Hi there, I had my mirena fitted 2 years ago as ever since my periods first began they were terrible, i couldn't move and just sat around in bed all day with a hot water bottle taking around 10 pills every 4 hours (at 12 years old) including mefenamic acid then tranexamic acid solpadol, ibuprofen, buscopan, and a pill to counteract the effect the ibuprofen had on my digestive system.
I then went on to use Loestrin for 1 year which didn't help at all, i bled through it constantly and had periods every 2 weeks which lasted 2 weeks. I went on a stronger pill which helped for a while however my periods were still agonizing and didn't allow me to do much. I had to change jumbo night pads every hour of the day as blood would seep through. this made school a nightmare.
After a good couple of years I started researching the mirena and the doc told me they might not put it in as I was only 15 however I pressed on and got it put in at the family planning clinic, I was awake and in pain! and at first was an absolute god send, however for the last year I have had terrible abdominal and back pains, bloating, spots, mood swings which are just unbelievable, i am now seeing a counselor for these.
Also I have had almost every invasive procedure you can think of by the gynecologist and am now waiting for an appointment to get a laparoscopy and have had to go for a very stressful breast exam due to prominent breast tissue. I don't know what to do as I am just starting a full time job as a nursery nurse and I think I'd be better without the mirena coil but I cannot go back to having such terrible periods.
I have no official illness so when I take time off nobody understands and I have been left taking over the counter pain killers which do little good as I may get addicted to anything that helps!!!! All that and I've just turned 17 ha ha!!. Weight gain has been unbelievable too, starting off a size 6 and now a size 12 !!