hi I have been thinking about a few things and just bymyself i understood about creating your own life, this is how i ended up here reading about life coaching.I think that I ve got a clue to make my life turn the way I want but maybe because I feel weak after a couple of things that happenned/are happening to me, I find it hard to "concentrate" in what I really want and inthe things I am doing now, i mean very often i get stuck thinking about old stuff, maybe some part of me wants it back and that could be the reason why i look back, but the other part of me wants to look forward, and not to forget, but to move on, ...any help???
RE: concentration
It sounds like you are doing a good job of thinking things through and trying to put into perspective what you want from life. We all get stuck thinking about things that have happenned in the past, but I have been advised to move on from the things that bring me down, and you should too. And not just move on from the bad things but also the good things that we wish we could grab with both hands and hold onto forever. They have gone, they have passed now. Dont think of yourself as being or feeling weak, see yourself as strong and positive and able to take what life hands to you. We are all capable of making our life "turn the way we want", some people just have more of a struggle than others to find the way.
RE: concentration
why shouldnt we keep holding onto the good things forever?I think they give me some strenght. I dont mean to be cheeky or anything with my question, but i felt i was doing good keeping just the good "bits" they helped me to look ahead
RE: concentration
Of course, I didnt express myself very clearly, I meant the good things that have passed and are making us feel sad that we cant have them again. Im only speaking from my own experiences, you will find a way to move forward that is best for you.
Claire x
RE: concentration
and so well that u are doing! your experience helps!!!! I recall very often all the happy moments i had and i wish them back, specially because i dont understand why they had to finish, i nees that bit of the chain you know, the person who can give me that bit of the chain has his own things and cant give me an explanation or doesnt bother much doing it somehow or,,I dont know why.just that I need to fix it myself I think i need to forget about the missing bit to go on, but how.....
RE: concentration
you will find that if you try to live your life in the hear and now and not think about the past or the future too much then you will experience alot more happiness. It is good to analyse your life but only if it is going to help you move forward to new and exciting things.
your strength will begin to come back as soon as you take one positive step, this will lead to the next positive step and so on. So plan what it is you want to do next, set yourself the goal and head in its direction, it may take some time to achieve but remember it is the journey towards your goal that is the most enjoyable part.
enjoy your journey
hope this has helped you
RE: concentration
hello! thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even, I feel good today, i feel very good, I understand a lot better, I want to travel I want to keep going on, you know ..I dont wanna miss a thing! it is one of my favourite songs, I shouldnt have forgotten that!!!!!!!!!!
thanks friends!!!!!!!!!
RE: concentration
Hi la titi, just take life by the short and curlies and just live it....you only have one chance at this life. Don't regret a second......just like aerosmiths song....don't miss a thing!!
Oakapple xx