worried about fibro...
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worried about fibroids

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Hi. Does anyone know about, or had fibroids? I suffered heavy bleeding constantly for 5 months before I ended up embarrasingly in A&E in May not knowing what an earth was going on with me. I visted my doctor several times within that time who decided to change my pill to the mini pill, which made things worse. Then they took me off the pill completely, which made things even worse. All this time they made no other investigations as to why I was bleeding so much. Eventually Igot the money together to have a scan at Bupa which revealed a fibroid inside my uterus.

Since then I have had a hysteroscopy that revealed two fibroids and now I'm waiting for my next hyteroscopy in April to hopefully remove them. I'm really scared that something might go wrong and they do a hysterectomy. Has this happend to anyone? or does anyone know of this happening to someone else?

I'm only 28 and am desperate to be able to have children in the future. I'm told that if I leave the fibroids that I would most possibly miss-carry if I were to conceive. [&o]

Just wondered if anyone could put my mind at rest a bit.


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RE: worried about fibroids

you do not have to have a hysterectomy to deal with fibroids
There are several alternative approaches.
One of these could be homeopathy.
I have cleared fibroids in the past, using visualisation
I did not have symptoms of heavy bleeding etc, I think Iwas told this after maybe a smear test..cant recall


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RE: worried about fibroids

Hi Pinkladies,

It doesn't sound as if you have been advised of all the options available to you.

Fibroids can be shrunk with medication and there is also a less invasive procedure Uterine Arterial Embolisation have a look at this website for more information [link= http://femisa.org.uk ]http://femisa.org.uk[/link]

Good Luck


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RE: worried about fibroids

I have 2 sisters who have sufferef from fibroids. The first one had an operation to removed them (as both grew on stems and were easy to remove) about 4 years ago - she was in hospital and nothing - other than the fibroids - were removed. Earlier this year she had the same problem - this time they gre flat on her womb and could not be removed like the first ones - the inserted a loop (contraseptive) as this would shrink the fibroids because of the hormones secreted by it.

2nd sister is havin a operation in March where they are sending something up through a vain in her leg - they then put silicone into the arteries that feed the fibroid and this blocks the blood flow to the fibroid and it dies - apparently a bit painful but a high successrate.

I can't understand you being taken ff the pill - both sister were put back on the pill as the hormones can decrease bleeding and schrink the fibroids - I'd say, back on the pill!

There are many ways to deal with fibroids depending on your age, where they are situated etc. Don't let your doctor choose the easy or cheap way out - surf and become familiar with info on what can be done as there is absoloutely no need for radical surgery. I wish you well.

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RE: worried about fibroids

Thanks for all your advice. I don't know anything about homeopathy but will certainly do some research now. My doctors did not even mention the option of Embolisation but this sounds like a better procedure to get rid of the fibroids more long term as having read the info on [link= http://femisa.org.uk/ ] http://femisa.org.uk [/link], it looks like the options that I am having could have more of a chance of the fibroids coming back. So I better find a husband quick and have some babies before that happens!! 😀
The doctors did put me back on the pill but only because I insisted they did after reading info on various websites. But I think it mucked my body up so much being swapped and changed with different ones that I just didn't stop bleeding at all. My consultant has been injecting me with a hormone implant for the past three months to try and shrink the fibroids before they operate. I don't think it is working because shorly if they were shrinking my bleeding/pain should have become less. All the hormone implant seems to of done is make me fat, moody and depressed. I have even lost my boyfriend over my mood swings. I know it is the injections because I'm normally a very placid person. Just want this whole thing to be over :(.

Jobelle, have your sisters got children or had children since the operation?

Thanks all

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RE: worried about fibroids


No, one had kids before and the other has no children. Maybe somebody else knows more about this side of the issue to put your mind at rest.

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RE: worried about fibroids

Thanks Jobelle.

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RE: worried about fibroids

Hello I just wanted to share some information re. fibroids which i have found to be very useful. I have 3 uterine fibroids which are relatively well managed. Many women have fibroids and aren't even aware they have them. I have had mine for around ten years. At present I have ruled out surgery as an option but if you are interested in fibroid embolisation the the top specialist in the UK is Dr Woodruffe Walker (based in Guildford but also has private clinics in London). He has some very useful information on his site [link= http://www.fibroidspecialist.com ][/link]

I have also found this site extremely useful and a different (natural/energetic) approach to healing fibroids. [link= http://www.fibroidsinfo.com/ ][/link]I have obtained a copy of the healing fibroids visualisation CD (you can listen to it daily with headphones) which has given me massive relief especially at a time when my fibroids meant I felt constant discomfort and pressure and looked as though I was about 5 months pregnant.

When I was first diagnosed with fibroids tenyears ago I asked my GP (it was a bit of a battle) to refer me to the Royal London Homoeopathic hospital in Great Ormond Street in London. After seeing a wonderful homoeopath there who specialised in women's conditions I was able to end 2 years of constant pain (more severe during menstruation) by taking my prescribed remedy.

In my opinion the medical profession are rather too quick to say 'have a hysterectomy dear' or to want to cut bits of you out. IMO and through my experience it is necessary to try to find out why you got the fibroids in the first place and then to deal with them using a variety of nutritional/visualisation/homoeopathic/relaxation methods. Like everything its not a one size fits all treatment.. nothing ever is.

Take care!

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RE: worried about fibroids

Thanks very much for your advice. Have your fibroids effected your fertility at all? My consultant has advised me that I would have difficulty in having a successful pregnancy if I don't have them removed.
I went to a chinese herbalist the other day as I saw a poster in their window about Fibroids. He advised me to try acupuncture and herbs but they would cost me around £120 per month to keep up the treatment. I worry that alternative treatments won't work and I will lose my place for the hysteroscopy in April and will suffer these problems for even longer.
How do you cope with going out? I can't make any arrangements from one day to the next at the moment as things are so bad. I'm only 28 and feel like my life is not really worth much if I can't enjoy it.
Hope I haven't depressed you. haha

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RE: worried about fibroids

Hi Pinkladies,
I haven't had a fertility test of any kind or been actively trying for a baby so I cannot be certain if my fertility is affected but am aware it is a possibility. Everybody is different and manywomen go on to have a healthy pregnancy despite fibroids. Size, positioning and type of fibroids are factors so it is not always helpful tocompare as you aren't usually comparing like for like. There are a few things on a more general level that you can do to improve your overall health and that includes taking a serious look at your diet, supplementation, stress levels, activity levels and so on. There are many good books on the subject where you can do some research into what may be right for you. Take extra care of yourself regardless of whatever medical treatment you decide to have. If you do go for the surgery then it is important to nourish and strengthen your body and your organs so you make a swift recovery. Its a very hard choice to make and only you can do so. It depends a lot on your beliefs. Personally I would choose to go the self-healing route but its an individual choice and may not be right for you.
I suggest arming yourself with as much (reliable) information as possible and go seeyour consultantwith your concerns and armed with questions in order that you can make an informed choice, one that is right for you.
NB. Its worth pointing out that excess oestrogen or possiblynot efficiently clearing excess oestrogen from the body is indicated in fibroids. I find it always helps to look at the cause (though it may be a combination of things contributing, poor diet etc). This would indicate a detox and hormone balancers to be included in any self treatment. I find cutting out sugar and saturated fats helps as well as a varied wholefood diet with lots of greens and vegetables in general.
Take care,

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RE: worried about fibroids

Thanks. I know what you are saying is very true with the activity and diet. I usually bleed for at least 2 weeks of the month and then I feel to drained for too much activity. By the time I get back on my feet, I start bleeding again so it's very hard for me to get into any regular exercise. This is very frustrating for me as I am usually a very active person and before the diagnosis, I trained at the gym 3-4 times weekly even during my period. I'm very nervous to be in crowds in case I fload or can't get to a bathroom in time. So I try and avoid all these situations by not going out. I am now becoming very lonely and helpless. I'm tempted to book on one of the courses that were on the website you directed me too but I can't book things up in advance through fear that I will be unwell and have to cancel, which I don't have the funds to gamble with.
I feel I have no way out and I'm trapped in a nightmare. 🙁 I'm so angry with it all.

Sorry to go on and moan.
Thanks for all your advice. I will try and get some positivity somewhere.

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RE: worried about fibroids

I know what you mean too hun. Please don't apologise. I understand how this can easily take overif you allow it to. I understand the feeling of wanting to hibernate when on your period, needing to stay near/at home (flooding),and not having any energy to exercise (walking in the fresh air is good). One of the side effects of being anaemic (whih can be caused by heavy bleeding) can be tiredness and breathlessness (not enough oxygen is being carried around the body) so I would ask for a blood test to check this. If you are anaemic your doctor may prescribe iron tablets but there are some good liquid iron supplements/tonics which you can buy off the shelf such as floradix (also where the good and varied diet comes in) but best to get this confirmed first.
Take care and feel free to PM me anytime if you need a friendly ear.

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RE: worried about fibroids

Thank you so much.

I have got myself into a bit of a state over this but have booked myself in for some hypnotherapy before my hysteroscopy to try and reduce my anxiety attacks.

Take care and thanks for being patient.

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Hi, I was diagnosed with 2 fibroids measuring 3cm and 5cm last year. They have been causing pain and heavy periods. I have been trying to avoid surgery. I have tried various natural and holistic treatments to shrink the fibroids. The treatment is working and the fibroids have shrunk significantly and the pain is much better. For more information please see this site:*[url]Fibroids Pain[/url]*
There is a link on the site to a natural treatment plan which has been working very well. Good luck and best wishes. Isabel

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Shrink Fibroids Naturally

Hi ladies, my fibroids were found 2 years ago after suffering heavy periods and pelvic pain. I have been trying desperately to get some relief. I was told that I may need a myomectomy, but have managed to shrink my fibroids without medication or surgery. please see this site:
[url]Shrink Fibroids Naturally | eNetMD[/url]
my largest fibroid has gone from 6cm to 1cm in 14 months.

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Fibroid Pain

Hi it is sometime since I posted. My fibroids have remained under control with very little pain or discomfort. My periods have returned to normal. The above link is a bit dated - for info about fibroids and in particular about fibroid pain, please see this excellent informative site:
[url]Fibroids | eNetMD[/url]
[url]Fibroid Pain | eNetMD[/url]
There are many detailed articles about the symptoms and treatment of fibroids-covering medical, surgical and natural treatment options
best wishes Isabel
