.
Threads started by trainee coaches that currently exist may remain, but have been moved (please see this forum's topics list for MOVED notices). However .....
As this is a discussion forum, may we respecfully request that in future these guidelines be followed:
Trainee coaches
Please post your request for people to offer their services as coachees willing to be coached to assist with your case studies in the Student/Training forum, here:
[url]Student / Training[/url]
Another possibility might be an exchange for eg a therapy, in which case please use the Therapy Swaps forum, here:
[url]Therapy Swaps[/url]
The only exception to the above that would be acceptable is on-line coaching in this forum, if members are willing to be coached here, so that others may learn and benefit from this, and as has happened in the past.
Practicing coaches undertaking further training/certification may also use the Student/Training forum if needing people for case studies.
Qualified and experienced coaches
We regret that offers of free samples and taster sessions cannot be accepted here.
Please feel free to contribute to this forum in other ways ... by replying to members' queries, or perhaps by starting a new topic which may be of interest to the coaching community and those thinking of joining it. Your experience and views will surely be of interest.
The general forum guidelines, which cover such matters as advertising (which is not permitted) are here:
[url]Forum Guidelines & Rules[/url]
to which please refer if there's anything you're not sure about, or PM a moderator.
On behalf of the Moderating Team
An edit has been made to the above Notice in respect ofconfirming that practicing coaches undertaking further training/certification may alsouse the Student/Training forum if needing people for case studies.