I found this on my harddrive today, it probably might belong in another forum but I think it has a lot to do the confidence and motivation threads we have here.
To the Creator
Today, I ask that You help me accept myself just the way I am, without judgment.
Help me accept my mind the way it is, with all my emotions, hopes and dreams, my personality, my unique way of being.
Help me accept my body just the way it is, with all its beauty and perfection.
Let the love I have for myself be so strong that I never again reject myself or sabotage my happiness, freedom and love.
From now on, let every action, every reaction, every thought, every emotion,
be based on love.
Help me increase my self-love until my life is transformed, from fear and drama to love and joy.
Let the power of my self-love be strong enough to break all the lies I was programmed to believe - all the lies that told me I wasn't good enough, or strong enough, or beautiful enough, or intelligent enough.
Let the power of my self-love be so strong that I no longer need to live my life according to other people's opinions.
Let me trust myself completely to make the choices I must make.
Whatever I want to accomplish, let it be done with the power of my self-love.
Starting today, help me love myself so much that I never set up any circumstances that go against me.
I can live my life being myself, and not pretending to be someone else just to be accepted by other people.
I no longer need other people to accept me or tell me how good I am because I know who I am.
With the power of my self-love, let me enjoy what I see every time I look in the mirror.
Let there be a big smile on my face that enhances my inner and outer beauty.
Help me feel such intense self-love that I always enjoy my own presence.
Let me love myself without judgment, because when I judge, I carry blame
and guilt and have the need for punishment, and I lose the perspective of Love.
Strengthen my will to forgive myself in this moment.
Clean my mind of emotional poison and self-judgment, so I can live in complete peace and love.
Let my self-love be the power that changes my life.
With this new power in my heart, the power of self-love, let me transform every relationship I have, beginning with the relationship I have with myself. Help me be free of any conflict with others.
Let me be happy to share my time with my loved ones and to forgive them for any injustice I feel in my mind.
Help me to love myself so much that I forgive anyone who has ever hurt
me in my life.
Help me create new channels of communication in my relationships so
there is no war of control, there is no winner or loser.
Let me work in my relationships as a team for love, for joy, for harmony.
Let my relationships with my family and friends be based on respect and
joy so I no longer have the need to tell them how to think or how to be.
Let my romantic relationship be the most wonderful relationship.
Let me feel joy every time I share myself with my partner.
Help me accept others just the way they are, without judgment, because
when I reject them, I reject myself.
Today is a new beginning.
Help me start my life over beginning today with the power of self-love.
Help me enjoy my life, enjoy my relationships, to explore life, take risks, to be alive, and to no longer live in fear of love.
Let me open my heart to the love that is my birthright.
Help me become a Master of Gratitude, Generosity and Love.
By Don Miguel Ruiz, Mastery of Love
RE: Confidence/Motivation/Love
Hi Rocky
That's really beautiful, definitely one to print off and pin to the wall, thank you. I think it ties in wonderfully with many of the topics we are discussing in these threads.
Just one small, perhaps mundane, thing: A point was raised in the "Create a vision for your future" thread about giving full accreditation to authors when posting their material here. I will be replying to that. I used a number of small quotes on my website and not knowing where they came from, I put "source unknown" which I think covers it.
RE: Confidence/Motivation/Love
that was really nice and so powerful. Thanks for posting it.
And do not worry about Holistic's comment. I am the moderator here and i decide what is appropriate and if there is any need of adjustment in any way I will be the first one to let the person posting know.
you said...
A point was raised in the "Create a vision for your future" thread about giving full accreditation to authors when posting their material here.
Yes, that is your pet subject but in this forum I will decide what is appropriate. Anyhow, I will make sure that you get your quotes from now on... when ever I know them. Happy? But as I said I have many friends who send me their stuff and i do not even have a clue where it comes from.
RE: Confidence/Motivation/Love
Hi Alex,
glad you liked it, I thought it would fit here. As you all can see the credits are at the bottom of the post as they were when sent to me, I have in the mean time found his web site [link= http://www.miguelruiz.com ]http://www.miguelruiz.com[/link] and there is actually a bit there where one can get permission for using the material, I will follow that up later. The site is very interesting have a butchers.
One thing I have learnt is that you do have to be carefull what you post if you do not have the copyright to it there are some really nasty people out there who would litigate the life out of you and they go all the way. Being in the Market Resarch Online buisness I have to be careful what I put up on the web for fear of copyright infringment.
But as I said I have many friends who send me their stuff and i do not even have a clue where it comes from.
I would reccomend finding sources before posting really just to cover your own back or someone might clobber you one day.
Let me just finish off with this line from the above post.
Help me accept others just the way they are, without judgment, because
when I reject them, I reject myself.
Have a wonderful day all.
edited for a typo[&:]
RE: Confidence/Motivation/Love
Thanks for the above - just what I needed to read today
RE: Confidence/Motivation/Love
great to see you in here again and glad that Rocky's posting was helpful to you. Come again and get fresh motivation and energy for your life.
Take care.
RE: Confidence/Motivation/Love
Hi Rocky
I've just read it!! Thanks for posting this, I will print this out.
If I keep on reading it, maybe it will be drummed into my head to help me more.
Thank you
RE: Confidence/ Motivation /Love
Rocky, that was amazing - thank you [sm=hug.gif]
Just what i needed today [sm=1kis.gif]