... if so, what is it?
How about seeing it this way ... What is OUR Life Purpose?
What does that conjure up for you, and what difference might it make?
I only ask because the "OUR" question came up on a conference call earlier this week and there were a good few "ooh" and "ahh" moments as we got to grips with exactly this. It certainly got me thinking ...
RE: Ever wondered what your Life Purpose is?
Hi Simon
Great question, yet as to the "our" my experience would be that people can stick together from a short course or conference for a brief time, but it turns out that they really have pretty diverse purposes, which rightly make them drift apart.
The kind of thing which makes the "our" make sense, as in a group of people - three or a thousand - sticking together for a purpose over many years is in my experience not a course or conference, but that they gradually find each other. Not alwaysby advertised courses.Obviously I don't mean usually just by personal contact, but that an organisation will in the end be a part of it.
Does that make sense to you?
Life-coaching is nothing but positive, yet a "coach" cannot know the depths of another's heart, and shouldn't try to.
Mind you, there is a broader group "life purpose" where most of us can agree and nobody joins anything. I think on HP we hit the same targets together usually or at least debate them out!
On a very, very personal note, and not about me but what I think includes everyone, is that in the end, you can be a part of a group, movement or church, but your purpose is your own, for being. As part of that, you might drift from one group to another (or not) without ever disrespecting any of them and keeping in touch with all.
The crux of what I am trying to say is that the "our" or group part of it may not apply to anyone who could possibly understand, so you act within yourself, or you act entirely apart from any usual group, but nevertheless within a group, but not within anything that would ever be called life-coaching or anything known in the present Western world?
RE: Ever wondered what your Life Purpose is?
I fulfilled my life purpose back in '82 when I threw a pigskin a quarter mile. After that it was all downhill.
Seriously though, there is no purpose to life other than the purposes we make up for ourselves.
RE: Ever wondered what your Life Purpose is?
For a stunning reply to this question, read Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief!