I have a smalll south facing balcony- I bought some Jasmine and some small conifers for it- but they seem to have got burnt with the sun. Id really like to add some greenery and colour to the area and make it a positive space. Any ideas on what I can do?
Thanks 🙂
I have a smalll south facing balcony- I bought some Jasmine and some small conifers for it- but they seem to have got burnt with the sun. Id really like to add some greenery and colour to the area and make it a positive space. Any ideas on what I can do?
Thanks 🙂
sorry to hear, conifers generally do prefer shade. hope the jasmine is doing well?
greenery not sure how large your balcony is, but south facing is good. Have you tried pieris in a pot, it changes leaf colour, green through to red and usually white flowers, so nice all year round.
how about tomatoes lots of green there and something nice to pick as well
colour - for container planting, how about batchelor buttons (small cornflowers), blue gernaiums (the type for ground cover), fuschias, upright or trailing geraniums, pansies, violas, poppies...just some ideas
i love passion flower but it grows quickly
Thank you!
The Jasmine got all burnt- that was upsetting as it was blooming so well
One conifer is all burnt- will it re gain any greenery? The other is doing okay- hanging in there
Thank you- if I stay here- I shall bear all those in mind to get- great ideas- thank you
What about a wisteria?
We have a beautiful one growing on our front south facing wall. They need full sun and prefer dryish root conditions too.
We just need to protect ours from frost when the buds are forming and remember to prune it mid February and mid June !
wisteria! on a balcony not suitable grows to large,
as for conifer i can't advise if it will go back to to green, all you can do is give it lots of water and hope...maybe someone who has confiers can advise.
hope you find something to grow with geenery and colour
Hi Atlanticpearl,
wisteria! on a balcony not suitable grows to large,
Try googling "wisteria in a pot" and you will find plenty of advice on how to nurture it.
I have a friend who still has one in a medium sized pot after 10 years, it all depends on how much you allow them to grow 🙂
It could be grown to trail along the balcony rails and create some privacy as well as smelling absolutely wonderful when it is in flower.
Great. Thank you! All lovely ideas. Which if I stay shall use- thank you 🙂
Hi, it sounds as if your balcony's really hot so any mediterranean type plants would do well.
If you want lots of colour, geraniums are ideal. They'll cope with the sun and subsequent dryness. They are annuals but if it's very sheltered they may survive the winter.
If you want something more shrub like, look out for rock roses in the garden centre, they form little bushes and have small, often pinkish flowers.
Pots with succulents in would look good against the flowers and lavendar would also be fine in pots and smell nice- you just need to keep them watered during the first summer. Other herbs would also like it there.
Hope this gives you more ideas. Hom