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swelling sensation in vagina? yeast infection?

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About a month or so ago I was given antibiotics for a suspected UTI (my first) - an intense sting and pain after urination and discomfort/burning in between. The first prescription didn't clear it all so I was given another dose of the same medication a week or so after.

Anyway, a few days ago I began experiencing a very odd swelling sensation in my vagina (?) almost as if there is something stuck inside there? I can't think how else to describe it.. maybe as though a tampon hasn't been inserted correctly? There definitely isn't any kind of physical object in there, so I'm quite concerned, I have never felt anything like this before!

There is no itching or pain, and I haven't really noticed any discharge (etc). At least nothing too out of the ordinary. I'm 25 years old and have been with the same partner for a few years so an STI or something similar seems quite unlikely. Has anyone had this before? Is it maybe thrush or a yeast infection? ANY at all help would be greatly appreciated! Thankyou! xx

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Kefir ..

The 411 on Kefir and Women’s Health

Women’s bodies can be delicate yet strong, simple yet complex, all at the same time. For obvious reasons, we need to deal with a host of different and unique health care needs separate from our male counterparts. While capable of miracles such as childbirth and breastfeeding, we also face major hormonal fluctuations throughout our lifetimes as well as a host of infections which can range from pesky and irritating to life-threatening. Luckily, a number of these issues can be prevented or even treated with natural, whole, probiotic-filled foods…like Kefir!

What is a yeast infection?

First of all, if you suspect you have a yeast infection or are diagnosed with one, do not be

These infections are extremely common - about 75% of women will have one during their lifetime. A small amount of yeast is always in the vagina; this is perfectly normal. But when the yeast overgrows, it can cause an infection. One of the most common culprits behind this kind of overgrowth - Antibiotics.

Of course, we all may need these drugs from time to time for help with anything from Strep throat to preventing infection after surgery. But while antibiotics do a good job
of wiping out bad bacteria in our systems, they can also wipe out the good bacteria that keep yeast in check.

What are the symptoms?

If you suffer from the following symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your physician to get tested for a yeast infection:

 Extreme itchiness in and around the vagina.
 Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina and the vulva.
 Pain when urinating or during intercourse.
 A thick, white, odorless vaginal discharge.

Besides antibiotics, factors such as stress, a lack of sleep, poor eating habits (including eating extreme amounts of sugary foods) and hormonal changes during your periods can make you more prone to these irritating infections.
What are the conventional treatments?

Many doctors will prescribe an antifungal medicine, which may come in cream, tablet or suppository form. He or she may also prescribe a dose of a drug called oral fluconazole.

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]How can kefir help?

“Kefir is a natural, food-based way to keep the microflora (aka good bacteria) up in the intestines,” explains Valerie Early, a Registered Dietitian, Registered Pharmacy Technician and owner of

Nutrition,Connection,Balance,LLC ([url]Nutrition Connection Balance | Food Based Nutrition | Juice Plus+®[/url]) in Schaumburg, IL, which specializes in using medical nutrition therapy to balance hormones and health. “It’s better than (the average) dairy product, like your typical yogurt, because the specific strains of acidophilus and lactobaccillus really do help promote those good bacteria.”

When Early’s clients are prescribed a course of antibiotic, she will often recommend kefir as a complement to help replenish good bacteria in the lower FI system. “When people have more kefir in their diets or take probiotic supplements or whole food supplements with probiotics in them, I do see a reduction in complains in vaginal itching, yeast infections and just general immune system issues,” she observes.

Plenty of info online in regards to kefir .

x daz x

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Hi Laur123, welcome,

Doesn't sound like any thrush to me, and believe me you would know it! Itching and discharge! Without being too embarrassing have you had a feel and a look with a mirror? I would have suggested a small prolapse but at your age and so sudden it seems highly unlikely. You know you should really go to a clinic, see if there is a gum clinic at a local hospital or woman's clinic near you (genito urinary medicine) usually drop in and completely confidential and get checked, or see your gp.

Good luck and it really is something that you can get sorted easily, just be brave and smile 🙂

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I agree with Cascara - it might possibly be a prolapse, but that doesn't usually happen following a urinary infection but usually the result of giving birth.

Best to get it checked out.

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thankyou so much for the replies! 🙂

I went to the doctor today and without an examination he seemed to think this was a thrush problem so I have been given a tablet. I have noticed a slight discharge today so I am hoping it is just thrush and nothing more serious, like a prolapse - the thought had crossed my mind, and it absolutely terrifies me! I've been told to make another appointment for a physical exam if it doesn't clear up within a week.

I am just curious though, how serious are prolapses? can they occur for no obvious reason, out of the blue? as I said, the thought of this is really scary to me since I'm only 25 and haven't had a child, etc. any information would be appreciated, thanks so much again 🙂

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you must go see a urologist as soon as possible,

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I am having the same issue. Did yours clear up with the medication?

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Oh, yeast infections are quite common. I've had it years ago. If anyone reading this post has come looking for answer. I'd recommend you eat healthy. The unhealthy/unhygienic contributes a lot to your UTI. It's worse. I couldn't even explain it in words. It may be embarrassing but only the sufferers know the pangs of it. And, if the symptoms persist despite the changed diet after a week or so. Quickly, get yourself examined. Sometimes, the meds help...

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Hey so it’s been 5 years since this post but I wanted to share my experience with people who might be looking for some answer that is not just Yeast infection. I had the same problems as well. No itchyness, no discharge that got onto my underwear, no smell, and it felt like something was stuck in/around the vulva. I went to the clinic today and the doctor said it was a Fungal infection. She took a sample of it just in case it’s something else but if it’s just a fungal infection there isn’t anything to worry about and it should be harmless. But if you do think you have it, 100% go to a clinic because it won’t go away by itself. To remove it they gave me some pills (which I haven’t taken yet) and they said after 2-3 days I should start seeing a difference.

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Hey so it’s been 5 years since this post but I wanted to share my experience with people who might be looking for some answer that is not just Yeast infection. I had the same problems as well. No itchyness, no discharge that got onto my underwear, no smell, and it felt like something was stuck in/around the vulva. I went to the clinic today and the doctor said it was a Fungal infection. She took a sample of it just in case it’s something else but if it’s just a fungal infection there isn’t anything to worry about and it should be harmless. But if you do think you have it, 100% go to a clinic because it won’t go away by itself. To remove it they gave me some pills (which I haven’t taken yet) and they said after 2-3 days I should start seeing a difference.

hello, can I ask what was this fungal infection actually? How was it tested?
I am feeling the same way but doctors are only testing for a thrush/yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis.

And those tests have all came back clear
