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life coaching workshops

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a friend of mine is doing her first life coaching workshop. she's asking £60 for one day. is this a bit expensive? i'd have thought more like £45. we're gu34 area.

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RE: life coaching workshops

It's a little difficult to give an opinion on the small amount of information given. What more can you tell us about the workshop?

For instance, is your friend planning to give an intro toparticipants as to how to coach others? Is it a group coaching for those attending to be given tools to move forward in their own lives? Maybe an combination of the two?

What's on her flyer? How is it being advertised? How many participants will there be? What handouts will there be? Do you get lunch thrown in?

I'm not sure about the relevance of the area, but no doubt others can advise on that. If GU34 is Guildford, I'd have thought it might be more expensive than some more far-flung rural areas, but I'm only guessing here.


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RE: life coaching workshops

she's coaching others to learn how to set goals etc. Tea and coffee are thrown in but no lunch. She's made postcards advertising the day which she's putting in local shops, hotels etc. she's also being interviewed on local radio.She doesn't live in the area where she's doing the worksop (Alton) but in Cornwall. She's including a follow up by telephone in the price. The posters are a bit amateurish (had to rewrite them for her), just A4 printed on her computer which surprised me as she's paid a PR person for advice.

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RE: life coaching workshops

First, my apologies for a belated reply. Secondly, I'm thinking hmmmm, from what you've said ... and a little reading between the lines ...and I'mwondering if your friend is newly qualified and just starting out. Please correct me if I've got the wrong impression.

It will be interesting to seewhat other coaches here might think of the price, buton the above basis, £60does seem to me to be a little high. Taking into account her travel costs, how many attendees does she need to make a profit on this workshop? Or at least to break even while making herself known?


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RE: life coaching workshops

only 5 to break even, maybe make a little, so not too bad. but she's looking for about 10/15. she has had a fairly high profile write-up in the local paper and the price is out there now so I suppose it's a bit late. we'll just have to see how it goes and maybe look at it again in a couple of weeks. It's not til October. but thanks for the input.

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RE: life coaching workshops

Heavens above! £60 is VERY CHEAP especially as it includes some telephone sessions afterwards. Normally for a professional workshop you would expect to pay a fee in the hundreds. However, if this is her first workshop then she is probably wise to charge a low fee until she has been able to build up and establish her reputation. I wish her all the best with her venture and if she is happy with the fee she is charging then all well and good.

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RE: life coaching workshops

I'm in two minds as to whether I think this is cheap or not.

£60 for a day workshop sounds cheap to me - but only if there are say 6 people. If the number goes up to 10-15 I don't think I'd be happy anyway because there would not be much personal interation and it could bemore effectiveto spend the day reading a goal setting book.

Ultimately the cheapness/expensiveness depends on thequality of the product. Will the participants consider it good value for money?

I hope the workshop goes well and the participants gain a lot from it.

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RE: life coaching workshops

IMHO, a workshop should be priced on two or threefactors.

1. The value that people attach to what they'll take away. If people want and need the information and experience in a workshop then it's worth something. Where else could they get this same information? How much would it cost to do it themselves or to get one to one assistance? How specialised or how beneficial to each member is the workshop? What will be different when they leave and what's the value of that?

2. The cost of putting together the workshop (printing, materials, refreshments, venue, advertising, PR, marketing, etc) divided by the likely number of attendees is break even point. Factor in what kind of money she's looking to make from the workshop and that will also give you a business-based figure.

3. How much are comparable workshops? A one day workshop in the corporate environment can cost anything from £300 to £3000 plus, one day personal workshops anything from £30 to £3000 plus (depending on the host). What price point are other coaches setting similar workshops?

Be really careful not to undervalue the workshop, this is the mistake that a lot of new coaches make - both with workshops and their own fees. Putting cards in windows is a strategy for attracting attendees, but it's not the most effective as the hit rate will be really low and there's no way of measuring it. If she has a list of contacts or can piggy-back onto someone elses list, newsletter or ezine that's a much better way to go. She's able to target her audience a little more and measure the response - that'll all help tune to things and run things next time round.

Hope it all goes well - enjoy it!

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RE: life coaching workshops

A local health centre to me (The Malden Centre, about 30 minutes drive away from Alton) that runs all sorts of courses from weeklies to one day workshops also runs a life coaching workshop. If your friend wants to do some market research, maybe she could give them a ring, pretending to be a prospective student. (I don't know where my brochure for this term's courses is or I'd look for you.)

EDIT: Removed telephone no. since members are advised not to quote contact details on the open forum. Perhaps they have a website where this info can be found?

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RE: life coaching workshops

thanks everyone for your input. Have passed it on. She has 4 booked so far!

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RE: life coaching workshops

wow £60 a day, that is cheap, most wuld pat £50 per hour and if you are in london you are looking at £100 or more an hour.

Edit: to add signature

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I run introduction to coaching workshops, group coaching is part of the day. I charge £99 for the day which includes coffee, tea & biscuits on arrival, and again mid morning with fruit, 3 course carvery lunch plus coffee and afternoon refreshments. The price also includes all delegate materials. It is a Coaching Academy course with a great slides and activities.

The price people pay for courses and workshops is very subjective, what is expensive to one is not necessarily so for another.

I prefer to give my delegates a good quality day out and receive less profit. I think my clients then appreciate that and relax and enjoy the day one they know I have not been penny pinching and they are going to get good quality for their money.


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I think £60 seems quite low but depends on the content really!

How has everyone else promoted thier workshops? I trying to prepare one for March need some more tips on how to drum un new customers, i'm focusing on small groups so maximum of 7 people only in the workshop


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Hello Newcastle coach and kaizenstorm 🙂

In welcoming you both as new members to the Healthypages discussion forums, may I most respectfully say two things:

Firstly, this thread was started in August 2006 by a member who was enquiring about a workshop a friend of hers was considering running ... it was not about her own proposed workshop. The date and content of that first post may perhaps not have been noticed when you made your replies.

Secondly, I must point out that members may not promote their own courses and events on the discussion forums, since this is considered as advertising in accordance with the forum guidelines:

As you may be aware, there are other areas of Healthypages ... separate from the discussion forums ... where courses and events may be advertised:

or there are tabs to both at the top of every page.

The moderators felt that both the two recent posts above were perhaps getting a little close to the borderline between discussion and actively promoting your own courses. Although we are allowing them to remain, edited as indicated, may we ask that you kindly bear this point in mind.

Many thanks,

On behalf of the Moderating Team
