I've just aquired a stevia. At the moment it is about 15cm tall and in a small pot. I've got it outside at the moment and thought I'd bring it in during the winter.
Does anyone know any more about caring for it?
I'll leave it until it's bigger to harvest the leaves, although I've tried a little of one and it is very sweet.
Apparently they vary a lot, so I'm pleased.
Don't have any personal experience with Stevia, but this seems a useful link - [url]How to Grow Stevia[/url]
Good luck with it
Crowan - sounds interesting! Where did you get the plant?
They originate in S America, some [url]info here[/url]. Let us know how you get on with it.
Thank you both for the links. Yes, I'll certainly let you know how it goes. I bought it at Scotdale's Garden Centre in Cambridge. It was their last one, but I guess they might get more.
Don't have any personal experience with Stevia, but this seems a useful link - [url]How to Grow Stevia[/url]
Good luck with it
Very nice, thanks for this useful link.....!!