Wide awake after se...
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Wide awake after sex??

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Not sure if this is the right place so feel free to move it....

Does anyone else become wide awake after sex? It's so frustrating as I'm awake for hours! Meanwhile my o/h is sound asleep... 😡

I don't want to stop- obviously- but still it leaves me very sleep next day which is never helpful

Any ideas? Other than earlier in day as that generally isn't possible...

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If He's a young guy, why not go again?
Alternatively why not opt for early morning shananigans?:o

Guys release a chemical on finishing that effectively puts them to sleep unfortunately... soz (we're rubbish at stuff aint we?;))


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Do you orgasm?

If so, that should relax you and help you sleep.

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Indeed, I understand the body chills out to improve chances of conception.

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Indeed, I understand the body chills out to improve chances of conception.

Maybe that's why I subconsciously keep myself awake!! 😉
Yeah, I do orgasm, doesn't seem to chill me out anyway!!!

Interesting that it's boys who are replying. Are we girls too shy???:eek:

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Interesting that it's boys who are replying. Are we girls too shy???:eek:

😮 I'm not a boy...

:dogrun:...I'm an adventurer:027:


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Maybe that's why I subconsciously keep myself awake!! 😉
Yeah, I do orgasm, doesn't seem to chill me out anyway!!!

Interesting that it's boys who are replying. Are we girls too shy???:eek:

Haha. Well, maybe you need to do lots of naked star jumps afterwards to shake the little blighters out*... Or perhaps you could use some sort of contraception!

PS I'm not a boy. I'm a small, male hippo.

*-On reflection, that could make things quite... messy.

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Haha! Don't think such plans would help with the awakeness either!! Guess it would wake him up too tho so that way I wouldn't be alone in my alert state!

BTW... it's ok. I do use contraception too!

So I have a small hippo, an adventurer but still no posts from the female among us! :rolleyes:

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me female! this is delicate topic! only thing i can think of is go and read a book, watch tv. or have a marathon sex session lots of foreplay and orgasms which should wear one out! have lot of orgasms before the final act?


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Me female too! I've also had this problem although not always. I usually just get up and go and do something (read, tv, computer, washing up) until the sleepiness starts to arrive. Interestingly if we have time during the day I tend to end up feeling very sleepy.

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blow in his ear, nudge him awake and ask him to explain the off side rule... that should have you asleep in no time!

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Nice one Rosie!

I would also suggest pestering him in the morning, that way you can start the day envigorated - if you have kids, just wake him even earlier! Or pester him into more if you can't sleep and you think he's had enough time to muster a second wind. Perhaps some quiet time alone in the day every now and then might be better for you.

Think about it, it's kind of envigorating to have sex, so for some, it's energising, then you have the men who roll over and start snoring, not all, but some. Feeling energised is a problem late at night, maybe your partner can sometimes continue the lovemaking for you till you're ready to roll over and get some zs.

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blow in his ear, nudge him awake and ask him to explain the off side rule... that should have you asleep in no time!

Helpful as always, isn't she? - Rosie! 😮

As I guess all the other guys here are saying, I don't have this problem - as a guy once again - and never heard of it. So I'd love to have a magic answer but I just don't.

However, in normal life - probably not the right phrase as I mean if I'm single or 'nothing happens' at night, I am very well used to sleeping very little at night. So just taking that as a subject, I've learned to take it as a norm. Mind you, it's a healthy norm for me as I'm not tired the next day whereas you say you are. There's a thread about this somewhere which I either began or partook on, about sleeping little at night.

Anyway, frankly what I do is read. I just keep reading until tiredness comes along. You may be able to do this elsewhere such as in the living room, until you get tired, but maybe this isn't possible. If on holiday and only having one room anyway, this might sound wacky but believe me it is worth thinking about: I wear on very rare occasions a camping flashlight which you have over your forehead. :p Yep, you read that right. It means you can read without having the light on in consideration of your OH. In fact there are also dedicated gizmos that clamp on the pages of a book and do the same job. Point is, I think you get tired more quickly if you aren't just lying there and fretting about it. All these things cost a tenner at most, I'd guess. So if you're going to be awake anyway, why not read?

Hmm, there is the sleeping pill route to take - but that's dicey as they can become a nasty habit. Used just once in a blue moon it might be worth a thought?

All the best with it,


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Just a thought ... why dont you get some toys that you both can use, works for us. Play is a good way to relax and you dont have to have the action at the end of EVERY night !!!

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Just a thought ... why dont you get some toys that you both can use, works for us. Play is a good way to relax and you dont have to have the action at the end of EVERY night !!!

Yup, I agree with all the above, my favs' would be Mousetrap or Buckeroo!


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Sex? My coal arrives in them every month........

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You've lost me there, Jabba?

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another one you could do go on HP after!write new thread or sumat.


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Sorry Venetian: They are wot posh people get their coal in - sex...... you have to say it out loud!
Sorry - I 'spose I'm just a little jealous as I can't really add to the thread, as I haven't had 'any' in years due to a combination of factors - but that doesn't stop me thinking about it and keeping myself awake!!!

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i think women are awake after imho is that we can multi task i mean ,who else can see that the ceiling needs painting plus think what to have for tea an still have time and patience for their man

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Yep, I'd already realised it, Jabba - after a slow 'duh' moment. :p


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hmmm... I am female but tend to do the male thing. Roll over, fart and sleep. Guess that doesn't help you though.

How about stuffing tissues soaked in lavender up your nostrils while you bonk and then by the time you have had an orgasm you should have passed out from the fumes..:cool:

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Wide awake after Sex!

Hi there!

You appears to be not satisfied with the sex. And your body is dismayed at what has quickly happened just before keeping you wide awake.

Please see :


for your physical-mental-emotional health, please visit -

Not sure if this is the right place so feel free to move it....

Does anyone else become wide awake after sex? It's so frustrating as I'm awake for hours! Meanwhile my o/h is sound asleep... 😡

I don't want to stop- obviously- but still it leaves me very sleep next day which is never helpful

Any ideas? Other than earlier in day as that generally isn't possible...

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Hi There, You are not alone! I may be a bloke, BUT I am also wide awake after sex, whilst all my friends, female partners I have been with have always gotten really tired afterwards, whilst im pumped and ready to go again! I stumbled across this whilst searching for reasons why I would be wide awake after sex, but alas I came to no avail, but would like to let you know you are not alone!

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Another female with the same issue. I know I can get up and do a few next day tasks coz i have loads of energy but I tend to go with Venitian's suggestion and cosy in and read my book, usually lean it on hubby's sleeping shoulders:D:D

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I'm female and have the same problem. Hubby always jokes about the amount of time i need to read my book for afterwards.

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Lack of energetic discharge! Ride the wave 😀

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Lol Richard, bit hard with two kids asleep next door!;)

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Lol Richard, bit hard with two kids asleep next door!;)

Try googling 'earplugs for children' 😀

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It's funny you should mention that, because in a lecture on chinese medicine, the lecturer stated that when we have sex, when the male ejaculates, he eliminates his energy, and, you've guessed it.. the woman receives it. Hence the guy falls asleep straight away, and the woman's awake for hours.

No remedy there i'm afraid.

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