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Chest infection

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Just before Christmas I started with a chest infection. I have asthma so I am prone to chest infections. At the same time I started with a bad shoulder pain, which felt like toothache. I tried all types of natural therapy such as high doses of vitamin c, 3000mg per day. Garlic supplements, high doses, and also went to see my gp, who gave me antibiotics. She also said that the pain could be an infection in my lungs. I had to go back to my gp a week later and gave me a stronger antibiotic. My breathing has now improved, and the pain is a little better. I am trying to get natural ways to improve my immune system when I finnish the course of antibiotics.

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If it helps, in this thread:

... only starting in post #23 I realised I had a chest infection, and there's advice from various people after that.

All the best,


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Thanks for your reply. It is interesting to know that vitamin D3 may help.

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I would say it's not so much that vitamin D may help, it's more that a deficiency plays havoc with the immune system. And deficient you are, if you live in Britain and aren't taking active steps to do something about it.

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Dear Michael

Another approach is to help strengthen your lungs. I have had a number of chest problems over the years, and I know how debilitating they are.

First of all, get plenty of fresh air - go for short walks in the middle of the day when there is proper daylight. This helps boost immunity in general as well as helping improve lung capacity. Your body can only 'manufacture' vitamin D if you get sufficient daylight, and in our climate this is difficult in the winter months. Make a real effort to get out whenever you can, and when you feel well enough, walk briskly and try climbing a hill or two. Let your fitness and your lung capacity build up again gradually.

Secondly, try some 'yogic' techniques to help improve your intake of pure air. Lie down in a relaxed position and breathe slowly into the diaphragm. Take the air right down, hold for a second, then breathe out slowly. Imagine a white light coming into your respiratory system as you breathe in, beaming down into the lungs, strengthening and healing them. As you breathe out, visualise the toxins and stale aire leaving the lungs, cleansing the whole body. Thank your lungs, your bronchi, your whole respiratory system for working to their optimum capacity. When you do this, make sure you won't be disturbed - and open a window!

I always find essential oils helpful for any condition. Try putting a couple of drops of lavender oil in your bath, or pop some eucalyptus oil in a diffuser or burner.

Remember to keep a good balance in your diet - sometimes supplementing one 'lacking' vitamin or mineral can create an imbalance elsewhere. Focus on eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. And get some sunshine - when you can.

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Thank you for your information, it is difficult this time of year to get out when the weather is so bad. I am sorry to say that after my second lot of antibiotics I notice my mucas is still green. So it would seem that I still have infection. I dont know if to go back and see my GP, I am embarresed to go back, I have been so many times{ sorry about spelling}. I am still looking for some alternative therapy that may cure the infection. The other night I had been coughing during the night , and had been very wheezy. When I got up I noticed the sheets of the bed had marks of black on it. I dont know if this may have been blood.

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Hi Michael

I'd go back to the GP now - take with you a sample of your sputum (a clean jam jar or similar will do, or even a tissue) and show him. It can be tested for blood there and then, or sent off to the lab. You've obviously had a type of antibiotic that is ineffective. Ask him for something different. A list of your symptoms on paper to hand to him wouldn't go amiss - it's so easy to forget them when you are being seen.

You will need the support of a good probiotic - 20-80 billion bacteria - from the chiller cabinet of a healthfood shop. You will need at least a couple of months of those to repopulate your gut. These bacteria support your immune system, as well as many other jobs, including crowding out pathogens, helping digest food better (so you can absorb it better), and producing some vitamins. They are vital to health and get knocked out by antibiotics.

You will also need a quality multivitamin/multimineral product, again from the healthfood shop - not cheapos from the chemist or supermarket. It should contain at least 50mg each of the B vitamins (mcg of B12) which are depleted rapidly when infection is present.

I would take 1000mg vitamin C with zinc three times a day to help support immune function. I'd also get some vitamin D3 drops and take 5000 iu daily.

Unless you are eating at least 3 portions of oily fish per week then fish or krill oil, 2-3 capsules to help reduce inflammation and support immune function.

And, I'd be taking Cat's Claw (an Amazonian herb) which is immune-boosting.

As far as food is concerned - a wholefood diet - no premade, processed foods. Lots of fruit and veg, lean meat (not too much) and oily fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring), and not too much complex carbohydrates (ie no white flour, bread, pasta or rice - wholemeal only). Some of the fruit and veg should be raw - eg made into smoothies or juice, or salad. Nuts and seeds are helpful especially sprouted seeds and legumes - the sprouting process releases nutrients and enzymes - eat raw. Fresh garlic daily is good too - eat parsley if smell is a problem - capsules may be ineffective. Remember to drink plenty of water - 8 glasses a day sipped between meals to help flush out toxins and support metabolic processes in the body. Can be taken as teas - like ginger tea, lemon, spice, Rooibos, herb teas, etc.

Eucalyptus or olbas oil in a diffuser would help with breathing - or put into a bowl of boiling water and breathed as steam under a towel can be very helpful in releasing chesty contents. Old fashioned way I know!

Hope you start to feel better soon.

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Thank you Caroline. I am taking 1000mg of vitamin c per day. At one stage 4grams per day. I am also taking a probiotic 1 billion active cultures, with bifidus digestive care. [/IAlso Omega 3 fish oil 2x 1000mg and 2x 1000mg of garlic oil. However I will try to take what you have advised. Thanks once again for your advice.

New Age London
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Hi Michael,

I am not a nutritionist or herbalist but have smokers lung and therefore am prone to chest infections, so I have found some excellent natural alternatives to antibiotics for when I need more than the doc can give. The two main ones I use are oregano oil and olive lesf oil. Both of these are god for bacteria and fungi Sometimes, I use colloidal silver, but I use it only if I need to, as there is that scare that it can turn your skin blue.

I hope this helps.

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I would be interested in these two remedies. How are oregano oil and olive leaf oil taken. Do you know if they are available in health food shops?

Kind regards

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give herbs a go !

I find Thymus vulgaris particularly useful in chest infections. You can make a thyme and liquorice syrup, I throw in elderberries too, bliss ! or take it as a tea three times a day.

Many other herbs are most useful but better seek the advice of an experienced medical herbalist

Hope it helps

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Chest infections

As one person has mentioned a good herbal remedy really sorts it and reflexology was incredibly helpful for me... Maybe even try working on the reflexology point yourself... You can stand on a tennis ball or smooth stone to ease it out. It's really's worth giving it a try 🙂

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Chest infections

As one person has mentioned a good herbal remedy really sorts it and reflexology was incredibly helpful for me... Maybe even try working on the reflexology point yourself... You can stand on a tennis ball or smooth stone to ease it out. It's really's worth giving it a try 🙂

Since we last spoke I have had many chest infections, and my breathing is bad, lots of anti-biotics, I am now on a strong one called Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day for ten days. It seems to be drying it up, but still out of breath. I use vitamin c lots to try and boost my immune system. The chest infections are always in the winter months, so climate has lots to do with it. My chest consultant said it is vital that I exercise once a day, that is the most important thing. I think i mentioned that I have a condition known as bronchiectasis, which is much like copd so is with me for the rest of my life.

New Age London
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Since we last spoke I have had many chest infections, and my breathing is bad, lots of anti-biotics, I am now on a strong one called Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day for ten days. It seems to be drying it up, but still out of breath. I use vitamin c lots to try and boost my immune system. The chest infections are always in the winter months, so climate has lots to do with it. My chest consultant said it is vital that I exercise once a day, that is the most important thing. I think i mentioned that I have a condition known as bronchiectasis, which is much like copd so is with me for the rest of my life.

It is not a nice condition. It mens the tube/s too lax at some points, so you cannot get rid of infections easily on your own. Feel free to email or pm me or details of my personal blog, where I record my self-treatments for copd. I know that even feeling 10 percent better can make a huge difference in quality of life.

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Try making tea from wild garlic. I'm asthmatic and have to be careful if I get a cold as it usually leads to a cough, then onto my chest and then asthma and sometimes infection. I drink three cups a day for three days and it really seems to help stop it all developing too far.

My local health shop also recommended Ivy Thyme tincture
