dear all.... i need a bit of help!
i am currently going to a therepist who is wonderful and is really helping me out with some stuff. it turns out i have problems ...hehehe.
anyway... as a bit of homework i was told to write 2 letters ( which will not be sent to anyone duh!) to 2 people. in doing so what happens is that i end up confronting myself.... as in the real me. which is kinda freaking me out. i try but i m just shy and worried. simply because some of the thoughts and things i need to talk about are... well evil, disgusting or just stupid and make no sense. i have to give these letters to my therepist who i have a good relation with. that being said i m afraid of what he might say to me, or what he might think.... eventhough i have shared some deep thoughts with him and he has never judged me. the real hard part is writing these letters. i freeze up. i really want to just vent and get these things out so that we can sort them but it s just that i m worried about what i might see when i look into myself that much... and i will not see my therepist for another week which means i ll be walking around with all these things hanging out and i dont know if i can handle it. i m sad cos i just want to get this all sorted but it comes at a price. i have to face myself...vent... and then spend the rest of the week trying to cope with what i ve just confronted. HOW?
how do i - write the letters and be 100% honest?
- deal with the emotions while at work?
- stop myself from crying every 2 seconds after those letters have been written?
- stop thinking that i m an evil person and going to hell?
RE: mirror image
Hi riff,
4 questions 🙂 (and then some)
1: What will happen if you write the letters?
2: What will happen if you do not write the letters?
3: What won't happen if you write the letters?
4: What won't happen if you don't write the letters?
Of course you don't need to reply on here directly.
But answer each one in turn and take your time. If you feel you can't answer just come back to it after a break. Feel free to send me a private message if you like, but it's up to you.
Some additional questions I have are:-
What is the best thing that could happen from writting these letters?
If you knew they therapist wasn't going to read them, would it be easier?
Do they have to be written? Could you just record an audio version?
If you were to draw the letter as a picture instead, what would you draw?
If you wrote one line today rather than the whole thing, then came back tomorrow and wrote the next line, would that break it down and make it easier to manage?
RE: mirror image
good questions! which deserve good answers. put it this way. i really want to write them. i know that afterwards they will lead to a positive outcome. i know that afterwards i will feel better ahving sorted them out. but the key word here is afterwards! lol. it will be easier for me to just write them down and not break it all up seeing as i prefere to keep things going. i will be more honest once i m on a role so to speak.
my main concern really is that i might screw myself up for a while after i have written them and before i take them to my therepist. thats all....i dont want tto screw myself up and then have to go to work and so on. lol
RE: mirror image
I think that this is the point of the letters and
he has never judged me
a good councilor/therapist would never judges their clients nor do they come up answers to their problems but will guide them. They are there to help YOU answer to your problems with your past present and future.
I think he wants you to write the letters and to be 100% honest, deal with the emotions about work,home and to stop thinking that you are an evil person and going to hell. He knows it will not be easy.
The letters (I think, I am not a train councilor/therapist)are for you to put your feeling down in black and white and help you see your fears/feeling to see them for what they are. You say
i really want to just vent and get these things out so that we can sort them
Then do just that let all you worries/woes/anger out put it all in those letters. I think the best way to write them would be to sit in a quite room, not worry about what anyone would say (the only people to see them would be yourself and your therapist) and let rip. Other people I have heard done this sort of letter say that once they started they did not where the words came from and when to stop, but the felt such sense of freedom when they had finished a therapy it is own way.
In the words of the add "Just do it" and do it from the heart.
Good Luck with the sessions and I hope they help you in the you want.
RE: mirror image
ok--am i doingit correctly? i wrote one fo the letters and found that although i was supposed to write about 6 points i ended up repeating myself - suddenly realising that they were all about the same thing. is that normal? and also... i just feel like i went into a bit too much detail into things and i dont know if they are relevant. it s like i just too that opportunity to vent them before thinking about whether or not they are relevant to what i am writing. i mean i did make sure after that i went back to the point so i guess they are relevant but i m just not sure what it was that i was supposed to do.
help please