Having blackouts-last time destroyed husband's newly bought book. Longish explanation -please bear with me. Never had PMT-just lots of pain @period. When pregnant (daughter now 4) very emotional -but to be expected!!! When dtr 6 mths old & changed from exclusively breastfeeding bled for over 1 momth heavily,continuously. Stopped b/ f '@ 22 months then lots of pain/emotions. But over last year I've been feeling so much rage/weepiness/total misery for no apparent reason. Actually went to doctor as this worries me-but no help unless I want to take anti-depressants-NO-I want to know what the hell is happening to me. Thought i might be peri-menopausal so taking black cohosh,magnesioum. Still have massive periods (so much for lessening after childbirth!!!)
upshot is - after coping with Easter fortnight -constantly with people which is not easy for me-'lost it' over something (don't know what) & destroyed husband's new book-BUT CAN'T REMEMBER DOING IT.
What can I do? I'm really scared as don't know when this is going to take hold.
Hi, I'd suggest you go back to your gp and push it further, maybe you need a full hormone count
love Amy xx
Thanks for the reply - but have already had full hormone count,various other tests & I'm 'normal' 🙂 according to GP.
Only suggestion was anti-depressants but I'm not depressed. Been 'managing' the other symptoms - just really worried about these blackouts - don't happen often & not in any cycle so can't pre-empt them. I can't stop worrying if/when it will happen again (which isn't good as I'm thinking about it all the time)
Aw, that sounds rough. Often it is a vicious circle. Simple rule of more you fear it more it happens.
I have had a large number women client with the same. I have seldom treated it with special attention and yet it shifts within a short period. Your black outs are trying to gab your attention to resolve it from the roots. I know it is cliched but other unresolved things drive this issue.
This client with severe ME, had this(she was not blacking out, mind) and she was generally miseable about everything due to ME and this issue was getting her in a state. After a few weeks I asked her how are the periods? she repoted, it was ok. The way she reported it was enough to know that it had gone off her radar a while ago.
The point I am making is this is seldom a stand alone problem. There are other things that drive it and keep it in place.
Time for deep diving.
may it be easy for you
Hi Yvonne
So sorry to hear you are going through these problems. There is some useful info on [url]this website[/url], do have a read around and some useful books too (try Amazon).
Are you taking supplements? I would suggest that a shortage of zinc may be involved and an imbalance of omega oils, and suggest it would be best to see a nutritional therapist who can sort this out for you.
The other thing that could be helpful, following on from what jnani says, is EFT. I am sure you will find the two together could make a vast difference to you.
Hi Yvonne,
Please do go back to the doctors, it doesn't sound nice at all. :hug:
Your symptoms sound similar to what I'm going through presently. The GP won't believe that I have a real issue. They offered me the contraceptive, which made me 10x worse so I'm on anti-depressants. They didn't seem interested in dealing with the route cause and are happy to mask it under drugs.
I had had enough and begged for the anti-depressants, but I'm now at a point of having to ask for them to be upped.
I'm a hormonal, emotional wreck. Though my hormone levels are off one moment and fine the next.
I hope you find some relief soon. I'm still trying to get the GP to believe that there is something wrong.
Love and light
Hi On a Journey,
Just to check re.what you describe as blackouts - you are not actually unconscious during these episodes, but just can't remember what happened?
Such instances of amnesia are not uncommon during times of severe stress - have you been under much pressure lately, has there been anything particularly difficult going on for you (apart from these distressing episodes themselves?) Such memory lapses are more common than we tend to think and may be part of a protective strategy to keep us safe during times when we are overwhelmed by events, flow of information or emotion. Of course I may be barking up the wrong tree, but it is worth considering emotional as well as hormonal causes.
Hi Yvonne and Meadowsweet
I have just been reading a newly published, excellent book called 'I wish I Hadn't Eaten That' - simple dietary solutions for the 20 most common problems by Maria Cross - a great read. She's ION trained and now lectured at Westminster Uni. The book is concise, well organised, explains clearly what the problems are and how to deal with them. Well worth a few pounds here on <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="amazon">amazon!
I think the explanations and solutions offered will make all the difference to you both.
Love and Light
Thanks for the replies-looking into them.
Hi,Masha -Yes I am not unconscious during these episodes-but can't remember what happened.
Also because I can't remember what happened I don't know if I'm aware of what I'm doing at the time- eg destroying a book- I love books & can't imagine knowingly destroying one.
I was exhausted after a great Easter & looking forward to final day -Bank Holiday but I ruined it 🙁
Trying to focus on great 2 weeks I had- but not working.
Have ordered a book on EFT - hope it helps.