How do you live your life?
A song that I know, and love very much, asks this question "Do you live your life as a photocopy of your past or as a new creation every day?"
Uhm... what a challenging question that is for many of us! The fact is that so many of us are anchored to the past "as if we were to die today" says the song. But what about if we could live our life ... "as a new creation every day"? I bet you that you life would be SO different, right?
RE: How do you live your life?
Hi guys
following from the above... how do you live your life in a way that... it's a new creation every day rather than a photocopy of the past? Share your experiences and thoughts here.
RE: How do you live your life?
Actually to the hilt!!!
RE: How do you live your life?
Reply to all:
Pretty much in accordance with this link,
which is to a thread in the Wicca forum, though for me it's more as a philosophy than a religion.
Do read it - there are some great points I'm sure the "coaching gang" can relate to, like growth, integrity, joy and humour.
RE: How do you live your life?
Holistic the Wicca thread was lovely..... if only everybody lived by those standards...
How do I live my life...... up until a couple of months ago, very much as a photocopy of my past. I always seemed to attract the same scenarios!
I am learning to let go of my past & old habits and form new habits that fit better with what i want to be. Every day is a new discovery & i am finding out more & more about myself, Im starting to enjoy the ride 😀
RE: How do you live your life?
great to read from you as the only one who actually understood the spirit of my posting. Well done.
You said...
How do I live my life...... up until a couple of months ago, very much as a photocopy of my past. I always seemed to attract the same scenarios
That is often the problem, isn't it? We live our lives as a merry-go-round of the same things. We repeat the same mistakes, we fall into the same issues, we meet the same people, we come up against the same obstacles. But.... it does not need to be like that! In fact we can break lose and live a better and more fulfilling life.
I am learning to let go of my past & old habits and form new habits that fit better with what i want to be. Every day is a new discovery & i am finding out more & more about myself, Im starting to enjoy the ride
Fantastic! That is exactly the way forward. Discovering that life CAN change, that the past situations CAN be left behind and that we CAN move forward and live a better, more fulfilled and more successful life. So, Sarah, you are taking the steps in the right direction.
RE: How do you live your life?
Through threads like these, I am learning alot about life and myself. It is good to challenge yourself & really stop & think about things.... Just taking one step at a time (and occasionally a couple back!!!! :D)
RE: How do you live your life?
You have shared something very important here. You said...
Just taking one step at a time (and occasionally a couple back!!!!
In life we need at times to spep back before we can go forward again. This is a very important part of the process and it should not be seen as "negative" or as a "retreat". Far from it! Do you know that many animals retreat a bit before attacking their prey? Do you know that a jumper needs to retreat a bit and take a run before he/she can jump?
So be encouraged by your going back but make sure that you above all keep going forward!
RE: How do you live your life?
I have never thought of it like that! We are so trained to think that backwards is negative [&:] Another quote to print and keep infront of me as a reminder (my wall is going to be plastered soon!! :D)
Feeling encouraged already 😉
RE: How do you live your life?
Hi All
I used to live my life in my past, alot of dwelling and alot of sorrow.
Since being here, I have learnt so much that now I take one day at a time.
In life we need at times to spep back before we can go forward again. This is a very important part of the process and it should not be seen as "negative" or as a "retreat".
This too I used to think is a negative thing, but now have learnt that somethimes you do need to go back a little in order to move forwards no matter how painful it maybe.
I would be either looking back on my life all the time or looking too far forwards, never concentrating with the present. But I have changed that, and find it is alot easier to just take that one day at a time and enjoy.
RE: How do you live your life?
great comment!
The problem for many of us is that we are so "glued" to the past that we are unable at times to move forward. That is why in life coaching we do not look to what ever happend before today. Instead we believe that the past is past, is dead and gone. There is nothing we can do to change the past, whether that was good or bad. But what we can do is to change the present a bit and transform the future totally!
So Michelle... keep walkinmg, keep going and the new you will blossom in all its fulness.
RE: How do you live your life?
Hi Guys
I just wanted to pop in and add to what I said earlier.
They say that laughter is the best medicine around!!! So true this is, so each day I make sure I have my daily dose of medicine - it is so uplifting!! 😀
RE: How do you live your life?
are you sure that you are smiling and laughing? I just can't hear anything! Ehi girl... are you being very discreet about it? Come on, let us really hear it then!
RE: How do you live your life?
Hi Alex
I am so sure, you only have to ask lynda and hopefull!! They will tell you.
Infact I think I had an overdose of medicine last night!!! [sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]
RE: How do you live your life?
Well girl then I am sooo happy for you! And you know that I mean that.
Much love.
RE: How do you live your life?
I live my life just as each day comes... sometimes something comes along that I could do with out, then thats life for us all...
I just try to do the best I can for self and my family, and trying to find a balancing within all that I do..
I will always help someone, not because of any need, but its just an inbuilt mechanism that is there, and have also learn't that to help also means standing back...
I make mistakes just like any others, and have at times acted in haste and the ripple in the pond has taken effect, sometimes good, sometimes not good..
I look more at myself, at my actions, thougths etc, and also look to see if I am thought creating same events, then work on that to change me and those thoughts...
Althought we have had the forgivenss thread, I do forgive people, and look again at events, and why that person was in my life at that time, and will always give another chance or 2 etc.... but as said on another thread.. even when we forgive, we may not forget the event, and at times some thoughts or feelings come back, and may need to be expressed, which is what happens at times... as if we dont talk about events, and communicate, how do you move forward in your life... the easiest thing at times is to walk away, bury your head in the sand as nothing happen or is not happening..
The hardest thing is to say, as by staying within a wrong situation, you are also facing you... how u react, listening to what another is saying, esp if u dont want to hear....
Just some thoughts of me....
Love Flowerx
RE: How do you live your life?
thanks for this, some excellent points that I am sure will cause us all further reflection.