Hi all,
I have found this to be a very useful forum, thank you to the contributors.
I am studying to gain a coaching diploma and I currently need as much information on the use of the STEPPPA model as possible. Can anyone share with me their experiences of putting this model into practice?
My heart is full to bursting with love for the world in which we live and the people in it.
RE: New to coaching - need STEPPPA examples
welcome to Hp and especially to the Life Coaching forum. As a Senior coach and the Life Coaching forum moderator I am really happy to see you here. Please read the masses of stuff thatwe have and ask any questions that you may wish to seek an answer for.
As for the Steppa model a discussion was recently posted on here. Take a lok at...
RE: New to coaching - need STEPPPA examples
Thank you purpose for the welcome.
As you say there is masses of stuff here that I will definately be reading.
I may have questions and I am pleased by your invitation to ask them.
You have my respect,
RE: New to coaching - need STEPPPA examples
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for info on the Stepppa model and would like to know the pros and cons of using this model - I don't yet have angus Mcleod's book and am working to a deadline on a coaching course ?
can anyone help please - I want to respoind with more than just my ideas ?
thanks in advance.
Ps I'm new to this and hope I've entered at the right level.
Hi all,
I have found this to be a very useful forum, thank you to the contributors.
I am studying to gain a coaching diploma and I currently need as much information on the use of the STEPPPA model as possible. Can anyone share with me their experiences of putting this model into practice?
My heart is full to bursting with love for the world in which we live and the people in it.
RE: New to coaching - need STEPPPA examples
The STEPPA model has been mentioned in a Coaching diploma I am studying. I am trying to find out more information about this and would appreciate some help. In particular, I am looking at peopls views on the pros and cons of the STEPPA model. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
RE: New to coaching - need STEPPPA examples
Hi Howlea1,
Seems we're in the same boat - I've now read the Angus mcleod book on Steppa and none the wiser - well maybe a little ? I've just submitted my questions - it seems that they could go in one of a number of places - so still a little confused by this.
How are you doing,:eek:
RE: New to coaching - need STEPPPA examples
I'm away for two weeks in Europe - so perhaps we can discuss when I get back - good luck.
I googled the above and this web site and threads came up.
I know the threads were posted a few years ago but I wondered whether anyone could help with the STEPPA model.
I'm studying for a Coaching Diploma (probably the same one mentioned by some of the contributors) and need to understand the model for my next assessment date - 1st September.
Hi, this is one of the main coaching models, so I'm a bit surprised that a coaching school wouldn't have explained (and had you practice this model), long before being assessed on it. I'm not actually sure what it is you want to know? A good general overview of the model is here:
(you need to scroll down to nearly the end of the page.)
Its a developmental model, designed to ensure that the coachee has a motivated strategy for success. I would suggest you get a hold of Angus McLeod's book "Performance Coaching" which has a detailed step by step description of the model.
If there is something specific you need to know, then let me know and I'll do my best to help. Joyce