Very strange cycle ...
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Very strange cycle this month - thought I was pregnant but alas not. Any ideas?

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Hi Everyone,

This month things have been very odd. I normally have a 28 day cycle. It's pretty regular. Showed all the signs of ovulation, in fact felt very in tune with it. Then, on day 19 of my cycle, a week after I thought I had ovulated I noticed spotting but only when I wiped. Well, this went on for 6 days. Very light. All internet research pointed to implantation bleeding. I was so pleased with this idea as I had a miscarriage at the end of June when I was 12.5 weeks pregnant. Maybe it was in my head but I was also feeling very tired and occasionally a bit sick. However, yesterday evening, on day 25 of my cycle it turned into a full blown period and dashed those ideas to the rocks. This has never happened to me before. I'm struggling to find anything on the web that doesn't just talk about implantation bleeding, which clearly this was not. Sometimes I spot the day before a period is due but never for a week followed by an early period.

Does anyone else have any experience of this? I know there is no point going to a doctor. Perhaps it was just a one off thing - time will tell but I do want to be pregnant again after losing my baby in the summer and I feel time is ticking as I will be 40 in two months time.

Just feeling very sad as after getting my hopes up it has brought up all the emotions of loss that I dealt with in the summer and made them feel pretty raw. So, any ideas are much appreciated.

Thank you :confused:

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Hello Sharri

Sorry to hear of the loss of your baby in June, and of your hopes being dashed again. I can't answer your question I'm afraid, but can only guess that the egg was trying to implant but didn't quite make it.

It's not the end of the world (though it might feel like it, :hug: ) but there is always another chance.

Make sure your food intake is of the best quality wholefood and you are taking pre-pregnancy supplements to avoid things from possibly going wrong. There is an excellent book on how to prepare nutritionally .

Hope all goes well next time.

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Hallo Sharri,

It is possible your miscarriage in June has upset your normal rhythm.And undoubtedly you mental and emotional feelings will have an effect on your cycle as well.

How long have you been trying for a baby and what form of contraception have you been using until you started trying? These may also give some clue as to what is happening.

May I suggest you approach whoever managed your miscarriage for some advice on what happened to you this time? It IS possible you have suffered another early miscarriage - but it also possible that your evidently strong desire to have a baby is interfering with your perception of what is going on in your body.

You should have been offered support back in June...I hope you were. If you were not, try to find a miscarriage support group. as you may well find someone there who has been through something similar.

Good luck


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Thanks very much for your replies Sally and Caroline. I appreciate it.

I am a vegan and very conscious of eating well so I like to think that this is one area I am on top of. There can always be improvements though.

My situation is perhaps not quite as it appears. I do already have a child, a little girl who is almost three. I didn't think I could have children so the news that I was pregnant with her was a great shock and joy! Although there was nothing much wrong with me, as tests had shown, I had been unable to conceive with my (now ex) husband. I personally think it just took me a long time to get the pill out of my system as about 6 years after stopping taking it, and with my now soon to be husband, we conceived our little girl. I did not actually plan to get pregnant this April - it was a shock but once I had recovered I thought it was a wonderful blessing. When I lost the baby I realised that I wanted to try and have another one. So, in answer to the question, I have not been on any type of contraception for nearly ten years so definitely nothing like that messing up my cycle.

I wasn't treated well at the hospital when I miscarried. I won't go into the story but I did get an official apology and they are changing their systems to ensure what happened to me won't happen to anyone else. I didn't get any counselling but took myself for a shamanic healing session. This was new to me and seemed to work absolute wonders. It certainly helped me cope. I was told during this that I would be pregnant again in November. I guess this gave me something positive to cling to. I would not say that I have been actively trying to get pregnant. The reason for this is that actually I am scared to do this. This comes from many years of TTC previously and the way it destroyed me and my marriage. So, I guess I've just been leaving it to the Gods and hoping!

Still, I guess I need to decide whether I am going to try properly and see what happens with the next cycle. I guess this is one of those things where I am not going to know why it happened and just need to see what happens next time.

Thanks for the hugs and suggestions 🙂
