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Newbie member, looking for advice - and these pages seem to have the most sensible posts!
I had the Mirena coil fitted on July 1st - I'm 40, (just) no kids, ridiculously high bp. Needed a new form of contraception, and the coil seemed the best way to go.
Now, insertion was bloody agony. The GP had warned me it could be, because of the no kids thing, but I had no idea it would hurt so much! But I was a brave girl and got through it. Had period type pains for a couple of days, and some bleeding, but after that - all was good.
However.... for the past week or so, the cramps are back - tummy and lower back - I've been either bleeding lightly, or having this manky dark discharge - the kind I used to get at the end of my period. It's been pretty constant, and it's beginning to annoy me now. Not helped by the fact that I gave up smoking 2 weeks ago, and I've managed to put on 7 pounds.... (Advice - never give up the fags when you're about to go on holiday. Fish and chips, Cornish pasties, ice cream, cream teas.... Not the best idea!!)
So.... Are any of you learned ladies able to advise me on whether this is normal? Will it pass? My man is away at the minute, I'm off to join him in a couple of weeks, and if I have to impose a sex ban, neither of us is going to be happy....

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To be honest you need to give it longer. It takes a while to take effect - and get back on the straight and narrow as soon as you can by avoiding 'holiday food' - well done you on ditching the evil weed!

My god-daughter had a Mirena fitted in 2010 (aged 39), and had horrendous side effects for 6 months - her GP told her to keep persisting for as long as she could, but after 13 months she begged and it removed. They didn't want kids, and husband has now had a vasectomy.

Have you done a Search on this site - I just put Mirena Coil in and these posts came up - [url]Healthypages Discussion Forums - Search Results[/url]
