I am now officially anemic as a result of bleeding VERY heavily for 21 days.
The bleed started in the middle of the night following a high rise in limido.
Then an array of tablets where offered to help, but they all resulted in
such terrible side effects, I couldn't have anything.
I am not left with some very changable blood pressure with a rise to 154/111 & then days later a low of 101/54.
I have stopped bleeding at the moment.
I know this may sound strange but it seems as though my womb has given up its memory. It has been as though my wombs life has flashed before me. I have had the odd flushing of feelings and temperature & I believe that I am going through the change. Although friends are convinced it is fibroids?
I also feel as though I have been through this before, strange.
Would appreciate thoughts!!
Love & Light
Not sure if this helps in any way, but when I was 46 I had a period which lasted 13 days, although it wasn't particularly heavy. After that nothing more until six months later when I had my last ever period. So in my case it was definitely the change. I wonder how old you are, survivor? Good luck anyway. Don't panic.
I wonder how old you are, survivor? Good luck anyway. Don't panic.
I am 36 I have always said that if I didn't have my children when I did I would never have children.
I don't think I am too early.
I do have PSCO & once my periods stopped for 5 years.
Thanks for your support
Hi- my thoughts are that 36 is early for the menopause- but possible. You may never know for sure the cause of the bleeding if it's just a one off.....
You could increase iron rich foods to help with any possible anaemia......
The womb is the very centre of creative life and can 'express itself' at times of deep emotion particularly in connection with being a woman/mother.....you might consider whether there are any relevant issues going on for you at the moment.....or in the past...The ovaries are of course, also to do with creation, female/wife/mother/sexual issues...
Hope you stay well. HTH Hom
Also, to add, the womb/sacral chakra is the seat of the inner child.
Also, to add, the womb/sacral chakra is the seat of the inner child.
I am stuck at 8 year old at the moment!
Thanks for that rosi
I haven't a clue myself, but I shall send Reiki to you Survivor with a view to you returning to a happy balance soon.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
I am stuck at 8 year old at the moment!
Thanks for that rosi
Oh bless you Survivor.
Do you have any moontstone? I would recommend you wear some on your person, even on your naval - it will help with your menstrual cycle.
Thanks all for the advise well wishes and reiki!
I feel very low in mood & energy.
I feel very detached from this space & time.
Love & Light
Apart of reflexology and therapeutic massage, I often advise women with frequent bleeding or heavy blood loss, to look at some Taoist exercises - such as the 'Ovarian breathing', advocated by Mantak Chia or the so called 'Deer exercises' . With the help of these, a woman can actively stop menstruation, without the side effects.
The "Female Deer" exercises, are used to stop the menstruation process and the subsequent loss of blood and vital energy that accompanies it. In Chinese lore the Female Deer exercises are called 'Slaying the Red Dragon' for obvious reasons. It is a very natural and powerful practice that works easily and once th practice is stopped, normal menstrual periods will return. (It also is a great form of birth control that you can turn on and off.)
Incidentally, research has shown that women who had experienced sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse, are far more likely to suffer from menstrual, gynaecological and/or other problems, in the pelvic region. In my own work, I found the same.
So, in a way, this condition may only be a symptom of something, that you need to address at a much deeper level....
...with love,
Incidentally, research has shown that women who had experienced sexual violence or childhood sexual abuse, are far more likely to suffer from menstrual, gynaecological and/or other problems, in the pelvic region. In my own work, I found the same.
So, in a way, this condition may only be a symptom of something, that you need to address at a much deeper level....
...with love,
Thank you
I think you could be right after the release I realised that the body I have today has not been abused. My cells have changed & I feel as though the flow was a release a renewal.
That said I am still worried about what it is and what caused it.
If not psychological the physical cause could be sinister.
It doesn't help that my anemia is making me not think so straight and
anxious at the best of times.
Love & Light
consultation has frightened the life out of me
Well I was a little shocked by the news today.
I was told that my Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome had been severly overlooked and the consultant was horrified that no-one had told me how dangerous it was to leave PCOS unmanaged.
He advised that I should have been placed on regular progesterone every
three months to help reduce the effects of too much eostrogen.
He said that the build up of womb lining had got to such a high level that the recent bleed was a direct response to the lack of management and the body responded as it simply couldn't hold on to the layers anymore.
He said that as a result I may have cancer & wants to do a biopsy of the womb and explore the womb with a hysteroscope.
He has also said that I need a Myrena coil fitted to ensure that the womb sheads its lining more regularily and prevent a build up.
He said I needed to see a dietitian to tackle my weight and that I was high risk of developing diabetes.
My head is spinning!
Any ideas??