I'm a 38 year old unmarried female. I have had a lump in my armpit since 8-9 years that usually doesn't pain. But during periods, it starts paining. However, the pain goes when the periods are over.
I consulted a doctor a few years ago about this and he said there is nothing to worry, it is just a swollen lymph node. But sometimes it pain so much during the periods..should I get it tested again? Can it be something harmful...?
If it still causes you pain, then you should get it checked out - that way you can be reassured if it is just an inflammed lymph node - ask to be referred to a breast care doctor - they see this sort of thing all the time.
Nah it pains only during the periods.
Regardless of when it hurts, you should still get it checked, and the breast care docs will be able to reassure you if it is a hormonal phenomenon.