I have stumbled across this forum as I really do need to speak and share my feelings with someone. On 2 April 2007 I was involved in a Car Accident in the USA (Truck ran into the back oof us whilst waiting at a set of lights). At the time I thought nothing of it, but did state to the insurerers that I was sore down my right neck, shoulder and rib cage but thought nothing of it. I flew back home and on 13th April I was at work and had a nasty stabbing pain in my right collar bone area and thorac area and also short of breath. I panic and ended up in the ladies toilets crying and trying to breath. I was taken to hospital and discovered my lung had collapsed and wsa totally devastated, my friend from work was a star and held my hand all the time, I did not know what was happening all I knew was it was serious. I then had to have a chest drain put in, but was not anaethatised enough and I felt it all and screamed in pain, but my eyes were shut I cannot tell you how painful it was. Next thing I woke up in a ward half dressed, not knowing where I was on my own (my family live 200 miles away). I was in hospital for 8 days, the drain came out and was sent home, I didn;t know what to do, what to look for, further symptoms, eating wise, health wise I just was out on a limb on my own.
11 days later I woke in the morning and felt a pain in my chest again but not short of breath, I called my friend and she came over, I cried as I was afraid, we called the ambulance and I was taken back to hospital and again my lung had collapsed but only slightly (partial). I was devastated and creid again to the consultant and begged him not to hurt me, he said he would not and next I remember asking him when he was going to put the drain in and he said he had done it, I was happy (ish). It was then discovered there was too much drain in my chest, so it had to be partially removed, a Junior Doctor came and removed it without sedation and I screamed the place down in pain. Again I was in hospital for 7 days and alo suffered from a bought of sickness so did not eat for 4 days, I was so down an upset and exhausted.
I have been out now 4 days and my mum is with me but I still have this terrible fear of it happening again, I keep having twinges, I keep having sort of the odd burst of an intake of breath, I do not know what to expect, how to get better, how to avoid getting it again, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling wondering if its going to happen any moment. I know my only resort is keyhole surgery which will happen in the next three months and I am petrified. I have ALWAYS been fit, I have always eaten healthy and I own horses and ride every day and now its all gone!
Please help
RE: Collapsed Lung
hi yorkshiregirl
i too have had a similar experience but mine was after my hysterectomy operation on may 1st. i awoke from the op only to be told that my right lung had collapsed and that i needed a chest drain inserted. oh my god i have not known pain like it in my life. i would rather give birth to an elephant! i was admitted to the high dependancy unit for three days before being sent to the normal ward were i was in for another 4 days. it is an experience that i never want to repeat so i can really sympathise with you having to go through it twice. i do hope that you are feeling better and that you do not have to have it done again. the reason i was looking on this site is that for a couple of days i have had pain under my right collar bone when i breathe in plus i hve had shortness of breath and was wondering if this was connected to the lung collapse. i will wait and see if it gets any worse over the weekend if not will return to my gp after the bank holiday.
hope you are soon 100 percent.
RE: Collapsed Lung
Sorry for the reply, I have emailed you privately, my PC was not working
Ok, if you have a shortness of breath and its sore or painful, get back to the hospital straight away.
I have pain under my collarbone, and also at the back near my shoulderblade and I am assuming its just part of the healing process? Although no one has told me anything, hence my post here?
I do have a slight shortness of breath, I have a suspicion again that this is hear to stay, I just don't push myself and take things each day as they come.
I had two episodes, one on 13th April and the 2nd on 7th May and have two lovely scars in my ribcage to the right. It is still very sore, and my right breast is very tender and its difficult to wear a bra.
I also have this annoying sharp intake of breath which I cannot control I am hoping it goes but again not sure if this is part of the whole thing
Hope you get well soon.