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Help - painful smear test

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Just been for a smear test today and it really hurt - so much that the nurse had to stop.

She's given me Estriol vaginal cream to use and go back in two weeks time -being post meno she said it was a common problem.
However I do not want to use any form of estrogen cream as I feel that being over the meno for a good few years now I don't want to add any hormones back into my system - I've OK so far so don't want to mess with hormonal balance now. I was one of the lucky ones who sailed through the meno.

Is there anything else that I could use to stop the vaginal dryness the next two weeks that is completely natural and won't cause side effects or problems before I go back for another attempt.

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Was it the insertion of the speculum that hurt, or the actual 'swiping' of the cervix? Last time I had a smear, I was told to apply some 'Sylk' vaginal lubricant (I got a free sachet from the pharmacist) - it helped a lot and was nicer stuff than the goo they apply to the speculum. The actual smear was over so quickly, I hardly had time to comment on the decor or make jokes about smoking afterwards!

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Insertion Jabba - was looking at Sylk and wondering if that would help. Just do not want to use an estrogen cream as I know I will get unwanted problems from it. Is this OK to use without side effects for 2 weeks do you think?

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I expect Tashanie will be along shortly, to tell more about the gel - it looks like it is a very very low dose of estrogen.

Anyway. I was told to apply the Sylk lubricant just before the appointment. She also recommended that I do a bit of digitial self-administering of the Sylk, into the vagina, every night for a few days. l leave that to your imagination! Anyway - it all helped and I've had no problems at subsequent tests since then.

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I will try the sylk -don't want to even attempt a low dose of estrogen because like everything else I will get side effects plus I've come this far without added hormones not going to start now when I feel that my body is over the menopause.

Thanks - welcome any other suggestions if anyone has any

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You don't need me along Jabba!! Sylk is brilliant and can be used as suggested .

I do sympathise.I hated smear tests and was delighted to be told as I was over 60 I wouldn't need to have any more!!!

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Hi Tashanie

Thanks for coming along - so Sylk is a better choice than the Estriol cream - I don't want to put the estrogen in my body no matter how low the dose because no matter how low believe me I will have a reaction to it plus it will then take weeks to get back to where I am now.
