Hi all
I've been bothered by a really phlegmy cough for some weeks now. It first started while I was in India about six weeks ago and has persisted. I don't think I have a chest infection per se as the phlegm (excuse me, this is a bit graphic) is white and it doesn't hurt me to cough. Also I am not coughing all the time. I also developed a fluey cold when I got back to UK on 21st February and I still have a stuffed up nose and a fair amount of catarrh but my energy levels are back up again, thank goodness.
As I hate visiting the doctors (actually I haven't found a GP since I moved last November), I was just wondering if anyone knows if this is likely to clear up on its own, without me taking anything. (I don't want to take medication if I can avoid it.) It's a bit annoying but not hugely so, but I would be happy to get back to 100% health. Any ideas?
Sunanda x
RE: Phlegmy cough
Hi Sunanda,
My daughter suffers from this too, the things I find that help her are to cut right back on diary produce, then introduce slowly once she has got rid of the phlegm, and also the homeopathic remedy Spongia 30c.
Could also be tree pollen, which I am informed is early this year and set to trigger hay fever like symptons earlier than ever, so locally produced honey if available.
Hope you are better soon.
Karen x
RE: Phlegmy cough
Thanks Karen. My dairy intake is pretty low as it is, so I shall try to make it even smaller. Do you know if I can take the Spongia 30c while I still have the phlegm?
I read that more and more people are suffering from some kind of hay fever or allergy and I fear that I have become one of them. I have been very sneezy for the past couple of years but there again my neighbour reminded me that this might well be a form of cleansing that I'm going through.
Would you say that I'm Ok not going to a medical doctor unless I get worse? (Don't worry, I know no one here is medically qualified now Doq no longer logs in.)
Sunanda xx
RE: Phlegmy cough
Hi Sunanda
This sounds like the bug thats been going around - at least very similar to the one I've had - you think you're getting rid of it and it turns into something slightly different. Mine started off with dizzyness and balance type problems, which I suspect is connected to the ears and then went into a phlegmy cough - which I had checked out at the docs - and told my lungs were clear - I did take some antibiotics in late January which did nothing at all - and now I am left with a blocked nose and cattarrh. At first I took all sorts of things inhallations with Eucalyptus oil/Cajeput/Thyme. Chest rub with Sandalwood/Marjoram and Geranium. An acupuncture treatment and so it goes on. I just hope I shift it soon.
Luv Binah
RE: Phlegmy cough
Hi Binah
Yes, mine has been mutating too. It started with a dryish cough back in the middle of January. That gradually got more chesty but I thought was on the wane when I flew back to England on Feb 21. No such luck - within days I was really fluey - aching bones, sore throat and total zero energy. So gradually that has got better but the phlegm remains together with the bunged up nose and catarrh. As you say, it just goes on....
Hope we both beat it soon.
Sunanda xxx
RE: Phlegmy cough
Deep heat for your chest,it will lift the phlegm, it will also unbung your nasal passages, if you have any aches it will also see these off, my Dad used to put it on us as kids, I have continued to use it for colds etc,and I put it on my kids. I also highly recommend LOCAL HONEY, as the Bees collect pollen from your locality where the pollens come from that you are allergic to with the hey fever and Asthma, it does lessen the amount of asthma attacks with people who have bad asthma too. If you can; take a desert spoon each morning and at bedtime too, if you can't hack it that way then add it to a drop of boiling water and drink it.
Deep heat, get someone to put it on your back from top of shoulders right down to the small of your back, then on your chest up to shoulders and collar bone, if you are a bloke you can put it all down your ribcage.
Add Lavender oil to boiling water in a bowl , cover your head with a towel over the bowl and inhale through your mouth out through nose.
RE: Phlegmy cough
Hi lyn
thanks for your advice. I will try the deep heat and steaming with lavender oil, but am at a loss as to where I shall find local honey in urban Tottenham. (I haven't even seen any bees and God knows what they'd be feeding on around here!) Actually I didn't know this about local honey being good for allergies; if I find any, there'll be no problem with taking it: I love honey.
I KNOW! I shall ask the local Freecycle group if anyone has any.
Thanks again.
Sunanda xx
RE: Phlegmy cough
I have mentioned this in other posts but you may not have read them so here goes.
I was the sort of person who suffered with colds and coughs all the time and they were seriously bad. I have been in the position where a fit of coughing would wake me at night and be so intense I felt I couldn't carry on.
About 14 years ago I started to take vitamins regularly without fail and I found the colds which led to the coughs were fewer. Even so, when I did get them I was still pretty ill.
Something I did realise I was doing was, what I would term `over coughing` in other words really coughing in the hopes of clearing the phelgm out of my throat. This a couple of years ago, I discovered does not in fact work. I makes the situation worse so now I try to keep the cough low key and believe or not it is better.
As you have the cough already it is always harder to shake off but this is what I do directly I get that nastly feeling that something is going to develop. I immediately take a large dose of Vit C. I take Vit C everyday anyway but will always take extra if something is about to develop. Along with this I eat large amounts of raw garlic. With a bit of luck by the next morning all symptoms have subsided.
This really seems to work I recommend it to everyone.
RE: Phlegmy cough
I am retired 68 year old and living in a small town in the north coast of south America, Santa Marta, by chance, luck some how the answer to cough, gripes, and any respiratory problem is here, there is a plant that I take half of teaspoon in the mornings and that does it keep away any respiratory problem of any kind and you do not catch that anymore and you be as normal as is should be, what I mean this plant some how do not let your body get any respiratory problem and does not have any side effects, interestingly enough is not sold in any store just few people knows about it, people with discipline that take it every morning usually do not have to worry about it
I have been take it for the last 2 years and I feel great and the cost 5 dollars per month
This plant have and other wonderful properties
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RE: Phlegmy cough
Hi Sunanda,
This isn't much help I'm afraid, but get well soon!
What puzzles me is that it can't have begun through dairy or with hay fever since you were in India and have been in 2 different nations ...
My pal developed a dry cough before we met up here and he put it down to Indian big city pollution. How is that where you are now? (HIS solution was the healing ashram - back here in India :D.)
V xxx
RE: Phlegmy cough
Well I'm glad it's not just me!! About 2 weeks ago I thought I was getting a cold and I decided I just didn't have time to be poorly... So I used a remedy that you get over the counter to stop these things in their tracks. I used it for a couple of days then stopped. I developed a sore throat that turned into a phlegmy loose cough. My nose is constantly runny and bunged up anyway since I was a child (doesn't get better when I cut down on dairy products), so my ears, nose and throat have always been my weak points. Anyway, I have been feeling very allergic with itchy nose and throat and eyes that stream for no reason. The cough feels tickly and bothers me most when I get up and getting towards bedtime. One moment I'm fine then I start to cough until I'm almost retching and my eyes stream and I go bright red. It's horrible! My husband is so alarmed when I'm having one of these but doesn't know what to do to help. I have a doctor's appointment at 4.30 as I couldn't stand it any longer. orangeblossom, I have really taken on board your point about over coughing, because I've been trying to expectorate too much I think! Presently I am very hoarse after doing an event at the weekend. There was loud music playing and I was on my feet all day talking (or should I say shouting?) to the public. So, I am feeling rather sorry for myself and know how you much be feeling Sunanda. I am convinced that pollens or some other allergen are at least partly responsible for the way I'm feeling. GRRRRRR and boo!!
Sounds like an allergy to me. I also get that way when I am exposed to what I am allergic to.