My daughter, aged, 35, has suffered from asthma most of her life plus she has epilepsy. About 4 years ago, she developed blood clots in her lungs - seemed to me there was a lot of them. She was on morphine and blood thinners at that time and in hospital for about 2 months. She's been on blood thinners ever since.
This morning she awoke in great pain and felt unable to breath properly. She recognized it immediately and got herself to hospital.
They did some tests and yes, the clots are back so she's back at the hospital, back to square one...
In the last xrays they did of her lungs, about a third of one lung shows up black.
Has anyone here experienced blood clots in the lungs? I don't really know what I am asking. All I know is - I don't know what to do or what to expect.
How can this have gone on so long? Surely taking blood thinners for this length of time cannot be good for her...!?
RE: Blood clots in lungs...
Hi Tema,
Black on x-ray is good, and show air. The lung fields are outlined by the ribs, top and sides, and diaphragm beneath, and oesophagus, and trachea (wind pipe) in the middle. These show up white. Essentially black shows air, white shows solid, or liquid. Depending on the pattern of any whiteness in the lung, this can show fluid, or infection (as lives in fluid).
Unless you are experienced at reading an x-ray, there is absolutely no way to identify a blood clot in the lung on a plain chest x-ray, as it would show up as only a very, very small white area in the larger blood vessels of the lungs, generally close to the centre of the x-ray around the heart area.
The only definitive test for blood clots in the lungs (Pulmonary Emboli) is a specifically enhanced CT scan, not an x-ray.
Having said this, previous history of clots increases the risk, and medically speaking I am sure her doctors will be advising that she stay on warfarin ("blood thinners" - although it dissolves blood clots and prevents new ones forming rather than thinning the blood) for life.Warfarin (or suitable alternatives) are very widely used, and providing she has regular blood tests to keep an eye on how fast her blood is clotting, as I'm sure she would have had last time, is a very 'safe' drug to be taking, including long term.
I would expect that if thediagnosis of another PE is confirmed, then she will be in hospital for at least 1 week whilst she is re-started on the warfarin, and is clinically better. (possibly 2 weeks).
On the other hand you may wish to look up the properties of helichrysm essential oil, clove, nutmeg, lemon, orange or grapefruit. (Personally I would go with Helichrysm). Further information on these oils can be found at [link= http://www.essentialhealthandwellnesscentre.com ]www.essentialhealthandwellnesscentre.com[/link] .All these oils are available from that site via[link= http://www.youngliving.com ]www.youngliving.com[/link] as pure therapeutic grade oils (look for an ISO number on the label for tracability).
PS - Wishyour daughter a speedy recovery.
RE: Blood clots in lungs...
Dear Mark,
Thank you so much for your reply... I especially appreciate you telling me what black means on a lung Xray. I'm sure what happened is my daughter probably saw the xray and assumed something. I shall tell her it isn't bad news after all... much relieved to hear it, I can tell you.
She is on warfarin and has been since her first blood clots appeared. The trouble they've been having with it is that she never seems to be on the right dosage. It's either too high or too low, it seems to me. She gets some pretty big bruises all over her body at time.
The blood clots have never gone away. They are still there, evidently. What happened this time was that her blood got too 'thick' and caused her some problems. She is home now but I never know for how long. I have no idea if she is taking her meds properly either.
My daughter says her teeth are rotting in her mouth because the dentist refuses to do any work on them as long as she is on blood thinners. Do you know if this is common?
Thank you so much for your kindness in replying and for your good wishes.
RE: Blood clots in lungs...
my MIL is on warfarin for sometime now, and will be for the rest of her life. She has blood tests all the time - and her dosage changed where necessary.
She also bruises easily - I believe it is a sympton of the warfarin.
Keeping you and your daughter in my thoughts.
RE: Blood clots in lungs...
Thank you, Annie, for your input.
Does your MIL know why she has blood clots? That is the puzzling question as far as I'm concerned. They treat them by giving them a drug, thereby thinning it out so the clots won't form but no one tells me what has caused them in the first place...
Perhaps they don't know... [&o]
In any case, the warfarin certainly didn't make the clots go away for my daughter. Is it doing that for your MIL?
RE: Blood clots in lungs...
No, she doesnt suffer from blood clots - she has had one of her valves replaced in her heart and will be having the other done sometime in the future.
She had the first one done 7 years ago - and has been on warfarin ever since.
Sorry i cant be of more help,