Hi everyone
I have a cold hovering on the horizon (no runny nose yet and just a hint of a scratchy throat). Unfortunately a cough has set in; it woke me up in the middle of the night and I just lay there coughing away until it occurred to me to use an extra pillow and try to sleep propped up. This morning I had to cancel my yoga class and have been convincing myself that the best thing I can do is precisely nothing!;)
I've just found some coltsfoot and sage tea in the cupboard so am knocking back a cupful of that but I wondered if anyone has any more tips on how I can head this thing off at the pass. (That's presuming I can, perhaps it's just got to run its course.) The cough is not painful yet, just annoying; it's totally dry and unproductive and my chest is just a bit tight. However, at the beginning of July I had a major chest infection that needed antibiotics 😮 and I'm very keen not to have to repeat the experience. Shall I eat? Starve? (Not much appetite actually.)
Luckily at the moment I don't feel too yucky. But it does feel as though this could go either way.
Any advice very welcome. I have to pop out this afternoon so will be able to stock up on remedies if needs be.
Echinacea tincture will help you if you're catching it early.
With colds, you should eat to keep up your energy as your body will need it to help fight off the bugs.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Thanks, Giles. I thought it was 'feed a cold and starve a fever' so I'm going to knock up some lunch now. I knew about Echinacea and should really have bought some a few days ago when I first suspected that something nasty was on the way. I think it's probably too late this time but I'll get some anyway.
Hi Sunanda - sorry to hear the dreaded chest infection/cough/cold is teetering on the horizon again.
My usual advice is to take Vitamn C and zinc both of which boost the immune system. Both Ava and I have made suggestions elsewhere in the forums in the last couple of days. Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance and zinc up to 100mg for three or four days and reduce to 45mg until you are feeling better - normal optimum amount is 25mg. It might also be helpful to take an antioxidant formula that includes bioflavonoids.
I would also add Sambucol, an extract of elderberry, which has been to been shown to be antiviral and is a traditional remedy for coughs and colds.
I would also like to suggest consuming as much fresh multicoloured fruit and vegetables as possible in order to boost phytonutrient and natural enzyme intake. These can be taken as juices, smoothies, salads or lightly steam stir-fried. Try to avoid caffeine and sugar that depress immune function.
Like Giles says - keep up your energy.
My favourite, which I swear by, is raw garlic. I don't listen to the folk who complain about the smell... you are ill... who is wanting to be close to you at the moment?!
I get a clove of garlic, chop it up fine, put it on a tablespoon and drink it down with a bit of water. I take that every 2 hours with 1/2 teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder (vitamin c). I do that during the nasty acute phase. As Caroline says, your bowels will tell you when you're saturated with vitamin c - after that cut back significantly (maybe to twice a day) - with maybe one or two more doses of the garlic. I find garlic most effective if one of your doses is last thing before bed. I've even got up in the middle of the night and gone to the kitchen and chopped raw garlic, when I'm woken up by a cough or congestion. It begins to take effect after 1.5 hours... when you will notice a significant drop in your symptoms.
Mind you, no-one ever listens to my garlic advice. Maybe you will be the first!
Get well soon. x
Now that's a good tip Ava!
I'm taking Ecobalance with spectacular results at the moment and that has garlic and cinnamon in with an excellent probiotic (among other things). So I'm thinking probiotic to boost immune function too - 80% of the immune system is in the gut and it needs support from beneficial bacteria.
I would definitely second the Garlic! Works every time. I would also think about herbs like Verbascum thapsus (Mullein) as it really is an all round supportive lung herb and is a specific for dry un-productive coughs. I often prescribe it for patients when they have a 'bark-like' cough.
The other thing to do if you feel like you're coming down with a cold is warm your body up with herbs - chilli, ginger, cinnamon etc You could make a lovely infusion and drink as a tea or even make a hot and sour soup using chilli, ginger, spring onions, garlic and stock. I sometimes throw a few veggies in too.
Hope you feel better soon,
I would definitely second the Garlic! Works every time.
Ah, Jodie, you share the Garlic Love. x
Mind you, no-one ever listens to my garlic advice. Maybe you will be the first!
I was, Ava! I had a chopped up garlic clove before I went out. It felt strange to tell the truth. I am sure it will work. I also acquired a very interesting cough syrup made up at my local herbalists. It's been decanted for me into a smaller bottle so I don't have all the ingredients but I remember seeing that it contains mullein. I have ginger and chili - will incorporate them into my dinner this evening. While I was out I went a bit silly in the hand made jewellery shop and ended up with two pairs of amethyst in silver ear studs and a heavy silver ring with an oval lavender quartz stone. So I'm definitely being kind to myself!
Honey is a good cough remedy.
having a piece of clear quartz (terminated variety) on your person and under your pillow is great for helping with colds, clearing them and keeping them at bay.
Hope you get better soon.
Honey and fresh lemon in hot water are great for colds and coughs too.
Thanks all for your help. I already take calcium, magnesium and zinc three times a day so just stuck with the normal dose. But guess what? No coughing last night and hardly any throughout the day. I reckon it's the raw garlic clove that's done the trick. Who woulda thunk it? Plus my chest doesn't feel so tight - all in all a job well done!
Woot! [Ava dances around the room!!!] My goodness Sunanda you are the only person (evaaaar) who has taken my raw garlic advice.
Please accept from me.
Ava x
I surprised myself, ava, and I can't say I exactly enjoyed the experience - but certainly something has shifted my cough. I shall try the garlic cure in future, for sure. And you are welcome to quote me to your disbelieving friends.
Excellent news - I'll remember that next time Ava - glad you are feeling better Sunanda!
Thanks, Caroline!
Glad to hear you are feeling better Sunanda. I will keep Ava's garlic cure in mind.
Love and Light
Thanks, Linda.
Hi, I am taking Echinacea tablets (2 a day) for the past couple of days, as I am not sure if I am coming down with a cold or not (parther had his flu jab and he has signs of something!, I cant have flu jab due to ME/CFS), would it be ok to take a zinc/vit c tablet as well? I do eat a lot of fresh fruit and veg.
Generally I take echinacea one a day for 7 days, then nothing for 3 weeks, been doing this for a few months
I also have at times a tightness in my chest (sometimes that happens when the weather gets colder) so are using my asthma inhalers (I dont have bad asthma)
Hi atlanticpearl
"would it be ok to take a zinc/vit c tablet as well?"
I generally take 750mg vitamin on a daily basis. But when I feel a cold coming on I take vitamin C [url]as per above[/url]. I don't normally take zinc for acute illness (unlike garlic and vitamin C) - however Caroline has given her recommendations for taking zinc for a cold ().
Why don't you give the garlic a try? I've described how I take it .
Good luck!
Ava x
Hoho.... I had already tried garlic! But not that much! Every 2 hours, waow!
I usually take it in the morning and at night. I noticed that it gives energy, as a powerful food and not only medicine! I did not used it for cough, but when I was tired by a cold.
For cough, I use Essential oils
I take them the way you take garlic, I swallow with water: eucalyptus radiata, melaleuca viridiflora, and tea tree. I add linalol thyme if I also have a sore throat.
Well, I've admitted defeat: three weeks on from my OP I finally took myself to the GP yesterday and have been given antibiotics again. I don't think I ever really got rid of the chest infection that arrived in early July. I've just thrown in the towel with all the possible alternative remedies. I'm even going to have a flu jab next week. I am sooo lacking in energy, so tired and miserable. Of course it doesn't help that winter has arrived! My appointment with the consultant who deals with my lung complaint is coming up in a couple of weeks and I have a CT scan in the offing. I can't help but think that the condition is getting worse.....Heigh ho.
Hi Sunanda
Please try the garlic alongside your antibiotics - garlic works well with them - and seems to make them more effective. I'd suggest two cloves a day, more if you're keen.
I've had the same thing as you and am fed up. I rarely get colds so it is quite insulting to get two doses within a month. Now that I've shifted it I've now moved towards prevention, and supporting my immunity. I've started my Winter Diet of soups, stews, root vegetables, green leafy vege, legumes, seeds, grains, oily fish, baked fruits. I've increased my daily vitamin C, zinc and probiotics - plus I'm drinking a strong cup of Cat's Claw tea. I now exercise in the evening, rather than the morning. And when the clocks change I'll go to bed at 11pm, and resume sitting in front of my morning and evening.
I hope you knock this thing on the head. But do your complementary treatments alongside your antibiotics. They'll support your general health, which can only be a good thing. Get well soon!
Ava x
p.s. I've just made the most incredible curried chickpea and cauliflower soup, which has lifted my mood no end on this horrible windy Scottish evening. When you are ill, I think it really helps you constitutionally to eat nutritious soups and stews.
I also do the garlic thing.
Another thing for coughing at night and it does seem to work as whacky as it sounds.
Vic Vapour Rub on the soles of your feet. Rub well in if not 100% effective it definitely seems to do some good.
Well, I've admitted defeat: three weeks on from my OP I finally took myself to the GP yesterday and have been given antibiotics again. I don't think I ever really got rid of the chest infection that arrived in early July. I've just thrown in the towel with all the possible alternative remedies. I'm even going to have a flu jab next week. I am sooo lacking in energy, so tired and miserable. Of course it doesn't help that winter has arrived! My appointment with the consultant who deals with my lung complaint is coming up in a couple of weeks and I have a CT scan in the offing. I can't help but think that the condition is getting worse.....Heigh ho.
Hi Sunanda
Sorry to hear you are still struggling with the cough and feeling so lacking energy. I am sure you are doing the right thing seeing the GP about it. While there, please ask whether it is a good idea to have the flu jab while you are struggling with this cough. The immune system may already have enough on its hands! At least the CT scan will help show what's going on.
Unfortunately because we cannot see you personally we can only make suggestions here.
Did you try vitamin C to tolerance - ie until the bowels are loose? then reducing by 500 mg? Vitamin C is antiviral at high doses. You need to take 1gm 2 hourly until that happens. [url]See here[/url]. Then continue until the symptoms subside.
With diet I would suggest sprouted seeds to get all the fresh enzymes and other nutrients - you can get them from H & B, but you can also sprout your own - see .
Ava's suggestion of nice warming soups is great. Spices in the curry can be helpful too to boost the immune system.
As far as the cough is concerned, have you tried a steam inhalation - with essential oil of eucalyptus/tea tree with lavender or lemon?
Do hope you get on top of this soon!
Sunanda, since September, you never told us that your cough had changed, and it was a DRY cough! OK, you might ALSO have an infection...
I tell you MY experience: I also have a dry cough that seems to be linked to colds, just because the cup is full, but actually, this comes from the atlas in my neck! And this is common... Some people will feel it all the time, and others will get the cough only when something else shows up.
You will also find logical that, when coughing a lot, this irritates the throat, and this helps some bacteria or virus to settle there!
I got the idea for you because you said it started at night. That's some of the signs! For some persons, another sign is coughing and at the same time feeling about to vomit, or with stomach spasms.
Sorry Frans, I didn't want to keep banging on about it. In fact, the cough stopped being dry after I ate the garlic clove. But then it came back as a phlegmy cough, along with a cold. So I thought it would clear itself up. It didn't hurt and it wasn't just at night...but it went on and on and on.
Caroline, the GP specified that I'm not to have the flu jab until the cough has cleared up. Honestly, I have to admit that you're all being so kind it's making me feel a bit weepy. doh! I am so grateful for all your ideas and suggestions and I know I should be following them, but I just feel so defeated that I can't get anything together, even though it's logical that I should help myself by doing so. Basically I just want to curl up in a hole and hibernate! This sounds so pathetic I'm cross with myself for writing it but I'm going to hit the post button before I change my mind. Then I'm going to turn off the computer for the rest of the evening. Thank you all so much.
Sunanda, you are a super member and a super poster! We all do the same here, we share OUR experience, and we never know who's got the best clue. It's up to the receiver to decide.... We know what we've tried before, and you know yourself.
I personally use Essential Oils for any cold or cough. No dairy and no sugar at all until it is over. And rest. We should hibernate... shouldn't we?
BIG :hug: hugs, Sananda! Hope you feel a bit better in the morning!