Some time ago we had an allotment that was, when we took it on, totally overgrown. After many valiant hours of hard work (mostly my wife's I have to say!) we decided that we just did not have enough time and it was very disheartening as we were always trying to catch up and never seeming to get anywhere.
A few weeks ago I was walking the dog past the allotments and thought how nice it would be if we could get one of a manageable size and in a good state - our names have been back on the list for well over a year, but as the list is usually between 70 and 100 names long, we weren't expecting to get one soon.
Well, the very next day we got a call from the lady who looks after the waiting list, telling us our name was at the top and there was a good, mid-sized plot available if we wanted to look at it!
We went to look and it was perfect. It needed a good clean up and dig, but looked like we could manage it, so we said yes.
That was four weeks ago and it is incredible what has happened in that time.
The day after we took on the allotment, there was a second-hand water butt for sale at a local junk shop and my wife did a bit of haggling and got it for just £20.
Then, Atlanticpearl on here was offering free seeds which I got for the price of a couple of first-class stamps.
Then, after digging over the allotment, I decided what I would like is some paving slabs to make stepping-stone paths across for better access and to break the plot up into manageable and organise-able beds. On my way home, my neighbour three dorrs down had put out their garden waste for collection, along with a couple of piles of broken slabs! Of course, I knocked and asked if they were throwing them out, and they were very happy for me to take them and save them a trip to the dump!
I wheel-barrowed them over and made two and a half paths.
Two days later, on freecycle, someone was offering a load of small slabs in a village not far away and where we were planning to go to the garden centre at the weekend. So we went and got them, too. They actually had several huge piles, and we took as many as we could get in the back of the car.
When I took them over to the allotment, there were exactly the right number to complete the five paths I wanted!
We found a load of canes in the garden which made a couple of wigwams for the beans.
We had a couple of old, broken aluminium cold frames and some wood which the previous allotment holder had left behind and from which I made a new frame.
And from the allotment shop we have bought some seeds and onion sets at about half the normal retail price.
And, we have just had three days of hot, sunny weather that have made working on the allotment a pure joy.
Life is sometimes so good! I can't remember a time when so many good things just happened at the right time, and I'm very happy!
And here's a picture of our watering session yesterday evening.
Derek - I'm so pleased for you. Long may you continue to enjoy your allotment :nature-smiley-008:
Yvonne xxx
ps-can you send some 'allotment good fortune' our way - my husband is desparate for an allotment(on several waiting lists) & he is taking early retirement in September so it would be lovely to have one by then 😀
You may be interested in this new government back door change/ initiative.... the proposed removal of various statutory burdens which include allotments...
This rec'd by email:
PLEASE READ and circulate TODAY if you can.
DEADLINE to oppose is 25/04/11
[url] http://www.farminmy uk/featured/ all-allotments- under-threat- 2/[/url]
the reference number asked for on the form for the ‘statutory burden’ in
question is (I think) DCLG_136. Finding this number took me a while, so please save your contacts the trouble and pass this on with your e mail.
Its not a user friendly site to look up what other statutory burdens there are (intentional?) that may be also at threat...
But if you have time to look here and to download the list - it might make interesting reading.
Yvonne - positive allotment vibes on their way to you and your husband.
Celia - thanks for that (I think!). Have tried to complete the online form as it finishes today! However, I'm not going to worry about the future and am just enjoying the Now. And I'd like to see any government try and mess with our local allotment fraternity!!
Wow you certainly have been blessed with things turning up just when you need them.
Hope you have lots more fun in your allottment and enjoy eating a delicious meal with the veg that you grow 😀
Derek - you are amazing 😀 Positive allotment vibes from you worked :045:
Yesterday at a garden centre we've not been to for ages we met someone who I know has an allotment & I have wanted to contact her but lost her phone no. Asked her who I contact (to get put on yet another waiting list!) & she said she is struggling timewise with her allotment just now & my husband is welcome to share it until he gets his own 🙂
Thanks, Yvonne xxx
ps -still trying to sell our cottage - can you send some positive cottage selling vibes,please 😉
Derek - you are amazing 😀 Positive allotment vibes from you worked :045:
Yesterday at a garden centre we've not been to for ages we met someone who I know has an allotment & I have wanted to contact her but lost her phone no. Asked her who I contact (to get put on yet another waiting list!) & she said she is struggling timewise with her allotment just now & my husband is welcome to share it until he gets his own 🙂
Thanks, Yvonne xxx
ps -still trying to sell our cottage - can you send some positive cottage selling vibes,please 😉
Yvonne, have you been to the allotment, is there a farm nearby, within view or some horses?;).
See yourself selling your cottage instead of worrying about not selling it, your vibrations are focusd too much on the negative, see and FEEL the cottage being sold and watch the universe match your vibration:D
Derek - you are amazing 😀 Positive allotment vibes from you worked :045:
Yesterday at a garden centre we've not been to for ages we met someone who I know has an allotment & I have wanted to contact her but lost her phone no. Asked her who I contact (to get put on yet another waiting list!) & she said she is struggling timewise with her allotment just now & my husband is welcome to share it until he gets his own 🙂
Thanks, Yvonne xxx
ps -still trying to sell our cottage - can you send some positive cottage selling vibes,please 😉
So glad to hear that, Yvonne. don't you just love serendipity?
Positive cottage selling vibes sent!
Strange isn't it, my son has been after an allotment and the picture of yours was just what we were all hoping for, decent and obviously a nice comardrie going. He has M.E. and back problem and doesn't have a partner so we thought it would be nice for him to get a small plot get involved and meet new people etc., but nope the Allotments are in the back of a totally 'no go' estate, it then took ages to find the actual plot as it was buried beneath and between huge trees, dark and dismal, surrounding plots could not really be seen and therefore no chit chat with others, sure he could die and lie there for months. We all thought 'positive' at the start of this Star99 but reality was totally different.
Yvonne the word 'cottage' sounds so cute, is yours so?