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I found this site using a search engine found a threead on decluttering which goes back 2 years.

I'm in a decluttering mission at the moment have got rid of heaps of stuff, but there is more, where does it all come from and how did i have enough space for it in the beginning

So anyone out there in a similar position or has been there that can offer support and encouragement

Is there life after clutter.

Thats all for now but i shall be back.

48 Replies
Amelia Jane
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RE: de-cluttering

LOL...I'm right in the middle of decluttering at the moment, we're in the process of getting our loft converted & there 'was' years and years of junk stashed up there, I'm terrible for not throwing things away, I'm a very sentimental person & everything has a memory or a story, I'm having to be really tough & and get rid of so much from both my life and of my childrens...not easy at all but I know that once I'm finished I'll feel better...well..that is if I can ever train myself to get rid of things that I don't really need rather then keep hold of them:D:D


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RE: de-cluttering

I found this site using a search engine found a threead on decluttering which goes back 2 years.

I think you mean this link. Very interesting thread.;)
[link= ][/link]

There was another more recent one as well.
[link= ][/link]

I am a hoarder as well. ;)Especially regarding clothes. All those things I intended to slim to get into one day. Lol. Just recently I have been quite ruthless and gave a lot away to a local charity shop. I felt good doing that, especially when the assistant told me I had made her day.:)

Still more to do though. 😀

Best wishes

Amelia Jane
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RE: de-cluttering

This is really silly I know, but I'm the same with text messages, emails and private messages, I hate deleting them & my inbox is always getting full.....[:o]just realising that I must have some really bad 'letting go' issues:D:D


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RE: de-cluttering

moonfairy and Ameilia Jane thanks for your replies, and it does sound so familiar.

a while back when i had a big clear out, books, some clothes other stuff i phoned a local charity to come round with a van had about 15-20 bin liners of all stuff.

Yep i'm a hoarder and believe you have to be ruthless. It does feel better once you've done it getting more stuff, another visit to the charity shop

as for messages via email/texts i'm equally as bad

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RE: de-cluttering

Hi Stormy,

Like you I too am on a decluttering quest at the moment. I have a lot of creative energy and feel overwhelmed at times, with my lack of organization, which inevitably leads to clutter!

I found this great one page article that really helped put it all into perspective for me. It is written by a Feng Shui practitioner, with the view that clutter clearing frees your energy, so that focussing and manifesting your intentions becomes easier. The funny thing about putting her strategy into action, is that it also motivated my eleven year old son to clutter clear his room. Implementing this simple process feels really good and has actually inspired me to be more organized with the little things, preventing (or at least stalling) more clutter!

Here's the link [DLMURL] [/DLMURL]

Happy Clutter Clearing!


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RE: de-cluttering

Hello stormy waters and welcome to HP and the Life Coaching forum! 🙂

I promise a fuller reply tomorrow, but it's late, so may I just ask you in the meantime ... since I notice you also write about your emails etc and I have a tip or two for those and information overload generally... what do you findeasiest about clearing the clutter, and what do you find the hardest?

Talk to you again soon.


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RE: de-cluttering

Hello holistic

What a hard question you have there

The hardest thing about clearing clutter - one of my worst traits is i procrastinate. (not a work though)
so i put things off and the clutter builds.
Been a definite hoarder, though in recent months been more ruthless loads of things i don't use anymore. Looking round this room now i seee things i forgot i had using up space gathering dust. Least my desk is clear now just must remember not to let it get messy again.

The easiest thing about clearing the stuff is once i get in the right frame of mind i'm very focussed.
Though you must detach emotions to a certain degree. But clearing out some stuff last week found a birthday card my dear departed grandad sent me for my 21st.

Amelia Jane
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RE: de-cluttering

I find that when I'm trying to have a clear out I pick things up & think 'I can't thow that out because I may need it one day' or 'That's holds memories from....' or 'Someone bought that as a present'..when I start to declutter I often make things worse by getting things out & keep them out....Don't even mention birthday cards[:o] I've still got all my old school books, funny, I could spell better when I was 12;)


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RE: de-cluttering

plus I've still got all my old school books

yep even found some school reports Arrrggghhh[sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif]

Amelia Jane
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RE: de-cluttering

LOL...I've got old school reports too going back to infants:D:D


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RE: de-cluttering

hello all

Was quite sucessful last night got through a lot more.

I have a tip phone a local charity shop a lot of them come round to pick up the stuff. Phone them 1st telling them of your intentions, what better motivation than that.

They were going to come thursday next week.
They phoned me back. They are coming this thursday. I'd better crack on.


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RE: de-cluttering

Hello stormy waters and everyone,

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this thread/forum. I have in the meantime re-read the "golden oldie" to which moonfairy kindly posted a link:

[link= ][/link]

I hope therefore thatI don't repeat myself too much while imagining I'm being sparklingly original! 😀

Valient efforts then, and now, it seems. Well done to everyone who's tackling the clutter and getting on top of it. 🙂

As Crystal Dreamer's linkis to a pdf, I can't copy and paste the small section I wanted to *sigh*. Never mind, I'm referring to the final paragraph here:

[link= ][/link]

There are loads of good tips for clearing clutte right through the article. At the end the author refers to clutter building up again, and recommends quarterly clutter-busting sessions.

Well OK, fine,IF it builds up. But what would it take for the clutter NOT to build up again? How does one prevent the build up of clutter in the first place?

Inthe thread of two years ago, there was discussion about mental clutter as well as the physical stuff we hoard. This is where I feel a distinction needs to be drawn between delving too much into "old stuff back there" which is the remit of counselling .... and coaching, which is about making changes and moving forward. Nonetheless, coaches do often find that their clients may be held back by limiting self-beliefs of which they may not be fully aware. It can be a useful exercise to take time to consider just WHY we hoard old stuff, what's REALLY going on here.

For some folks reading this, it might be a case of "don't try this at home". Not everyone is up for self-analysis, which can carry an ouch! or two. Personally, I found it interesting to read the old thread, think 'oh, no change there then' in relation to some of my old hoardings, and then realise that there had actually been a change so subtle I'd hardly noticed it. I no longer hoard. That's it in a nutshell.

OK, there's a backlog, mainly of paper (and with all the warnings of identity theft, the council going through your garbage to identify you and fine you if you haven't done enough recycling, and the resultant time taken in shredding it all instead of just chucking it out intact) but I've trained myself into a habit of throw-as-you-go. It was a bit scarey to begin with, but the sky didn't fall 😉


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RE: de-cluttering


Thanks for that.

As for shredding i kind of find it therapeutic i can shread till the cows come home, which is funny because the shredder in my home is called the cow because of the loud noise it makes.

The kitchen is the worst offending area if i ever get that sorted because there is so much to do with it. No wonder i spend as least amount of time i can there. Lol

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RE: de-cluttering

Ha ha!:D I recall just minutes before I came on the computer and read your first post in this thread a week or so ago, I had been in MY kitchen. Getting something out of the cupboard, I thought I'd just look at the sell by date on somedried beans and things.

Ahem! No,I'm not telling you ... but out they went 😉


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RE: de-cluttering

Hi - I like Holistics comments:

..."coaching, which is about making changes and moving forward. Nonetheless, coaches do often find that their clients may be held back by limiting self-beliefs of which they may not be fully aware. It can be a useful exercise to take time to consider just WHY we hoard old stuff, what's REALLY going on here.

It is so true that it is useful to consider just why we hoard or emotionally hang onto things - because until we can deal with that then we end up not getting rid of whatever it is we are attached to.

I had declutter coaching sessions with a coach earlier in the year and it was really helpful for me to confront my emotional attachments to things (i.e. birthday cards, craft things I've made, etc, etc) and whilst it hurt at the time, I can't explain to you the jubilation and sense of freedom you feel once you have actually done it and got rid of these things.

Another useful tip from the coach was to break decluttering down into maneagableslots (say, 10 minutes or half an hour a day) which is great! I try and do this at least 3 times a week and am slowly working my way to a clutter free flat 🙂

And yes, I've got into shredding too - I agree it is kinda therapeutic!

Val x

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RE: de-cluttering


Been a few days since i visited here.

Cleared the bottom of wardrobe, all items i've bought ideal christmas/birthday presents given some away or will be used for friends this year.

I have read a lot on this decluttering saga. They do mention breaking it up into 15 min slots just 15 minutes doesn't take a lot of time

Why do we do it? I'm an information hoarder (there are other types of hoarder i'm probably am as well) i kept (notice past tense) pages torn from magazines or magazines themselves thinking i'll need this one day. But they are just dust magnets.

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RE: de-cluttering

This is *such* a fabulous thread - I feel I am not alone!!

I have been using FLYlady and found her to be quite useful, once I took the bits that resonated with me and left the rest (see, I even decluttered FLYlady's tips LOL!)

I feel a sense of impending doom though and this was highlighted the other week when I missed a deadline for something. I was really annoyed with myself and then I felt it was a huge reflection of the state of this house that desperately needs a good declutter. We have a largish house and there is STILL no room to put everything. My paperwork is overflowing (which is why I missed a deadline and why I miss bills, so get surcharges for late payments <sigh>)

It really gets me down..........but, we're trying to combine the Zen look with a frugal approach. Dh is dreadful; not a thing gets thrown away, incase it comes in useful one day. So I feel that I create space and he fills it 🙁

I do like one of FLYlady's sayings:
"You cannot organize clutter - you can only organize the things you love!"

and her questions to ask as you are going through your things:

  • Do I love this item?
  • Have I used it in the past year?
  • Is it really garbage?
  • Do I have another one that is better?
  • Should I really keep two?
  • Does it have sentimental value that causes me to love it?
  • Or does it give me guilt and make me sad when I see the item?

Apologies if this has already been posted in one of the links - I haven't read through them yet.

Anyway, I am feeling inspired after reading through this, and now I am going to go back through the links some of you posted.

The moon is in virgo today - a great day for getting organised and having a throwing out session 😀

Amethyst x

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RE: de-cluttering

Do i really need two.

Well i got a new computer back in June it came with a printer and all that. The last computer totally died but nothing wrong with old printer. But do i need 2 printers alas i do not.

New printer is now off to a new home, well will be an uncles grandchild or in other words one of my 2nd cousins.

The more i de-clutter the more i look round and think do i really need you and you and you.

I did try fly-lady months ago but did give up on her due to the amount of emails i received, but may go back and just get a daily digest i think its called

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RE: de-cluttering

The way i see it is, you can't take it with you so why horde it? If it isn't something you use on a daily basis lose it and move on with your life.

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RE: de-cluttering

Strangely enough John, tonight i was telling some friends about my decluttering and i was thinking that you can't take it with you when you die.

So yes i do agree with you in a way.

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RE: de-cluttering

wow i feel so motivated now!! im a terrible hoarder and there isnt anything that i dont hoard. e mails, text messages, clothes, toys, bills you name it ive got it stored some where! ive got boxes of stuff in every room of my house! i do have the occasional mini clear out and feel so much better for it but getting round to do it again is such a biggie. i must have some real letting go issues!!!
but im going to make a start on the huge pile of letters and bills on top of my record collection right now !!:)

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RE: de-cluttering

We seem to collect things for two main reasons - emotional memory eg wedding dress, pebble off a beach etc or "they will come in hand" - bits of wood and screws typically collected by men for the next DIY, and clothes - I will eventually be able to fit into that size 8 again ..

Having just down-sized a house I suggest the first decision is how you want to furnish the new one, or what you really want your current one to look like.. You then have a criteria for what you don't If its modern dispose of all the antique or old furniture that wont fit ... probably most of it.
Be warned when your kids say keep that for me they mean " if its valuable I'll sell it when you've gone - but its not going in my loft!" or they lie thinking they may offend if they say its rubbish. Either way they don't want it ...

That brings us to clothes: however likely you are to get back to a size 8 or wear the slim jim tie of your teanage years will you really want to put on something 20 years old? (thats probably the fashion cycle) any other time it will be out of fashion so you wont wear it anyway - give them to Oxfam,put the good stuff on top. When they sort it some of it may go to recycling but you have done your bit - it was their option, and you can feel good you are helping somebody.

Now the garage - if you are refurbishing / refurnishing - its new - it won't break - so why keep the old DIY stuff that wont match anyway. Reflect: isn't the pub much nicer than trying to bodge a DIY repair that should be covered by the warrenty.

Now the loft - most of the stuff will be boxed or bagged. Every-time you open one stick a pice of paper on it with the date. Anything you haven't openned for say two years dump.

Finally the emotional reminders. Can you really remember what they remind you of ... where was that pebble from?
Will Aunt Maude really remember she gave you at ornament you hate that lives on the mantle piece .. it broke aunty - (in the crusher !)
Is therea substitute that cantrigger the same memories? Will a piece of a wedding dress mounted in the album be sufficient ...

Set yourself a target - one bag out of the loft each week - give yourself a reward - buy a box of chocolates on the way back from the tip !!

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RE: de-cluttering

I sometimes think what I'd like to do, is to move to a small unfurnished rented flat and take with me the essentials that I'd take if I were going away for 3 or 4 months; and then to send in the house-clearance people to remove everything else. Absolutely everything. Then start all over again.
Even though I might have waved goodbye to things of monetary value, it's only a loss if I don't replace them (or if I really would have got round to selling them.) And I think perhaps the freedom would be worth more than the money.

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RE: de-cluttering

ORIGINAL: stormy waters

I found this site using a search engine found a threead on decluttering which goes back 2 years.

I'm in a decluttering mission at the moment have got rid of heaps of stuff, but there is more, where does it all come from and how did i have enough space for it in the beginning

So anyone out there in a similar position or has been there that can offer support and encouragement

Is there life after clutter.

Thats all for now but i shall be back.

yes and doesn't it feel GOOD! 🙂

In middle of having the house refurbished atm, was forced to pack everything away and found myself putting some in bin, some in charity shop and less than half of it to keep (i hardly used any of the stuff I've been hoarding over the years).
I find I have less cleaning to do as not so much stuff gathering dust around the place - feels much better.

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RE: de-cluttering

yes i know, ive been keeping stuff coz they're sentimental (but I never look at it) and like you say, if I die, it will be down to someone else to clear it all out, and it wont mean a thing to them, it'll all just end up in the bin!

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RE: de-cluttering

a good tip I heard, is that every time you buy something new, throw out something old for it to replace.
it works! think of your local charity shop, they need the stuff more than you do 🙂

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RE: de-cluttering

Okay here comes the proverbial spanner...Im not sure if this belongs on this thread but here goes?

Does anyone reading this actually try to declutter their life from other things than possessions? I must admit from time to time I am usually made to sit back and take stock of friends, situations around work etc and feel the need to let go of friends who tend to let me down, look at changing work, move flat as not happy etc.

This too is clutter as long as you are not getting what you want from any situation it is worth looking at, dealing with it, and then letting it go as too much negativiity is draining.

It doesnt have to be harsh, you just realise that a particular frinedship is one sided, you decide to move flat as you have been moaning about the neighbours for 2 years or so, work will never give you the satisfaction you crave and that relationship thats two years down the line isnt going anywhere and well you dont want to hang about for another two years to see if it does gets better?

As for possession clutter I have moved homes and countries several times and I acknowledge the fact that I am the queen of clutter, but it must be hiden clutter in drawers etc as my flat is always neat....except the spare room of course, I think there is a bed in there...somewhere?

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Great topic and links!

Rosie100, yes...this is something I have been looking at in great detail ... regarding friendships, relationships,work etc - the de-clutter process manifests its Self in many forms so I'm actively trying to keep in that state of simple living... keeping everything/people/situations positive towards my Self journey.

I found this website that I found useful for simple living: <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">

I feel that simple living and de-clutter can also be part of awareness - being aware in the moment that I am consuming something that is not needed and so I avoid it in advance. For example, if I'm out shopping, I try to keep aware of what I need and what is extra consumption and unnecessary - it saves a lot of time in future when I do spent time clearing out my home and space lol.

I acually feel more relaxed, positive and in focus when I de-clutter and try to live simple.

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Im a 'just in case' clutterer.

So i have had a clear out, bit by bit though.

Its usually clothes with me, why do we hang on to stuff, the other day i found a top (only worn twice) its two sizes too small, and i think i bought it in 196/7, how sad is that.

So its gone along with lots of other 'just in case' clothes.

I am due to have another sort out, if i do it in stages it doesnt seem so bad, the clothes that i looked at and though ohhhh ill just keep that, are on the next sorting list....

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