Where do I start? In two weeks the weeds have taken over. Particularly the grass and dandalions.
Is it just an case of starting in a corner and working away at it?
Yep... been the same on our allotment. Just get digging and weeding. Remember to get down the roots of them dandelions, cos if you leave any bit of the root, they just grow up again from them. 😉
All Love and Reiki hugs
Yes, same for me, lovely dandelions, creeping buttercup, a few clumps of nettles, plenty of brambles and bittercress - I've agreed with my partner that each of us will dig out at least 5 of the first two every day (though today I think we managed about 40 or 50 each!)
As Energylz says, really important to get all the bits of roots out, otherwise you may end up with more dandelions than what you started with! Also, if you dig them out when they are in flower - make sure you dispose of them quickly (don't put them in your own compost, but council green recycling bin should be fine) as dandelion seeds have the potential to ripen even when the flowerheads are picked off, or when the plant itself is dying.
I agree with Masha and Energyls. I'd add to not let weeds flower if you can because they will end up seeding all over the place.
As they say "One year's seeding = 7 years' weeding!!" as I know to my cost.
I have the National Collection of both ground elder and mare's tail. I've been chasing them since we moved here - 29 years ago! Just when I think I've dealt with them...............:eek:
Assuming you've NOT used pesticides, those dandelion leaves and flowers would be more usefully employed by being donated to any local pet bunnies or guinea pigs...
Yes, it can be daunting. First thing, go round with a hoe, early on a sunny morning. That will break the back of it.
Secondly, go round with a trowel to lever out the more determined and deep rooted wild flowers that don't belong there.
You'll probably need a second sweep, esp. after rain, but you'll get there.
Everything is so late this year. Hopefully, all of my plants not already in are going in today. Now or never!
Or try permaculture and forget about weeding.
Assuming you've NOT used pesticides, those dandelion leaves and flowers would be more usefully employed by being donated to any local pet bunnies or guinea pigs...
Or make dandelion tea, or dandelion wine. 😉