Well about three weeks ago I started callanetics each day to trim,firm up.
So far so good, I compared pictures and was astonished at my results.
So grateful.
Results so far..
Face less fluffy,double chin almost gone
Shoulders less bulky,muscle is starting to form
Chest is full and lifted
Sides have slimmed and pulled in
Walking taller
6 years younger
Legs much thinner and longer
So,this is usually when I get lazy...this time the next level.
So,this is usually when I get lazy...this time the next level.
If you enjoy it you will want to do it so will keep going. If you don't enjoy it, find something you actually enjoy. 🙂
Good day every one.
Thankyou Darren. I enjoy it..
Ok so today I made a short getting up out of bed programme,so that I am starting on the right track.
My focus today....
Fit in small routines through the day and evening.
Trust that it's working!!!
Patient and focused.
Also what has me inspired...is thinking for the weeks to come...the changes...
Let's do it!!!!
It is completely normal to feel the goal is so far away...
Ignore that feeling,what are your choices?continue or quit...?
Persist or give up???
I love the feeling of change and achievement,e can dayI wake, I feel a little fitter,
A little slimmer..
So today I was putting off my schedule so brought up pictures of extremely fit ladies...that worked!!!
Got right on with my session
Every session bringing to my goal...beautiful inside and out.
I am pregnant right now,s o being easy and careful,all being well once baby is born...
Do it because you enjoy it.
With pregnancy, you have to be careful, of course. Listen to your body and professional advice.
I noticed today that often I can be impatient.
See it's not just a changed body we need,no,we need to change our attitude of our feelings towards ourselves and our body image too.
Whilst on this journey we have to be loving and gentle,patient and persistence.
Spend time with yourself,get to know yourself.
Remember,its working....
See it's not just a changed body we need,no,we need to change our attitude of our feelings towards ourselves and our body image too.
Whilst on this journey we have to be loving and gentle,patient and persistence.
Of course, if you changed your feelings towards yourself and your body image, you might not need a changed body.
Why the 'we' and 'our'? Are you plural, or are you trying to distance yourself from your body?
Ok so working gently and easy does it today.no rushing,no pushing,just nice and easy does it.
Small sessions fit in throughout the day.
Never underestimate small improvements each day,they all amount up.
I made a promise to myself today,
To keep going until I reach my goal...then set a new one..
So let's do it
Do it because you enjoy it.
With pregnancy, you have to be careful, of course. Listen to your body and professional advice.
When you feel like quitting
Remember why you started
_ Anon
Difficult roads often lead
To beautiful destinations
_ Anon
Well avoided.:)
Strength and courage
Come only through continuous
Effort and struggle....
- Anon
Continuous effort..
Only the weak are cruel
Can be expected
From the strong.
A truelly strong person,
Does not need the approval
Of others
Anymore than the lion
Needs approval f the sheep.
Five days ago I put myself on a fruit fast for two days.Then made a decision to go back to food combining,though this time with full commitment.
The first two days,the headaches were so painful,it was crazy.gratefully they are long behind me.
Now, I am on track with food combining,really enjoying it. I rested from exercise for the two days of headaches. I have had three days and nights without crazy thirstiness and headaches,very grateful
I brought in my callanetics day three,nice and gentle,gradual..
Now today a restful day,eating well,studying,resting and just enjoying being alive and feeling better
Take care
Fruit fasts are pointlessly unnecessary and even stupid. Why cut out other important food groups? I would never just eat fruit for 2 days.
Well I go by experience and results,and the results I have experienced are extremely rewarding Mr naysayer
Starting day one of my new programme today which includes fruit until noon
High in fructose.
Well I go by experience and results,and the results I have experienced are extremely rewarding Mr naysayer
You say this like it's a bad thing to be a naysayer. It's completely unnecessary and the weight you lose will come back on plus you're cutting out things like protein and a wide range of nutrients available from vegetables.
Anyway, I don't want to get involved in a discussion on this. Good luck.
I woke up this morning after a kind night of sleep, the first I'm a long time.x
No headaches or sickness,such a relief.x
Dear folks,I am a student of natural hygiene I am well educated and devoted to knowing about food combining,how and why it works.
I am here to share ,not to defend myself or my choices,I don't treat you this way and wouldn't.
We all have the right to make our choices,this is mine.
I am here to share ,not to defend myself or my choices,I don't treat you this way and wouldn't.
This is a discussion group. If you're not open to discussion, you might be in the wrong place.
Great! Glad it really worked good on you. Efforts are really paid up. You are indeed becoming a better version of you. Keep it up!