How can I put some excitement into my life??
I want to find something that excites me, makes me smile all the time. I sound as tho I'm depressed but I'm not. I've got a happy home-life, a boyfriend I adore, family, friends, good job etc etc.
But my life is just get up, feed the animals, go to work, come home from work, cook food, watch tv (or equivalent), go to bed, then it all starts again tomorrow.
Do most of you find you have a mundane life doing the same things day in, day out? Should I just accept it and be happy or should I be looking for more?
I know you're gonna tell me to find a hobby but I do have hobbies but even they get mundane after a while. I see friends but they are happy with doing the same thing week in week out when we meet. It seems to be just me that's restless.
My b/f seems happy with life, he enjoys his hobbies (some of which include me) but doesn't mind the repetitivness.
I was just wondering if others out there feel "bored" like me too.
For me, it was the same. Life was too easy, it was getting repetitive.
What kept me from boredom...I started a web hosting business. So, what I suggest to you is this: Start a business. It's fun. Why not try it?
Or, you might want to make a website, start a forum, blog, tell the world about your ideas.
Finally, travel to some foreign lands. China, Mexico, Japan, Australia. Find new people, see some new widelife. 😀
Sometimes I feel "bored" but what I do is count my blessings. Sometimes I think we expect life to be a certain way - it's all about expectations. Maybe thinking we're missing out in some way. Really, we have everything we need already. Just look at things from a different angle.
Find a way to take pleasure in the small things. I think it's the buddhists [or other spiritual people] who can turn a mundane activity into a meditation.
Something I do is keep a mental "gratitude diary" - I try and find 5 things a day to say thanks for - not to anyone or anything in particular - I'm not religious but just putting it out there and acknowledging the good things shifts my focus. I'm not particularly noble either. If i enjoy a TV program I'll list that. It's a mixture of big and small things, profound and trivial.
I love the saying "the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth". Some say the best way to not get bored is to shake things up. Get out of your comfort zone - do something that terrifies you ever day, no matter how small. You won't be bored for very long.
How can I put some excitement into my life??
But my life is just get up, feed the animals, go to work, come home from work, cook food, watch tv (or equivalent), go to bed, then it all starts again tomorrow.Do most of you find you have a mundane life doing the same things day in, day out? Should I just accept it and be happy or should I be looking for more?
Hi Jackie
Please never settle just for what you have now, yes be grateful for it, but keep looking for something more. If Ghandi or Mandela and many others, had accepted their lot the world would not have changed for the better.
All you need to do is take one little step at a time. Try something different every day, go to work a diferent route, try a different food, read the kind of book you have never considered before, talk to a new person...
By trial and error you will come across something that really ignites your passion, and doing something new can always be exciting.
All the Best
Hi Jackie
It sounds as though it's the mundanity (is that a word?) of your current life that you are not happy with. I also sense that you feel a little ungrateful as you have a lot to be grateful for. However, how you feel is how you feel and there's nothing wrong with it, you're simply getting feedback from your emotions or moods. Acknowledge where you are and think about what the feedback calling you to do?
It sounds like you are not totally fulfilled CURRENTLY, I wrote currently in uppercase because it's just where you are right now and not where you will always be. And maybe you are lacking some direction or purpose in your life.
I wouldn't ask you to get a hobby but to identify your values, what's important to you? Think of a time you were totally happy and fulfilled, what does it show you about what needs to be in your life for you to be happy. Values can be things like freedom and joy as well as things like looking good and wind in my hair. It is totally unique to you and about what makes you happy.
Also, how you feel now is just one way of looking at your situation, what's another? I agree with Yogajoga about the gratitude list but I would write it down. Every night before bed take some time to write a list of at least 7 things you are grateful for that happened during that day. Try it for 1 month and do not repeat the same things every day, see how you feel after a month.
Good luck x x x
Hi Jackie
Firstly, in order to introduce any kind of change, you have to come to an acceptance of how things currently are - acceptance at a minimum, loving what is if you can. To change things, you have to start where you are and if you're fighting against what is, you're dissipating your vital creative energy.
Then start making changes to those areas of your life that are easiest to change. Maybe your job feels routine, but the structure of the organisation prevents you from making changes to it... so get creative in the kitchen instead, or rearrange your living space, or donate your old clothes to charity and buy new ones... anything that starts to introduce the energy you're looking for into your life.
What you'll find is that this energy starts to permeate other areas of your life as well - suddenly your boss decides to change things at work, or a new job lands in your lap etc!
If you could get up today and live your ideal day, what would it look like? Where would you live? What would you do for work? How would you spend your money? What would you wear?
Figure these things out and you might get some answers as to the little changes you need to make. Sometimes all it takes is a little tweek to refresh ourselves 🙂
Hi Jackie
Loads of good advice here. trouble with advice is that in my experience the person being given it often doesn't take action!
Seems to me that you're lacking meaning in all that you're doing; if you're not clear about why you're here, what is your purpose in being alive, then you're likely to always end up getting 'bored' however many new things you do.
A very powerful question to regularly ask yourself would be 'Who am I and what do I want?' - then listen. One book I've found very useful which addresses this is 'The Success Principles' by Jack Canfield.
Take care, Jane
Hi Jackie
Loads of good advice here. trouble with advice is that in my experience the person being given it often doesn't take action!Seems to me that you're lacking meaning in all that you're doing; if you're not clear about why you're here, what is your purpose in being alive, then you're likely to always end up getting 'bored' however many new things you do.
A very powerful question to regularly ask yourself would be 'Who am I and what do I want?' - then listen. One book I've found very useful which addresses this is 'The Success Principles' by Jack Canfield.
Take care, Jane
Many thanks for the book recommendation 🙂
Hi Jackie
Just another thought to go alongside the great suggestions other people have already made.
If you can get into the habit of doing just one thing that's different (however small) or a usual thing in a different way, each day, you'll end up with a surprising amount of change and inspiration within a weeks.
This is a great "backdrop" to asking the bigger questions, too, because it will help you to feel that you're moving, and hence changing the mundane, immediately, and in a way that's easy and fun to start and maintain.
Hope this helps & all the best.