Hi can anyone recommend a good book on communication, particularly covering active listening, open questions, getting someone to open up and different communication styles?
Many thanks!
RE: Communication book
There are numerous books on the subject.
Some of the best I have read include:
"Talk is not cheap" by Beverly Inman-Ebel ISBN no: 1-885167-33-4
"101 ways to improve your communication skills instantly by Jo Condrill & Bennie Bough ISBN no: 0-9661414-7-4
"Words that change minds" by Shelle Rose Charvet ISBN no: 0-7872-3479-6
Also it is worth reading anything on Neuro-Linguistic-Programming such as
"Neuro-Linguistic-Programming for Dummies" by Romilla Ready & Kate Burton ISBN no:0-7645-7028-5
and looking at the communication tools that these teach.
RE: Communication book
Thanks for your recommendations rich!
RE: Communication book
Hiya Burdski
I am doing all that on a counselling course I am on.
Try this book, it is awesome for beginners, I reccomended it to my class and now we all own a copy.
Counselling (Teach Yourself Health & Well-being) (Paperback) by [link= http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/026-9291200-4436460?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books-uk&field-author=Aileen%20Milne ]Aileen Milne[/link]
You can find it on Amazon and it covers Active Listening, Open Questions etc.
Angel x
RE: Communication book
Thanks Angel! I'll take a look at that xx
RE: Communication book
Hi burdski,
A really good book, that i think you would e interested in is, 'Coaching with Nlp' by O'Conner and Lages
Let us know if you find any other realy good boks im always interested in extending knowledge. P
Hi - I bought a book recetly called 'Listening the Forgotten Skill by Madelyn Burley-Allen which you may find useful.
Best wishes