I have just finished my 2nd BSc (2 BSc's - strange thing to do i know). It was in Complementary Therapies (Reflexology), and i really enjoyed it as it is where my heart is.
However, I am now in a position where i can't get a job as a therapist as there are very few, don't have any real experience in the work place as I've been at uni for 8 years, and can't get a shop or similar job as they consider me to be over-qualified.
My first BSc was in Biological sciences but i didn't do honours so i can't (and don't really want to) get a job in that field.
Its starting to get me down as i don't know what on earth to do. I want to be a therapist but that involves being self-employed and promoting yourself and, at this point in my life, i don't feel ready to do that.
At the moment i work on reception in a comp therapies centre, covering shifts when the other admin are ill or away. I've had a lot of shifts over the summer as many of them have been away, but as of sept they'll all be back. And the centre is unwilling to offer me any regular shifts (although they've hinted that they may give me one a week but that would be 6, and as good as nothing).
I feel lost. And angry with myself for not having started earlier on a career path.
I don't know what to do.
Why be so hard on yourself. I didnt have a career path in my 20s, I fell into working with young people did a post grad, ended up being promoted twice very quickly, was made ill by the stress and strain of my job and my manager.
Left to go back to uni again at 34, am still working with young people but in a different field. My first degree was actually business studies which I have never used.
Sometimes having no path can be a good thing and when we get the job we think we want we might not want it after all.
There are plenty ways you can get a foot in the door, why dont you consider doing voluntary work for a hospice or for a stress centre. Of course we all need to live but you might find that doors open.
Ive been where you are, thinking, Im never going to find work but you will, theres always something that will turn up.
Hi Melissarosereflex
Is there any reason why you have to be employed by someone else to do reflexology?? Why don't you start your own business - any money you make goes to you, not some salon owner with a flashy car!
You are never over-qualified for anything. People only say that becuase they are afraid you will know more than them.
Go for it girl, its the best thing I've ever done - I would never work for someone else again.
Good luck
Sue x