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Nasal Polyps

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amy green
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[COLOR="Purple"]Hi - Anyone got some useful advice on how to shrink these (when they get large, e.g. with a cold) without the use of drugs? The cause of mine is genetic (not an allergy) - part of a TB related disorder. The GP has given me a spray which was temporarily effective but - in the long run - not so.

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I was plagued by these for years, and finally had 3 'frozen' from my left nostril during a single ENT appointment - the procedure took about 2 minutes! No polyps reappeared, so I had another group removed from the right side a few months later. So far so good.

amy green
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[COLOR="Purple"]Thanks Jabba - yes I've heard of this procedure but was told the polyps have to be quite small for this procedure. Mine is very large unfortunately. Have had countless operations (previously) - now not really an option since I'm a full-time carer.

Am wondering if a salt water solution, i.e. trying to sniff this upwards would work but have also heard that salt can irritate the lining/aggravate inflammation.

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You can use salt water (recommend unprocessed sea salt, about half a teaspoon in large cup of warm water). If you use it that dilute it should not irritate.
Buteyko believed that polyps were due to overbeathing (same as sinusitis is), and breathing correction can help longer term.Hope this helps.

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Hello Amy, if you use Facebook, there is a useful discussion group of members who suffer from NP, if you search 'Nasal (Sinus) Polyps Support & Discussion Group' on FB this should come up.I have had NP for many years, had ops, steriods (prednisone), and different sprays, currently on Flixonase. Diet and food intolerances can be looked at, allergens etc that may trigger or aggrevate NP's. Hope this may help.

amy green
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[COLOR="Purple"]Thanks for replying Helena. No, I don't belong to facebook and have tried sprays (as mentioned) - temporary relief only. However, perhaps I should look more closely at food intolerances if they aggravate this condition. Thanks. 🙂

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Some people are put on low salicylate diets for nasal polyps (I was told this by someone who has had 16 surgeries so far for nasal polyps). You could look into that, it is in high amounts where you would not expect it.
Breathing normalisation is working well for this person who said the nasal "rattle" subsided quickly when he started to normalise his breathing.

amy green
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[COLOR="Purple"]Thanks for that, Breathing Remedies, I will look into it. 🙂

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Nasal polyps. Don't give up!

Nasal polyps. Don't give up! You can overcome this condition with perseverance and time. This worked for me, hopefully it will for you.

I first developed nasal problems when I was 15yrs old and have had on-going nasal trouble for the past 40 years. The medical profession in the 1970's & 80's just kept prescribing this new magic bullet, antibiotics. I developed asthma in my thirties, this time steroids were prescribed. No one ever discussed my awful high (Scottish) sugar/yeast diet at the time.
This spring (2011) I had really bad Rhinitis with my polyps swelling up causing a blocked, runny nose, headaches, loss of sleep etc. You all know the drill. Medics put me on stronger antibiotics, stronger steroids (spray/drops didn't work) & antihistamines (3rd generation) there was an improvement but polyps came back with a vengeance once the treatment ran it's course.
I had the inevitable operation in July, my fourth. Thank god for the NHS. However my sinuses were still blocked so I was prescribed the usual steroid spray & antihistamines.

Fight back! -
my strategy:
1) I discovered that I had an intolerance to yeast. I waited till my nose had settled down as best it could and mixing bakers yeast into a glass of warm water. I drank it down and waited, it didn't take long, within 1/2 an hour my nose had seized up, was running and I had a sneezing fit with a wheezy chest. Not scientific I know, but good enough for me. So I cut out yeast from my diet. No alcohol, especially beer, wine, cheap white processed bread, cheap pasta, cakes, biscuits etc. Blue vein type cheeses, mushrooms, convenience snacks. No alcohol.
2) cut out E numbers, sulphites & additives. Not as hard as I thought. Avoid brightly coloured artificial looking, highly advertised/promoted foodstuffs. Check the labels anything that sounds like it's from a lab probably is. If in doubt, avoid it, you won't die as a result. No convenience fast food, fizzy drinks, snacks, sweets. Etc.
3) Cut down on sugar. It feeds the over-active yeast in the stomach. I reduced my sugar intake by about 70%. I used the darkest, rawest sugar I could find or honey/maple syrup if I wanted a sweet taste. I did find that over time my craving for sugar decreased. I avoided processed white sugar at all costs. Drank vegetable juice and water only. I found j8 veg juice drink was very good. Dark coloured good quality smoothies as well.
4) Neilmed nasal flush system - a life saver, helps shift that awful thick sticky catarrh without having to blow my nose so hard. It takes up time but stick with it and read the comprehensive instruction book that comes with it. I bought an additional pack and kept it in my car with a thermos of warm water.
5) I avoided coffee, pineapple (found out I was allergic) drank tea with a small amount of dark sugar instead, no milk.
6) control the yeast from your gut. I take pre & probiotic foods, yoghurts, organic no added fruit, I add my own berries/fruit. Dark chocolate min 70%. I eat only sourdough bread.
7. Use natural anti-inflammatory foods. One clove of garlic daily. (Cut it into little fingers and put them inside seeded green olives). 10 mils of cod-liver oil daily, oily fish, vitamin c with zinc daily. Avocado's. Used the Buteyko breathing method, co2 is a natural anti inflammatory. I find it works and it's free.
8. I used anti snoring nose strips, to help me sleep.

It took about 4 months but slowly my sinuses started to clear and I stopped taking the steroids. I cut down dramatically on my inhaler and stopped taking daily antihistamines.

So more than a year later I haven't used steroids. No sign of my polyps coming back, my nose is clear and I can even have a small glass of wine now and again. I can drink vodka & gin in moderation and even a pint of beer occasionally. I only eat sourdough bread. Occasionally I feel my nose itching up and take one antihistamine tablet that soon sorts it out. I’ve lost about a stone in weight as well!

I hope this posting is useful and wish you luck with your self help. Please respond if you have anything you would like to share with me.

amy green
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[COLOR="Green"]Well there are many causes for getting nasal polyps. I agree that with allergy there can be some light at the end of the tunnel.

Unfortunately, I have recently learnt that my recurring nasal polyps are part of the Kartegener's syndrome that I was born with so am stuck for life it seems.

If I knew a way to shrink the damn jelly bags I would be happy - since it gets more problematic having an op to remove them at my age - 63.

ANYONE KNOW WHAT COULD HELP SHRINK NASAL POLYPS? They just seem like gelatinous substance....I thought of salt (e.g. salt solution) to maybe dry them out but that irritates them. (I know that salt removes mucus from handkerchiefs...sorry to leave you with that ghastly image! Think of something pleasant and forget what you just read!)

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There is a place we can get together

Hi guys,

I have been suffering with nasal polyps since 2008! Had one opp to remove them.

but they have returned after about 4-5 months :(.

Still haven't found a cure i guess!

If anyone is interested I have started the first nasal polyp forum! It's for sufferers around the world to get together and bump heads on how to cope and fight with the damn nasal polyps.

<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">
