The Art of Breathin...
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The Art of Breathing

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Sometimes I feel like I cannot breathe properly. I have read somewhere that many of us do not know how to breathe and have to be thought! Has anyone ever experienced this?:)

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Have a look at the Buteyko Method, it's mainly used for Asthmatics, it can help you 🙂

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I have read the same about walking and standing too! There is always a right way of doing things which someone else seems to know...
But there is truth in it. Normally the breathing of a child is naval deep. It is peaceful just to be able to breathe that way. When in deep sleep your breath is naval deep. As the child grows and fear/pressure begin to creep in, the naval centre literally shrinks and breathing begins to become progressively shallower, stomach deep then just chest deep. That is anxious way of breathing. The breathing goes shallower, more fearful, anxious one gets or aniety/fear cause it be shallow - a vicious circle begins

It is a cultured, educated way to breathe. The more we become cultured the shallower becomes the breathing.
One major fear of deep breathing is fear of having a Buddha Belly. It is very likely if you breathe naturally, you might begin to look and feel like laughing Buddha. Nobody wants a tummy that big! Subtle but very powerful inhibition. So breathe chest deep, big chest, everyone wants that- men and women!

The right way to breathe is a perscribed meditation in itself.
To start with breathe out completely and loosely breathe in equally from both nostrlis and tummy like bellows. Doing just that a certain peace begins to set in. Try it, it is only breathing but you will be surprised how many times you will slip!
Breathing through both nostrils is also something most of us don't do. It is mostly just one nostril open the other one completely/partially blocked. Left and right nostril keep switching through out the day. Breathing from both nostrils is very balancing.

Or just be loose and natural and breathing will go naval deep anyway.

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Hi Starfish777!
You are in good company over 90% of us in the West don't breathe normally or well. At
you will find a feast of blogs and aticles on the subject, hope you like it and find them useful.

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Thank you jojo2504, jnani and mlingard for your responses. I will have a look at all these methods. To Jnani, I really see what you mean. I have been breathing chest deep and it has been quite shallow breathing for me. I don't mind looking like a budha with a big belly as long as I can breathe properly. I have tried it and it really has made a difference. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=""><a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">

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I have read the same about walking and standing too! There is always a right way of doing things which someone else seems to know...
But there is truth in it. Normally the breathing of a child is naval deep. It is peaceful just to be able to breathe that way. When in deep sleep your breath is naval deep. As the child grows and fear/pressure begin to creep in, the naval centre literally shrinks and breathing begins to become progressively shallower, stomach deep then just chest deep. That is anxious way of breathing. The breathing goes shallower, more fearful, anxious one gets or aniety/fear cause it be shallow - a vicious circle begins

It is a cultured, educated way to breathe. The more we become cultured the shallower becomes the breathing.
One major fear of deep breathing is fear of having a Buddha Belly. It is very likely if you breathe naturally, you might begin to look and feel like laughing Buddha. Nobody wants a tummy that big! Subtle but very powerful inhibition. So breathe chest deep, big chest, everyone wants that- men and women!

The right way to breathe is a perscribed meditation in itself.
To start with breathe out completely and loosely breathe in equally from both nostrlis and tummy like bellows. Doing just that a certain peace begins to set in. Try it, it is only breathing but you will be surprised how many times you will slip!
Breathing through both nostrils is also something most of us don't do. It is mostly just one nostril open the other one completely/partially blocked. Left and right nostril keep switching through out the day. Breathing from both nostrils is very balancing.

Or just be loose and natural and breathing will go naval deep anyway.

its ironic that most buddhists i see have dreadful 'use' of the body- not good at breathing at all.

It is against Alexander philosophy to concentrate on breathing alone like you are describing to improve breathing. because it will probably do you more harm than good, by putting more strain on the body. you could always try and see though either way.

A good way to improve breathing is to learn good use of the body and the breathing will come natural. To learn good use, well, thats another thread im afraid.

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its ironic that most buddhists i see have dreadful 'use' of the body- not good at breathing at all.

It is against Alexander philosophy to concentrate on breathing alone like you are describing to improve breathing. because it will probably do you more harm than good, by putting more strain on the body. you could always try and see though either way.

A good way to improve breathing is to learn good use of the body and the breathing will come natural. To learn good use, well, thats another thread im afraid.

Matty, Buddha has nothing to do with Buddhists or Buddhist Monks. They are literally two different worlds! Buddha has gone beyond concepts-his adode is just his pure being which is what Nirvana is. Buddhists(Hindus/Christians etc etc ) on the other hand are following mere concepts. I did not say breathe like Buddhists...
and there is always a theory to counter another. Just the way it is. One theory say this, another might say completely the opposite, yet both might work but for different set of people. Life is diverse, hence millions of ways to do things.
I disagree that it may do harm more than good because first, I have tried it myself. It does have a certain peace in it and second starfish has reported positively.
I don't understand how breathing relaxedely and deeply can put more strain on the body

Being loose and natural is enough but it is the hardest thing and needs an intense effort prior to dropping into loose and natural. Paradoxical. Besides it is helpful for the questoner if they have a precise and practical answer to their question.

Reiki Pixie
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Hi S777

Yes it true, most people don't breath properly. There are many ways of training the breath and to use it also for specific purposes. Breathing for most children is deep and natural, but as we become older breathing becomes constricted often the upper chest due to overthinking, emotional issues, poor posture, lack of intelligent exercise and so forth (nor forgetting the evils of smoking).

As for the image someone mentioned about the big fat Buddha. This is pruely symbolic, belly signifying large amount of Qi (life-force) stored in the hara lending to longevity. The ancient Chinese Taoists believed that we are born with X amount of breath. So slowing down breathing is a factor in longevity. This does make sense as deep abdominal breathing (which should include the expansion of the chest) improves the facilitation of oxygen and the elimination of waste products, calms the nervous system, massages the internal organs, improves the bloods pH balance and stimulates peristalsis in digestion.

I say to my Tai Chi & Qi Gong students that the breath in also like the ebb and flow of the sea tide, and the ebb of flow the cosmic tide. Breathing in to inspire, breathing out to expire. And this is one of the psychological problems of some peoples breathing patterns, they want to breathe in but don't want the breathe out. Breathing out means letting go - expiring - scary!!!!

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Matty, Buddha has nothing to do with Buddhists or Buddhist Monks. They are literally two different worlds!

i never said it did, but buddhists tend to try and learn these types of techniques you are talking about.

as i say, people can always try it and see. but the chances are they will give up when they realise focussing on breathing alone probably wont help. as reiki pixie said, theres psychological issues and postural issues to change.

you ask about how it could make you worse, if your body is under tension in the first place doing unnatural breathing techniques is highly unlikely to remove the tension and will probably just provoke a 'fight' response instead of a 'flight' response.

it wont change your breathing when your not thinking about it either i.e 99% of the time.

anyways i did say people should try it and see for themselves and make their own minds up.

Reiki Pixie
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Hi M30

Quote: you ask about how it could make you worse, if your body is under tension in the first place doing unnatural breathing techniques is highly unlikely to remove the tension and will probably just provoke a 'fight' response instead of a 'flight' response.

Yes I agree with you that is possible. Going back to Tai Chi & Qi Gong, there is the 70% rule which states that we should exercise to 70% of our capability and that includes breathing techniques. Any excessive activity can lead to imbalance. I know a few people that were so obsessive about breathing that they have momentarily passed out.

Since Buddhism has been mentioned, the Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh has some interesting ways of using the breath:

1. Breathing in, I calm my body......Calm
Breathing out, I smile......Smile

2. Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment.....Present moment.
Breathing out, I know it is a wonderful moment.....Wonderful moment.

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makes sense

i just personally never got on with breathing exercises whilst attempting to learn during biofeedback training, yoga, and pilates.

i was relieved when starting alexander technique to be told theres no direct focus on breathing with it.
