I've just finished a course last week of antibiotics for a chest infection but then developed trachieitis. Dr says antibiotics won't clear this up and the infection has gone from the lungs/chest.
Anyone got any miracle cures on what to take for it and any ideas how long it lasts.
I'm sick to death of coughing (and can't cough up the gunge that seems to be there) and sick of blowing my nose - I feel physically weak now with coughing so much and my body especially the back and ribs just absolutely aches now.
Want to be well for Christmas !
Hi Janet
Poor you, it sounds awful! It sounds like the most important thing for you to do is look after yourself, stay warm because cold air can trigger coughing fits, and nourish your body with plenty of water, vitamins and protein.
Like I posted on another thread, chocolate can help stop you coughing, might be worth a try!
I hope you feel better soon
Claire x
This'll sound mad, but my doc said to me when I had this to try v hard not to cough (I know I know - u can't stop right?). But apparently coughing actually makes the condition worse as it damages the trachea making the infection last longer.
I'd also reccomend Echinacea and lots of it!
I've been coughing a lot at night and find it's better when I sleep more propped up - two pillows instead of one. I do sympathise because my 'slight cold' has now turned nasty and I'm coughing up a lot of phlegm, also have nasal catarrh. It's horrible, isn't it - and I really don't want to take antibiotics but fear it's turned into a chest infection already. Boo. Am about to look up tracheitis on google....never heard of it before.
Janet - have just looked up tracheitis on a number of sites and have learned that it is most commonly seen in young children. I wondered if your doctor actually did any tests before making this diagnosis?
The name relates to the trachea.
I got this a lot in my early teens ... it wasn't helped by a school uniform - an informal one admittedly - of an open necked shirt and V neck jumper. Keeping the throat area warm with the addition of a scarf helped. Can't remember what medication I was given, but it was certainly painful and I did cough a lot.
For 'grown-ups' now I'd suggest Benylin non-drowsy for chesty coughs formula. Also ... sounding like a stuck record now ... I swear by herbal remedies properly prescribed by a qualified medical herbalist. You can find one via: the website of the National Insitutute of Medical Herbalists.
In addition to a daily prevention/immune system mixture, I also have a bottle of general infection zapper for occasional use. Heap good medicine, and no antibiotics! 😉
In addition to a daily prevention/immune system mixture, I also have a bottle of general infection zapper for occasional use. Heap good medicine, and no antibiotics!
A proprietary brand, Hol? What's it called, may I ask.
A proprietary brand, Hol? What's it called, may I ask.
No, not a proprietary brand! Perhaps I should have been more clear when I said:
In addition to a daily prevention/immune system mixture, I also have a bottle of general infection zapper for occasional use. Heap good medicine, and no antibiotics! 😉
This followed my para about medical herbalists, so referred to that ... or perhaps I should say 'to her' ... since both the 'brews' I mention - general maintenance and infection zapper - are prescribed for me by one such lady!
In tincture form, they're better than going and buying pills over the counter on the high street.
Go find your nearest one, via the link above ... it's a great investment in your own health and wellbeing 🙂
Hol. xxx
Thanks everyone for the replies.
My GP did give me a good examination - sounding chest and back area, checked my throat, ears, glands, nose and all he said was that the infection had gone but all my tubes were still blocked.
Would something like Benlyn as suggested help - I'm absolutely done in with the coughing and blowing and it's like all the gunge is just too far down to be released? But it is difficult not to cough !
Would something like Benlyn as suggested help - I'm absolutely done in with the coughing and blowing and it's like all the gunge is just too far down to be released? But it is difficult not to cough !
Janet, may I suggest that you ask that question either of your GP or the pharmacist at your local chemist. No one on an internet forum ... even if medically qualified, which I am not ... can give definitive advice about what should or should not be taken, or what may or may not work. We can however say what we have found helpful in similar circumstances.
You might also find inhalation of steam useful to help with the breathing, with or without the addition of some essential oils to the water. Again, I'd ask the pharmacist for advice.
I do hope you make a rapid and complete recovery from what I know is a most unpleasant condition. 🙂
He prescribed something called pholcodine but he said not to get it until after the weekend and try warm water with honey and lemon - this does ease it but honey I find gives me wind and indigestion - however - I'll ride the storm on this.
Don't really want to take the pholcodine as it is one of those that makes you drowsy plus if it has codine in I suffer terrible with constipation and as I've already took some stuff the other day still trying to get the bowels working properly again.
I'll ask the pharmacist about Benlyn though as I've had that in the past and I find it has worked for coughs etc. but never had it for tracheitis.
Earlier you said:
it's like all the gunge is just too far down to be released?
Benylin is an expectorant ... it helps to bring up congested mucus. The best thing I can suggest, as I said before, is to have a chat with your local chemist. The pharmacist may suggest something else as more suitable for your symptoms.
Thanks for that. I feel a wee bit easier today but still have a long way to go - this virus has really floored me and zapped me of energy and everything else - seems thre's a lot of it going around where I live.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, and hope you fully recover in time for Christmas. 🙂
If you have a health shop near you, you could perhaps consider Floradix a natural supplement and tonic in liquid form, very good as a pick-me-up. The assistant should be able to advise which version would be best.
After antibiotics, a course of PRO-biotics is often recommended to put back the 'good' gut bacteria. Health shop again, though your chemist might also stock the capsules.
You might also ask the pharmacist at the chemist about Metatone, also a liquid, a vitamin supplement for post-flu etc
Thanks for that I'm hoping to be able to go out on Friday to do some Christmas shopping as I've not got one present in yet and I'll pop into the H & B shop.
Just wish this bloomin hacking cough would go but it is better than it has been so hopefully day by day it'll improve.