Hey all, im new to this site, and very confused after reading a few threads.
Id like to do : a nutrition and diet course and a life coach course , but im now so confused over which ones are best for me? A diploma, an ITEC (whatever that is?!?) or what?
I have a young child and a mortgage to pay, so the course needs to be flexible (weekends etc..) Im not keen on learning at home as i need one to one interaction to learn.
Im just soooooooooooo confused about what courses will enable me to do what i want to do without taking 2-3 years to achieve and a heafty bill at the end of it!!
Thanks all,
Like any info on what qualifications you need to be able to practise and charge for life coaching.
RE: Life coaching - what qualifications are needed???
Hi Sair.
My name is Sarah Koch and I am a Life Coach. I trained 5 years ago with The Coaching Academy. I do not believe there is any required qualification needed as such to become a Coach, however, unless you undertake some training you will not understand the concept about what Coaching is and isn't. All Coaching Courses are done at home via correspondence and thetelephone as Coaching is 'working from home' type work, unless you go Corporate and that is specialised.
Most courses start at £2000.
Public liability Insurance is recommended.
As you are unsure which direction to take, I suggest you find a Coach and have a few sessions to ascertain your best way forward; this way you will become more clear and will also then understand how Coaching works and if it is actually for you.
Good luck.
RE: Life coaching - what qualifications are needed???
Hello magna and welcome to HP 🙂
There was quite a thread here recently about the need for training to be a life coach:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=304878 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=304878[/link]
which began with a query about the Coaching Academy's "free" weekends, and developed from there into an interesting discussion.
All Coaching Courses are done at home via correspondence and thetelephone as Coaching is 'working from home' type work, unless you go Corporate and that is specialised.
I think it might be more true to say that MANY courses are done at home exclusively. Some are weekend residentials initially followed by home study. Others are available in colleges. Costs vary greatly.
I would agree that much coaching work is done on the telephone and by email, but not entirely. There is also, of course, face-to-face coaching in person, either 1-2-1 or groups. Personally, if clients live close enough for us to perhaps meet half way, I really enjoy the opportunity to meet them in person and get to know them a little before the telephoning stage. It's also a good excuse to get "suited and booted" for a day out! 😀
Many pros and cons for all methods of coaching: In person, by phone, by email. A combination can work really well. This could be discussed in more detail later, if wanted.
Excellent advice to Sair to get some coaching herself while considering training. Rather like having a Reiki treatment prior to an attunement. 🙂
Best wishes,
RE: Life coaching - what qualifications are needed???
Hi Sair
Right now you don't need any qualifications to start coaching. There are some great coaches out there who've had no 'official' life coach training, and there are also great coaches who've had loads of training. The industry isn't regulated right now (although there are things in the pipeline here in the UK) so Joe Bloggs can set himself up as a coach today and start coaching. The point is that it's down to the individual - you need to find the kindo of training that works for you and gives you what you feel you need to be able to get going.
The ICF (International Coaching Federation)has becomethe de-facto standard body for self-regulating the profession, and has an extensive set of ethics and competencies that many of the major courses are aligned with. The ICF actually review course materials and structures from the different schools and only give their rubber stamp to the ones that are in alignment with those competencies. That doesn't necessarily make them 'better' courses, but means that they are sure to cover a lot ofgood detailand (arguably) offer the 'safest' route in terms of future regulation.
I always point people to Marianne Craig's ebook 'So You Want to Become a Life Coach' as a really good, independent guide to the different courses and some of the other considerations. Take a look at [link= http://www.coachlifeandcareer.com ]www.coachlifeandcareer.com[/link].
A big part of it is figuring out HOW you want to work with coaching and nutrition - start working out how you want to combine those things and how you want your working time to look, and that might give you some clues as to how best to go forwards.
All the Best!
RE: Life coaching - what qualifications are needed???
You are quite right Holistic. I forgot the college courses and a couple of the other things you mentioned. All the coaches I have met have only done the residential weekend, followed by the correspondence/telephone form of training.
I also coach face to face, which I prefer, but the majority of mycoaching is via the telephone and is very effective, it then becomes a world wide business, literally. E-mail coaching can be a good medium too especially for those who are a bit shy of the telephone or of meeting people.
I enjoy teaching too, this is my strength, bringing out and developing people's talents.
I agree with steve too about there being great coaches who do not have any qualifications. To me, a good coach is someone who really listens to another and whohelps them tobring outtheir own answers, whilst staying impartial; this is the cornerstone of coaching.
I belong to the yahoo e-coaching community where coaches exchange ideas and ask questions etc. like this forum and it is great,I have gained a lot from it; however I am concerned about what these courses are actually teaching people as there are questions being asked that should have been addressed within the courses; ie. 'What is the definition of coaching?' was one question by a newly qualified coach!!!!! and 'How many clients doI start off with; how many sessions should I book; how do I do thisand what should I charge?' was another and these are not isolated questions either. It is very inspiring to go on these courses and to events where there are these dynamic, motivational speakers, we all need to 'feel the fire',but this 'fire' soon dies down and it is not easy to re-charge it, but if the basics aren't being covered then it is not surprising that the fire dies down all too quickly because the understanding hasn't been grasped. It is like a mechanic beinggiven an engine,which is the finished product, without being told how it actually works orhow it isconstructed.
I enjoy coaching as it is awonderful way to make a living byhelping another and the more people who areout there helping others, the better for all.
RE: Life coaching - what qualifications are needed???
I am concerned about what these courses are actually teaching people as there are questions being asked that should have been addressed within the courses; ie. 'What is the definition of coaching?' was one question by a newly qualified coach!!!!! and 'How many clients do I start off with; how many sessions should I book; how do I do this and what should I charge?' was another and these are not isolated questions either.
I do take your point on this aspect. However, IME, people do sometimes ask a question inforumsthat is phrased in such away that it's not clear where they're coming from! By this I mean that yes, they might truly be in ignorance .... or on the other hand they might be seeking a second opinion, or a range of views for comparison, but they haven't actually said so. A little gentle probing usually clarifies 😉