i dont like me
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i dont like me

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Hi dont know how to start this and i am not very good at getting what i mean across. I really dont like me very much. I really wish i could change the way I am. Can somone really change?

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RE: i dont like me

My dear Lynda

Why oh why do you want to change!

I read your mails and you make me smile! 🙂 You sound a happy, lovely lady.

Don't change - please.


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RE: i dont like me

Hi Lynda

Yes!!! I read it!!!
How can you not like you? Like Sue has just said, look at what you have done on here.
Look at what you have achieved!!! 😀
Your so much happier - aren't you?

With all the things you have got planned, i think you will start liking yourself sooner than you think:D

Take Care

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RE: i dont like me

P.S You don't need to change physically, you just need to change the way you think about yourself.
Yes guys, I've started to do that too


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RE: i dont like me

Hi Michelle
Self realisation is a wonderful tool and should be commended. Also the comments that people like you make on here to support and lift is highly regarded.

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RE: i dont like me

Hi Ian,

Yes self realisation is a wonderful thing. If I can help others whilst learning it myself, it makes me feel good! If I feel good, I like myself more for what I have done.

Thank you for your kind comment.
Take Care

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RE: i dont like me

Thank you for your replys it is nice to know. and yes i am feeling alot happier, due to the fact of you lovely people, I have belly laughed over the last couple of days and cant remember the last time it did that.

There is still a couple of issues about me that i dont like

1 I am married to the most negitive man in the world, I love him dearly but at the momnet he has a neg opinion about everything and always crosses the bridge before we get there. This has rubbed off on me and I feel I am becoming just like it.

2. I am always either really motivated about something or have no motivation at all. no half measures

I could go on and on. and sorry if it is boring

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RE: i dont like me


great thread you have started! Well done. Now, let me help you though.

I really dont like me very much.

Why? What's wrong? You are such a precious and wonderful person? Is it a matter of low self-esteem or is there something else, you think?

I really wish i could change the way I am.

Well Lynda, that is up to you. You are the author of your life and you are the one who can change it....with a bit of help from your friends on HP/Life coaching!

Can somone really change?

Oh absolutely! That is what life coaching is all about. It's bringing changinges that will enable you to live a better, more fulfilled, happier and more successful life. That is one of the strongest reasons why people come to life coaching and so the answer is a resounding.... YES!!

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RE: i dont like me


You say...

Why oh why do you want to change! I read your mails and you make me smile! You sound a happy, lovely lady.

You seem to imply, but correct me if I am wrong, that changing is bad. Actaully, changing is very good. In nature everything changes all the time. In the universe everything chnages all the time. Change brings new life, new awareness and new self realisation and therefore it should be welcomed.

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RE: i dont like me


You said...

1 I am married to the most negitive man in the world... This has rubbed off on me and I feel I am becoming just like it.

Oh no Lynda, don't become negative! Now, there is aspecial medicine however for that and that is.... smile in all situations! Really, I mean that!

2. I am always either really motivated about something or have no motivation at all. no half measures.

Well, one thing is sure... you are very straight forward in your ways! Seriously though... that migh be the effect of negativity. here are some quick suggestions.

1. Give yourself some goals to achieve and then set a path to achieve them and a time line to do so.

2. Read some positive affiormations (if you need some I have loads!)

3. Focus on your best and your achievements.

4. Let us know how you are getting on with these and above all.... be happy!

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RE: i dont like me

See lynda 😉


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RE: i dont like me

thank you so much for you repy Alex. I really took alot from your words.

Being on here has really helped me, and the neg is not so much, and somthing I am working on, with the help from Michelle and others.
I would really like it if I could have some positive affuormations.

I have set some small goals and working on them, but my main aim is to be Happy

thank you

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RE: i dont like me

Dearest Lynda,

I don't know you like the others do from your writing on other forums.
But what I DO know that there is 'a someone' who loves you unconditionally and sees you as enormously precious. That someone is God, Love (or whatever you might call this, because there are loads of names for it). Have you ever loved a child for doing what it is doing, even if it is not of a high quality, but just loving everything the child does, because it is just being him/herself as a child? Have you ever loved a child's drawing, even if the child is not a wonderful artist compared with Picasso? That's how God sees you. Everything you do, God sees you as a shining light of Love in Her/His eyes.

God surrounds you with Love all the time, also your husband. Try to find things your husband is positive about, and say thank you for it to God. You will find more positive things.

Do we need to change? It depends what you mean by change. It is good to develop and to grow, to move on. change to me is to go from one expression of love, to another expression of love.
That is not the change you mention. Don't change your real selfhood, but change your view of yourself, because whatever bad view you have of yourself, is not a true image of who you really are. even if the bad view is thinking negative.

big hug and
lots of love,

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RE: i dont like me

Hi Alex

I absolutely agree, change is a good thing. We see it all around us all the time, it's the very essence of our universe.

I hope I didn't belittle Lynda's post [&o] but my natural reaction was that she makes me and others smile in her threads and I didn't want to that to change.

I take on board all that you write. I read your posts with great interest and pick up tips to hopefully help me overcome my personal shortcomings.

Love to all

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RE: i dont like me

Dear Lynda[sm=wave.gif]
Please don't be so hard on yourself.[sm=hug.gif]
I feel you are a lovely kind person, just a bit lost at the moment.
It is hard to stay positive when someone round you is so negative, but if you could take the wonderful advice people on here have given to you and try and love yourself it might rub off on your hubby.
You do have a lot of love and support on here, so you know you are never alone.
And as Hanna said God loves you very much so open your heart to his and everyones love.
Love & Light

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RE: i dont like me

Hi lynda,

Why dont you try something I did not so long ago:

Write down all the negative things you think about yourself, then write down all the positive things.
See how many you have in the neg and pos list. Does the neg list out run the pos list??
If so, how can you change this?
Why dont you next write down the reasons 'why', for the neg list.
Once you've done that, ask yourself what you could do to change it into a positive. 🙂
When you've done that, then go back and take a look at your list again, I bet you'd be suprised.

Have a go! Let us know how you get on.

Much love
xxx [sm=hug.gif]

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RE: i dont like me


great tips there! Ehi, have you read my secret book of coaching tips?

Anyhow, just another variation of what you said that I use in many cases where needed is this.

Write all the negative, the things that you don't like about yourself on a piece of pare and then hold it in your hand and say this "My negative, ugly things are gone!" With that, tearn in bits that piece of paper and throw the bits in your waste bin.

What does that do? It show you very clearly that your negativity can be destroyed if we really want to. Try it and then fill yourself with positive affirmations.

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RE: i dont like me

Thank you everyone for your replys

Sue .. Thank you for your very kind words [sm=hug.gif]

Hannerloire... I liked your words thank you[sm=hug.gif]

Angelove... You said some lovely things thank you[sm=hug.gif]

Alex.... Thank you for your help, I have set some small goals all positive and achivable (i hope whoops sorry just a little neg sliped in there) No they ARE ALL achivable. Positive thinking looking good, I woke up this morning and said smile at everything (hard when you work with 45 children) and say somthing positive to everyone and I did it yes really did it. Trying to look at my best bits,
thank you for my positive affiormations i will read them every morning. Thank you alex I have been reading through the life coaching threads and getting a lot of advice from them all.

Michelle.... You little minx, dont you think I know what your little game is [sm=nono.gif]. Alright youve got me[sm=1kis.gif]
I will do my list neg and pos, actually looking forward to it. love ya babes [sm=rollaugh.gif]


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RE: i dont like me

Michelle you will make a fantastic life coach one of these days [sm=hug.gif]

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RE: i dont like me

Hi all

Alex ~ thank you for the extra advice (throwing the negs in bin) - will do that next time! 😀

Lynda ~ [sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif] 🙂

